“You don’t seem to believe it?”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, with no expression on his face.

Nine Nether Immortal Emperor coldly said: “Nine Nether Immortal Emperor coldly said: “Nonsense, what means just use it, this emperor depends on what you rely on to make you so confident?”

” I’m not at all by any means, but if you force body possession of me, you will be killed.”

Yang Xuan said.

“haha, killing? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous? What do you use to kill me, this emperor’s Remnant Soul Undying and Inextinguishable, as long as I don’t get out of here, no one can ever Kill me.”

Nine Nether Immortal Emperor extremely angry laughed back, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

Yang Xuan suddenly said: “so that’s how it is, this space seems to be a treasure, so that the power of the river of destiny cannot penetrate.”

” This is the Life-Source Magical Treasure Void Disk that the emperor spent his entire life trying to refine with chaotic divine gold. It self becomes a space and can isolate external forces from entering. As long as I stay here, it is better than Great Saint The existence of level, don’t want to easily break it from the outside.”

“So, I can’t get out anymore?”

“Of course you can go out, as long as you are happy, Accepting my Remnant Soul, I can use your complete Divine Soul to get out of this damn river of fate in one fell swoop.”

“Even if you go out, you will die.”


“It’s ridiculous, who can kill me?”

“Eternal Life Palace should have heard of it, and the temple spirit of this palace can kill you.”

“Damn, you were sent by the Eternal Life Palace Temple Spirit. He sent you to activate the legendary Wheel of Fate?”

“What is the Wheel of Fate?”

” The Wheel of Fate is the original core of the river of fate. Once the gear of fate is activated, the river of fate will fully recover. When the time comes, all spirits will not enter the reincarnation after death.”

“No Where will the reincarnation go?”

“Where else can I go? Of course it is crushed and wiped out by the gears of fate, forever unable to reincarnate.”

“Reincarnate What is the relationship with destiny?”

“If reincarnation is the earth, then destiny is the sky. No matter how big the earth is, it will always be shrouded by the sky. To put it simply, reincarnation is the place for future generations to reincarnate. The one Law order was created to defying heaven changing fate, which naturally runs counter to the rule of fate.”

“Many thanks, you can now body possession me.”

“You really are so confident?”

“I can’t say that I am confident, but do I have other choices now?”

Far from being an opponent of Nine Nether Immortal Emperor, all Yang Xuan can do is stay here quietly.


Although Nine Nether Immortal Emperor had doubts, he never thought about giving up. This was an opportunity he waited for countless years and missed it. With the second chance, there may be no possibility of rebirth in this life.

An Undying Immortal Pill made his Remnant Soul immortal after death, but it also made his Remnant Soul lose the qualification of cultivation.

Remnant Soul cultivation produces a complete Divine Soul. This is an extremely difficult thing. Besides, this is still the river of destiny, and destiny forbids him to do so.

Human death cannot be resurrected. This is the destiny, and the destiny cannot be violated. The offender will be condemned by the gods. Even if he really relies on his own cultivation to create a complete Divine Soul, once out of the void, Divine Soul will also be Swallowed by the torrent of destiny, completely wiped out.

However, Yang Xuan is different. His ability to get here is an incredible thing in itself, and it is clear that Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul can withstand the erosion of the River of Destiny.

This is very important, and it is also the fundamental reason why the Nether Immortal Emperor desperately wants to carry out body possession.

No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, at least it is now an opportunity. As long as he can merge with Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul, he will be able to get out of the river of destiny smoothly.

“Is it a bluff? You’ll know right away.”

Looking at the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor who was rushing towards him, Yang Xuan always seemed very calm, he didn’t hide. Do not flash, let the Remnant Soul Primordial Spirit of the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor break away from the fleshy body and penetrate into your own body within the body.

His body was transformed by Divine Soul, and the entry of the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor into it means that body possession has begun.

“The very powerful Divine Soul, hey, there is also a weird formation diagram, which is actually condensed by strands of soul lines. It seems that you have cultivated a remarkable Refining-Spirit Secret Technique Ah!”

Nine Nether Immortal Emperor’s Remnant Soul Primordial Spirit turned into a human form, looking up and down in the depths of Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

A Supreme Realm teenager, even with a powerful Demon Race bloodline, is impossible to have such a powerful Divine Soul at this age, and the reason for having such a strong Divine Soul is obviously related to Yang Xuan’s The Refining-Spirit Secret Technique of cultivation is related.

“I not only cultivated the powerful Refining-Spirit Secret Technique, but also cultivated an equally powerful body refinement secret technique. Unfortunately, you will never see all of this.”

“Dead I dare to be rampant when I come. When I swallow your Divine Soul, you will soon be able to find your fleshy body. By then, everything you have will belong to me.”

It’s you.”

The voice was still there. In Yang Xuan’s Divine Soul, a huge black Lotus suddenly appeared.

“This is…”

Nine Nether Immortal Emperor eyes shrank faintly felt a certain dangerous breath.

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