Some people cannot break through the bottleneck smoothly even if they devote themselves to cultivation for a lifetime.

The cultivation base is second. What moved Wen Taishi the most was that Yang Xuan within the body was dormant with a huge and majestic force. That kind of power would not move, and if it was moving, it would destroy heaven extinguishing earth, so that Wen Taishi was dormant. Unable to calm down.

“This trip is a long story. Senior, please listen to me slowly.” Yang Xuan said.

“No hurry, speak slowly.”

Wen Taishi laughed, and Yang Xuan found two open spaces to sit down and chat, when he heard Yang Xuan refining Heavenspan Pagoda With the approval of Pangu Axe Ling, Wen Taishi couldn’t help feeling deeply shocked.

For a long time, he came back to his senses, looked at Yang Xuan with emotion, and said, “Heavenspan Pagoda, Pangu Axe, these are the unique and unmatched Supreme Treasures in the world. One of them is already It’s a great blessing, but you got two things, which is really enviable.”

“Luck, good luck.”

“This is not just luck. It’s that you are good enough.”

“Senior is overwhelmed. There are not many people in the world who are better than me, but there are definitely many.”

“Oh, can you It’s not bad to have this insight.”

“Don’t hide Senior, Junior is coming back this time for the destiny Martial Spirit. I wonder if there is it in the Destiny Temple?”

” To fate Martial Spirit, you have to pass the test of the Palace Lord. It just so happens that the Palace Lord is now out of the customs and is about to summon you.”

Wen Taishi put a smile away, and said with a serious face: “Fate Martial Spirit is of great importance to the Temple of Destiny. If you go to meet the Palace Lord, I can’t guarantee that you will get the Martial Spirit of Destiny.”

paused, and said: “And, Martial Spirit of Destiny It’s extraordinary, it’s not so easy to refining, forcibly refining, and even life is in danger, so you have to think about it.”

“Junior has been thinking about fate very early in the morning. Martial Spirit is bound to win.”

Yang Xuan said solemnly.

“In that case, I will take you to see the Palace Lord.”

Wen Tai Shidao.


Yang Xuan nodded, and then facing Yan Ruyue not far away, Barbarians, Sikongao, Ditian, Feixuan, Nangong Bingyue, Tuobayun , Ding Mansha and the others exhorted a few words, and then followed Wen Taishi, and flew towards the Temple of Destiny.


The Temple of Destiny, located in the Central Zone of the City of Destiny, is a magnificent and solemn ancient palace, guarded by countless well-trained and powerful puppet soldiers inside and outside the palace. , No one dared to try to get close.

“It’s Yang Xuan, he actually came back.”

“What, didn’t he go to the dark Demon Realm? Dark Demon Realm is full of dark beasts, it is said There are also Demon Sovereign, Demon Emperor, and countless cruel and bloodthirsty Fiend. How did he come back alive?”

“Virtuous Achievement Stone Tablet Number One Person, how easy is it to fall? You Look at the life fire on his head, it burned half the sky.”

“terrifying, what a terrifying sight this is, what did he do in the dark Demon Realm, the life number is at least thousands of us Tens of thousands of times, it’s incalculable at all.”

Along the way, many people in the city are pointing fingers at Yang Xuan passing by from above. In the decades since Yang Xuan left the City of Destiny, there have been people every year because of When the number of lives was exhausted, the Fire of Life went out and died. Some people had accumulated a lot of lives because of many tasks, and the life fire above their heads was extremely strong.

But even so, no one can surpass Yang Xuan. Yang Xuan has always been at the top of the Virtuous Achievement Stone Tablet list. His fate can be seen at the beginning, but gradually disappeared completely. Now, there is only one brilliant name left, above the highest point.

“Fate decides everything. It is also the main reason the Palace Lord summoned you. You are qualified to learn some secrets.”

Wen Taishi whispered to Yang Xuan.


Yang Xuan raised his brows, and suddenly felt that he was going to the Destiny Temple to meet the Palace Lord of Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail , I am afraid there will be some twists and turns.

“Don’t worry, this matter is related to the Martial Spirit of Destiny and the prosperity of the immortal world. You only need to do your best. Even if you can’t pass the test of the Palace Lord, the Temple of Destiny will never be embarrassed. You.”

“Junior knows, I will do my best to complete the test now.”

“It’s the same sentence, just do your best.”

” en. ”

Between speaking, the two have arrived at the Temple of Destiny, and no one inside or outside the temple stops them. Yang Xuan soon came to a secret room deep in the Temple under the guidance of Wen Taishi. among.

The secret room is not big. There is only one white haired old man with both eyes slightly closed in the front, sitting on a quaint futon.

“Palace Lord, Yang Xuan has been brought here.”

Wen Taishi gave a salute to the old man and said.

“Okay, you go down, I want to talk to this little friend Yang Xuan alone.”

old man eyes slowly opened, it is a pair of seemingly muddy but full With the eyes of strange magic power, like a eye can see through the minds of the world.

Yang Xuan’s brain shook. The origin of Nine Realms, the power of Netherworld River and Samsara Power were automatically activated. Only then did he feel better. If so, his heart is still difficult to calm. This old man wants to be the temple of destiny. Palace Lord, really powerful terrifying.

If he hadn’t relied on him, I was afraid that he would really be seen inside and out.

“Very well, you are the first young man who can’t even see through.”

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