“One day, I will break free from it.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth. He doesn’t dislike the invisible fate, but he doesn’t have any good feelings. The reason why he The eagerness to get the Martial Spirit of fate is nothing but to revive the Master and Fengshen Langjun.

Took a deep breath, he soon calmed down again, secretly calculating his own gains all the way to the present, and suddenly realized that he now has several Immortal Grades.

Immortal Grade is a Spirit Transformation device!

Void disk, ancient coffin, and Tianyuanbao wheel are all considered, while Purgatory Sword is only a half-step Spirit Transformation device, but it has a very high growth rate, and it can barely be considered as an Immortal Grade.

“For so many years, I don’t know what the cultivation of the purgatory boy is in the thunder pool of good fortune?”

Speaking of Purgatory Sword, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but think of the purgatory boy again.

The purgatory boy is the Sword Spirit of Purgatory Sword and Yang Xuan’s most important partner. The relationship between the two is even closer than the biological brother. He also hopes that the purgatory boy will use the power of the thunder pool. , Smoothly reshape the spiritual body.

In fact, only the spirit body of the purgatory boy, Great Accomplishment, can the Purgatory Sword reveal its true formidable power, and can continuously use the Primal Chaos Stone to advance.

The half-step Spirit Transformation device is never Immortal Grade. Yang Xuan doesn’t want Purgatory Sword to become the worst weapon in his hand.

This sword is predestined with him, and since it is predestined, he will make it stronger at any cost.

One day, Pangu Axe and Hongmeng Sword will have to bow their heads in front of his Purgatory Sword.

Of course, Yang Xuan didn’t understand how difficult it was, but he never thought about giving up.

Everything has to be tried, and he has to do his best. Even if he fails to complete it in the end, he will not regret it.

In short, Purgatory Sword is his Life-Source Magical Treasure, he will not forget this anyway.

Thinking about this in his heart, he put away the Void Disk casually, and then reappeared in the depths of the River of Destiny.

The River of Destiny is not clear. The more it goes down, the more turbid the water flows, and there are undercurrents coming in at all times, and occasionally there will be a small amount of mental fragments.

These mental fragments were split by Remnant Soul after countless powerhouses died. Only when the realm reaches a certain height, Remnant Soul will be split into pieces of mental fragments.

Change to the ordinary Martial Dao cultivator, when Remnant Soul enters the river of fate, it will instantly turn into nothingness, while the spirit strength in Remnant Soul becomes the energy for the operation of Wheel of Fate.

The reason why the River of Fate and even the Wheel of Fate have survived to this day is because of this characteristic, otherwise no matter how big the river, in the ancient roulette, under the merciless erosion of years, it will also Eventually decline.

“Split the thread to refine the gods, draw souls, and suck me.”

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat!

Holding this mentality, Yang Xuan continued to differentiate strands of soul silk. These soul silks are like horrible tentacles, sweeping away all the mental fragments encountered on the way.

A piece of spirit fragments are left by the powerhouse and have strong spirit strength. Yang Xuan decomposes these strengths, removes some of the impurities, and then all merges into his Divine Soul.

With the influx of one after another spirit strength, his Divine Soul has also become stronger and stronger.

The stronger the Divine Soul, the safer this trip means. The power of the river of fate continues to erode, and his Divine Soul has never been swallowed.

“When the Wheel of Fate turns, that is, when all the rules collapse, all the Heaven and Earth Rule and the immortal dao law will return to the starting point. Only the immortal can re-make the rules… …”

In the darkness, there was a mysterious and old voice. Yang Xuan turned on Martial Dao Heavenly Eye and looked down, faintly seeing a little light shining below.


Yang Xuan was so energetic, he dived down without thinking about it. He knew that the light was the legendary Wheel of Fate.

“Those who believe in me will have eternal life, and I am the one who will live forever……”

At this moment, such a sentence was inexplicably flowing in his heart.

This is not something that comes from the heart, but a kind of instinct derived from in the depth of one’s soul. Even Yang Xuan himself doesn’t understand why he speaks this subconsciously words.

But for some reason, as he said this, one of his Heart of Martial Dao seemed to be sublimated again.

I have a clearer insight into all kinds of Heaven and Earth Law, the law of sword dao, the law of wind, fire, thunder, and the law of time and space, etc., even the law of creation that has never been touched. All began to become clear, understand, as if within reach.

Chapter 1209 Child of Destiny

“This is…what’s going on!?”

The law of all things constitutes the entire world, between Heaven And Earth has avenues, and the avenues here refer to the law.

It stands to reason that any one Law requires a long time to comprehend before it can be successfully mastered.

However, what Yang Xuan himself didn’t even think about was that after a subconsciously popped out of his heart, his own perception of Martial Dao was an unfathomable mystery’s unfathomable mystery.

This is definitely not a dream. Even if you are dreaming, you shouldn’t have such a weird thing.

“Unbelievable, even if it is a big dream daoist, I am afraid it can’t be achieved through the dream!”

Yang Xuan could not help but let out a sigh, he also learned the big dream Immortal Technique of the big dream daoist However, no matter how strong the Immortal Technique of Big Dream is, it is just a way of turning from dream to reality. Gradually adding to the body’s own perception of Martial Dao, it is absolutely impossible to become immortal and sacred as soon as he wakes up from a dream.

To put it bluntly, the Immortal Technique can only be used as a support. The cultivator must also have enough talent, and it takes one step at a time to hope to master various Grand Dao Laws.

“Am I really immortal!?”

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