Kitamiya’s eyes are bright, but I really want to see the immortal world, the name of the immortal world is well known, but Kitamiya is in the Heavenspan world until now. Get the opportunity to enter the world of immortality.

“Well, you siblings can go with me.” Yang Xuan said.

“The subordinates are also willing to accompany the Demon Lord to the immortal world.”

The crazy ape is busy.

“Don’t worry, I will take you there.”

Yang Xuan laughed and said: “As for the others, all enter Heavenspan Pagoda and wait for my summon.”

After all, the dark Demon Realm was migrated to Heavenspan Pagoda, making it a part of Heavenspan.

Heavenspan Pagoda has a huge space, enough to accommodate the dark Demon Realm. Inside, the dark Demon Realm is just a single world, and there will be no intersection with the aboriginal people of the Heavenspan world.

It didn’t take much time. After the purple clothed, Jian Wuming and the others came back to his senses, and they realized that they had returned to the immortal world.

Many days ago, they entered the dark Demon Realm through the river of darkness, but when they came back, the river of darkness under them was completely dry.


“I’m back, it’s Yang Xuan!”

“hmph, it’s fine if you don’t die.”

“haha , Good person doesn’t live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years, I know that this smelly brat will be fine.”

Outside the Darkness River, Yan Ruyue, Yi Qingwu, Tuoba Yun, Sikongao, Barbarian and the others have been waiting for this, and when they saw Yang Xuan appear, their hearts were slightly relaxed.

Although Yi Qingwu, Tuobayun has no good words, but for a long time it is inevitable to worry about Yang Xuan’s safety.

“Xiaoyue’er, I haven’t seen you for many days, but miss me?”

Yang Xuan saw every acquaintance with a bright smile on his face. Coming to Yan Ruyue, she hugged her tightly.

“So many people are watching, don’t make your hands and feet.” Yan Ruyue’s pretty face was hot and behaving unnaturally.

“Yes, I will listen to you.”

Yang Xuan stopped moving, and asked casually: “How long have I been there?”

“It’s been several decades. If you don’t show up again, I don’t know what to do.” Yan Ruyue said lightly, tears faintly in her eyes.

“It’s been so long!?” Yang Xuan looked at other people, and quickly got the same answer.

“Just come back, just come back, you brat is very lucky, even the Palace Lord of the Temple of Destiny is shocked, frankly you can’t die, you can get great good fortune by this. “

Tuobayun drwsily said.

“Palace Lord of the Temple of Destiny!” Yang Xuan whispered. The Palace Lord of the Temple of Destiny has always been mysterious, he has never seen it, and this person is also very curious.

At this moment, a black clothed old man broke through the air, not the Palace Lord of Yan Luo Temple, who is Wen Taishi?

Chapter 1202 Palace Lord


Yang Xuan bowed.

“No need to be polite.”

Wen Taishi smiled and waved his hand.

This is for Yang Xuan. When he is someone else, he has always been a reserved existence. The dignified Yan Luodian Palace Lord was originally a serious person, and only Yang Xuan can make him look different.

Yang Xuan respects Wen Taishi very much.

The two are the same Demon Race and have the same bloodline. Therefore, when Taishi first saw him, he took special care of him and regarded him as his own.

“Senior I trust you have been well since we last met?”

Yang Xuan asked with a smile.

“You should eat, you should he he, everything is business as usual, but the cultivation base until now is stagnant.”

Wen Taishi said.

“Transcendent Realm is not an easy task. Junior firmly believes that Senior can take that step one day.”

Wen Tai Shi Nai Hua Dao Realm powerhouse, wants to achieve Transcendent Realm more What is needed more is perception, which often takes a long time.

“Don’t talk about me, talk about you!”

Wen Taishi shook his head and looked up and down Yang Xuan, the more he looked at him, the more surprised he became.

Before this young man left the Destiny City and went to the dark Demon Realm, he was merely a trifling divine force peak cultivation base. However, after several decades have passed, he has successfully reached the Supreme Realm at this moment.

Divine force to the supreme, it seems that there is only one great realm, but it is a huge difficulty for the cultivator in the world.

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