“hmph, when I refining the fairy magic peak, your guy is destined to be a coolie for my life.”

Yang Xuan slandered, and immediately began to digest the life of the Nether Immortal Emperor memory.

Deserving to be a demonic path Immortal Emperor, his private goods are indeed rich enough. Although his cultivation technique is of no use to Yang Xuan, he has experienced the things he has experienced before his death, mastered all kinds of magical techniques and The Wu Dao insight accumulated in the first cultivation is of great use to Yang Xuan.

Wu Dao insight this thing, although it can be understood, but not described, it can also be used for reference, so it is very precious.

Being at the level of Nine Nether Immortal Emperor, its martial arts Dao insight is inherently rare, Yang Xuan absorbed it and benefited a lot.

At this point, his understanding is deeper than that of the Ordinary Immortal Emperor. Although it is not said that the cultivation will be smooth to the Immortal Emperor, but at least until the Immortal Emperor, he will not encounter any particularly difficult bottleneck. .

He showed his eyesight, continued to endure the pain, and continued to absorb the remaining memories of the Nether Immortal Emperor, which were sealed in the depth of one’s soul of the Nether Immortal Emperor, and some great secrets in the universe related.

The universe is vast, and no one has ever been able to explore it. It is as powerful as the Great Saint, and I dare not say that I know the universe well.

In the universe, there have been countless secrets since ancient times. Some of these secrets are extremely dangerous, while others hide various priceless and unique rare treasures.

For example, the Ranked 1st Hongmeng Sword on Chaos Divine Weapon’s list is located in a cemetery called Taixu Ancient Tomb.

Taixu Ancient Tomb is a starry sky tomb in the depths of the universe, in which an immortal dao Da Neng named “Tai Xu” is buried, and this immortal dao Da Neng is said to have been lucky in his lifetime. Having entered the gate of eternal life, his strength is countless times stronger than that of Great Saint, and his saber is the Hongmeng Sword, known as the most powerful magic weapon in the world.

“Taixu Ancient Tomb, Hongmeng Sword…”

Yang Xuan has a look of yearning, but he also understands that he is far from entering Taixu Ancient Tomb. He was unable to find even the real Taixu tomb.

“It hurts, these sealed memories are really not so easy to digest.”

Secrets are secrets, which implies an inexplicable power, Yang Xuan The more he took it, the more uncomfortable he felt, these memories seemed to crush his soul.

This is so, the determination to become stronger, but it has never been stronger.

Powerhouse is born, and the weak die. Since you don鈥檛 want to die, you must hurry to become stronger. In order to become stronger, in order to wait for your relatives and lovers to return, this pain is insignificant.

Time flies, maybe a month, maybe a year, the memory of the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor was finally absorbed by Yang Xuan.

At the same time, Yang Xuan also started to refining the Void Disk.

The Void Disk is the Life-Source Magical Treasure of the Nether Immortal Emperor. After the Nether Immortal Emperor Soul Destruction, this object has also become a masterless object.

Everything is going well. Yang Xuan has the memories of the Nether Immortal Emperor in his mind. Those who are familiar with the road will sacrificial refining succeeded.

This is also a huge gain. Although the Void Disk does not have attack power, its defensive power is surprisingly strong. In the future, if you encounter an enemy that cannot be dealt with, Yang Xuan will shrink into the Void Disk. .

Of course, with his current cultivation base, it is difficult to play the real formidable power of the Void Disk, but don鈥檛 forget that he also has the origin of Nine Realms, and can also use the dark Divine Spark and Netherworld River. Power is used to maximize the defensive strength of the Void Disk.

In addition to the Void Disk, Yang Xuan also conveniently put away the ancient coffin. Like the Void Disk, the ancient coffin is made of chaotic divine gold. It is not only powerful in defensive power, but also isolated. Remove all energy and breath from the outside world.

As Pangu Axe Ling said, this is also a good treasure, even if it is not dead, it can be used for refuge.

Chapter 1208 Whoever believes in me will have eternal life!

Void Plate, also known as Heaven-Earth Plate, can open up the world, lock Yin and Yang, is a very good Immortal Grade, in all sizes of immortal dao world, it is quite famous, also in a few ancient books Keep a record of this object.

In the past, the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor relied on this to be able to run rampant in 49 immortal dao Small World, or 81 immortal dao Great World, and not many people were its opponents.

Immortal Emperor is Immortal Emperor after all. No matter where it is famous, it has the power of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth.

What’s more, the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor is still an ancient emperor who has been famous for a long time, and he also holds a powerful Immortal Grade.

According to legend, as soon as the Void Disk comes out, the holder can instantly escape into an independent space. The average person has no way to detect it. It is more suitable for escape or sneak attack.

Imagine that even the power of the River of Destiny cannot penetrate and destroy it. This shows the power of the Void Disk.

An Undying Immortal Pill, coupled with the Void Disk and its own tyrannical cultivation base, this is the foundation for the Nine Nether Immortal Emperor to settle down, and it is also the basis for him to survive until now.

Unfortunately, Nine Nether Immortal Emperor struggling on whilst at death’s door lived to this day, but unfortunately encountered Pangu Axe spirit, and was eventually swallowed by it, the soul flew away and scattered.

Into the big mouth of the Pangu Axe spirit, no matter how powerful Remnant Soul is, it will be annihilated. Powerful like Nine Nether Immortal Emperor, Netherworld God, trifling Remnant Soul can only become food for Pangu Axe spirit.

It can be said that Pangu Axe spirits are born to be the nemesis of various spiritual existences. Whoever encounters them will die. There is no possibility of escape.

“Why is this an arrangement of fate…”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help wondering whether his arrival was guided by the god of destiny, and Nine Nether The death of the Immortal Emperor was a punishment by the God of Destiny with his own power.

“Wheel of Fate, dominates the life and death of all souls, and I am not a pawn on the wheel of fate…”

Yang Xuan feels a lot of emotion, and can’t wait to jump out of this Zhang Qiban, but at the same time he also understands that he is too weak today to challenge his fate at all.

Fate is like an invisible hand, holding him tightly. No matter how hard he struggles, he will eventually be enveloped by the hand of fate.

The so-called fate is determined by the sky. The sky here is not the sky in the ordinary sense, but the Wheel of Fate in the dark.

This round will last forever, and it will turn all the time. Every time it turns, some people will rise and some will die. The gears of destiny also interpret the Profound Truth of life and death to the extreme.

“I really don’t know who is so powerful, who created such a great river of fate that traverses the past and the present. This is a remarkable achievement, but it also restrains the development of the world.”

as the saying goes my life will follow myself and not heaven, no one wants to become a pawn at the mercy of others since birth.

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