“Boy, you are really a troublemaker, why don’t you come to the River of Destiny to hang out?”

There was a lazily voice that made Nine Nether The Immortal Emperor is like an enemy.

“Who is it, get out of the emperor.”

“A little Immortal Emperor Remnant Soul, dare to yell at me?”

“Who are you and why are you hiding in this Black Lotus?”

“It doesn’t matter who I am, the important thing is that you shouldn’t disturb me sleeping.”

“What do you want to do? Ah!”

Nine Nether Immortal Emperor originally wanted to find a chance to escape. Who knows that he hasn’t moved yet, he felt that Remnant Soul was forcibly pulled by a tyrannical force. Quickly moved towards the Black Lotus opposite and flew away.

Without any sound, the Remnant Soul of the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor was swallowed by the black chain in an instant, and all became the nourishment for Pangu Axe’s spiritual healing.

Chapter 1207 The Great Harvest

Nine Nether Immortal Emperor, he was definitely a to rebuke Heaven and Earth-like figure, but it’s this kind of able to move unhindered in the whole world almost Invincible exists, but the ending is so tragic.

“Slayer people will always kill them, not to mention the person who killed you is not me.”

Yang Xuan’s face is as usual, without the slightest sympathy.

“This person is not simple, if it were not controlled by the river of fate, it would be difficult to deal with in my current state.”

Pangu Axe Spiritual Road.

“Senior laughed, if you are at the peak period, why are you afraid of this little Immortal Emperor?”

“Immortal Emperor also has strengths and weaknesses, this person is cultivated. Peerless magic skills, talent is also very high, half of his foot has entered the Realm of Saint, the average Great Saint is probably not his opponent.”

“So powerful?”

“Of course it’s amazing. You think you can contend with the River of Destiny with just one Undying Immortal Pill? The River of Destiny rules the life and death of all souls. After the death of ordinary people, Remnant Soul enters this river and it will not last forever.” /p>

“So, is this Nether Immortal Emperor’s Remnant Soul useful to Senior?”

“It can only be a snack, his Remnant Soul is too weak, if If I can swallow the complete Divine Soul of several Great Saint Levels, I may be able to return to Peak completely.”

“Several Complete Divine Souls of Great Saint Level……”

Yang Xuan secretly smacked his tongue, and said: “No matter what, Senior eats meat, so I have to save some soup for Junior!”

He and Pangu Axe have long been acquainted with each other. Therefore, I speak more casually.

“The coffin in front is very good. If you accidentally get seriously injured or die, you can bury yourself in it, enough to make your body immortal.”

Pangu Axe joked, and the coffin he was talking about was the one used by the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor to bury the body.

“Forget it, Junior is still young, and I don’t want to die so soon.” Yang Xuan’s face went dark, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

He still has a wish, so how can he die?

Besides, everyone in the world is afraid of death, and he is no exception. He never thought about what’s going on, let alone prepare a coffin for himself early.

This thing is too ominous, don’t worry.

“Hehe, just kidding, you are predestined with my lord, and also the hope of my lord’s resurrection. How can I let you die easily?”

Pangu Axe Ling laughed , Said: “Here, this is Wu Dao insight before this life, and the cultivation technique and many magical mysteries.” After that, I left the memory of the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor intact. Immovable into Yang Xuan’s mind.

“Can’t Senior be gentle?”

Yang Xuan was very upset. If he hadn’t had enough brain capacity, he wouldn’t be blown up by this terrifying flood of memories.

This is the memory of an Immortal Emperor. The amount of information is huge, and it is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even Yang Xuan feels a bit distraught and confused.

“Mistakes, mistakes, you can digest them slowly.”

“You can only do this, but thank you.”

“We If you take what you need, you don’t have to thank me specially.”

“Okay, if there are such good things in the future, I will never leave you behind.”

“Come less, Excluding this time, you brat have two life-saving opportunities left, and you will have to cherish it.”

“Don’t, it’s not you who I wake up this time, so it shouldn’t be counted in it. Yes.”

“Twice, this Uncle will only save you twice in the future.”

“Is there no room for negotiation?”

Pangu Axe Ling did not answer Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan called out a few times, and then realized that the other party was afraid that he had re-entered into deep sleep.

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