Yang Xuan sighed that Pangu Axe’s control of the body is far sharper than his personal control.

This is not to say that he is not strong enough, but that the cultivation realm is too low to exert the full power of within the body.

“Cultivation hard, your future achievements will never be less than my master Pangu.”

Pangu Axe spiritually, and then Yang Xuan felt a sharp pain in the eyebrows, as if there was some horror The strength of is gathering.

next moment, a closed vertical eye in the center of his forehead suddenly opened, and a huge silver moon appeared in the sky.

“Reincarnation of the sky, burn!”

All of this was led by the Pangu Axe spirit. I saw the huge silver moon suddenly burst into bright light, and hundreds of millions of flames fell from it.

That is the white flame, the flame completely condensed by Samsara Power.

This is the so-called Reincarnation Amaterasu. This technique is the highest secret technique of reincarnation. It can’t be performed absolutely by Yang Xuan.

In fact, it was just a drop of chaotic divine liquid that was taken. His fleshy body could barely withstand the full power of reincarnation and issue this strongest secret technique. Otherwise, even if Pangu Axe’s spirit is strong, it would be difficult to use it. This technique.

Once the force is used, Yang Xuan’s body will fly ash annihilation in an instant.

“Ah, this is the fire of reincarnation, the fire of reincarnation that burns everything!”

The Netherworld God screamed, shrouded by countless white flames, burning the Primordial Spirit crazily.

“Will this continue to burn him to ashes?”

Yang Xuan asked secretly.

“Don’t worry, he will not die. The fire of reincarnation will only burn out his Spiritual Imprint, while his Primordial Spirit and Divine Spark will remain intact.”

While Pangu Axe spoke, the Netherworld God also gradually fell silent, leaving only a human-sized phantom Primordial Spirit and a fist sized crystal, quietly suspended in midair.

“Divine Spark!”

Yang Xuan stared at the crystal and swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

“The Primordial Spirit belongs to me, and the Divine Spark belongs to you.”

Pangu Axe Ling said, and immediately left Yang Xuan’s body, without the slightest hesitation’s mouth, the Dao Void The phantom Primordial Spirit sucked into his mouth.

“Boy, I’m going to fall asleep. Until I wake up, you will have to live well.”

“How much time does it take to refining this Primordial Spirit?”

“I don’t know, maybe ten years, maybe a hundred years, or even longer. In short, you must keep a low profile during my sleep period.”

“Junior understands.”

“Well, go to refining Divine Spark to crystallize and let it completely blend into your Divine Soul.”

“There is no danger, right?”

“Of course not, It’s just a little bit of pain, you should be able to bear it, and when you refining this Divine Spark crystal, you will understand the magical effect of Divine Spark.”

“Okay, Junior, this will refining it.”

As the Pangu Axe spirit disappeared, Yang Xuan also took the Divine Spark crystal not far away in his hand and started refining.

Everything went well. Although there was some pain during the period, Yang Xuan could not be troubled. He completed the refining in a short time, letting this Divine Spark crystal and his Divine Soul merge into one, regardless of each other.

Chapter 1200 Lord of Demon Realm

“It turns out that this is the so-called Divine Spark.”

Yang Xuan sits cross-legged, looking inside Sea of ​​Consciousness Divine Soul, looking at the crystals suspended in the depths of Divine Soul.

Yomo has a big fist and an irregular diamond shape. The whole body exudes a mysterious power. This power is tempering Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul all the time, making his Divine Soul grow and become More powerful and transparent.

In the past, Yang Xuan could only see the surface of a stone, now he can see through the internal structure of this stone at a glance, even if it is some insignificant lines, he can see No more, clear as a flame.

This is the benefit brought by Divine Spark and the key to becoming a god by the cultivator. Without Divine Spark, it means that you cannot become a god. God and Immortal is one majoring in Primordial Spirit and the other is both cultivation fleshy body and cultivation Primordial Spirit.

The two have both similarities and differences. Generally speaking, a cultivator who specializes in Primordial Spirit is more likely to condense its Divine Spark. Of course, this also requires great opportunities and costs. a month of Sundays.

For example, the crystallization of Yang Xuan Divine Soul is the result of the long years of Netherworld God cultivated. Although it is not complete now, it is also of great help to Yang Xuan.

The cultivator values ​​luck, and Yang Xuan’s luck seems to be really good. First, he was recognized by Pangu Axe, and now he has successfully obtained Divine Spark.

Although this is not a complete Divine Spark, it is also a great harvest. Just imagine that this incomplete Avatar Divine Spark is so powerful. If it is a complete Divine Spark, he is afraid that he can become a god in an instant.

Divine Spark, to put it bluntly, is a kind of spiritual element. Since the birth of all things, Divine Soul has a certain spiritual element, but some can be developed and displayed, and some until the death of old age. Unable to develop it.

Divine Soul is the most mysterious existence of living beings. It has endless potential. When Divine Soul is strong to a certain level, it can crystallize certain spiritual elements, so that you can have a foreboding of everything, know in advance, have All kinds of mysterious Divine Ability.

It can be said that once Divine Spark is formed, it will only become stronger and stronger, and will not disappear over time.

“Dark Element, this obviously represents the Divine Spark of darkness!”

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