“Of course, the destined person is Child of Destiny, and only those chosen by the destiny can hope to break the fate of the fate and jump out of this chessboard.”

“In that case, please Senior to help me awaken the breath of destiny.”

“You hold back, there may be danger later, if you can’t hold it, the breath of destiny will collapse, and you He would also be killed.”

After that, a wave of majestic spirit strength suddenly flooded into Yang Xuan’s mind, causing him to suddenly experience unspeakable pain.

At this moment, his entire mind is full of all kinds of chaotic powers. It is a Martial Dao who is connecting to heaven penetrating the earth. Every gesture and foot has destroying heaven. The power of extinguishing earth.

Among the various chaotic influences, a gate standing horizontally between Heaven and Earth is the clearest and most shocking Yang Xuan.

The gate of eternal life!

This is the gate of eternal life!

If Yang Xuan only feels small under the Wheel of Fate, then under this door of eternal life, he feels that he has been small to the dust.

hong long long! ! !

A huge noise continued to sound, and his consciousness was completely pulled back. He was like a bystander, staring at the Martial Dao in amazement, attacking them frantically The door to eternal life.

The gate of eternal life is solid, almost immortal. No matter how strong the Martial Dao might be, it will always be motionless, as if it will never be destroyed.

During this period, Yang Xuan also suffered repeated shocks. This shock reached his soul, causing him to have a splitting headache, and his entire head was almost bursting.

Chapter 1210 Fate

Mortals do not understand cultivation, so the brain can hold very few things, even those successful cultivation, Martial Dao’s powerful Great Cultivator, brain capacity It is not endless.

If the amount of information in the brain exceeds the limit it can bear, the brain will instantly collapse, ranging from insanity to sudden death.

For example, Yang Xuan at this moment, the large number of images evolved from the information in his brain has already overloaded his brain.

Furthermore, the speed of this operation is still increasing. The high-speed video playback of the slides made him suffer indescribable pain.

If he hadn’t been tenacious enough, I’m afraid he would have been unconscious long ago, and even the soul flew away and scattered.

“Child of Destiny, born at the historic moment, was born out of the ordinary, but this is also a shackle, and it is your destiny. If you can’t bear the illusion in your mind, it means you can’t Get rid of the shackles.”

The god of destiny looked at Yang Xuan quietly. There was no trace of emotion on that old and majestic face.

For him, Yang Xuan’s current experience is both a test and an opportunity.

If you can pass the test, you will be able to truly grasp that trace of fate.

“Is this really just an illusion?”

Yang Xuan’s face was painful, but he faintly heard the voice from the God of Destiny, and at the same time couldn’t bear the words of the God of Destiny. Suspected.

The scenes that appeared in my mind are so real that people can’t distinguish between true and false.

“If I had not experienced it before, how could such a lifelike image appear in my mind?”

“So this is not an illusion in the general sense?”

“This is the memory sealed by the power of fate, it is what really happened.”

“So, maybe my predecessor was someone of these people?”

“This is not clear, maybe it is, maybe it is not, I just awaken you within the body, this fateful power, and the appearance of these images is derived from this fateful power.”

“Fate can carry memory!?”

“Su, representing the past, has the Profound Truth of Eternal Inextinguishable, which can naturally carry the things that happened in the past.”

“Fate What? What’s the meaning of this word?”

“Fate, luck, refers to the path of all beings, and Wheel of Fate can also be called the wheel of life, just like the year of the tree Like the wheel, the Wheel of Fate will also grow with the passage of time. During this period, the fortune of all beings will also continue to improve.”

“Since the fortune is improved, how can anyone gradually die?”

“There is life and death, which is the survival rule of all things. Although the Wheel of Fate is growing as a whole, the distribution of luck is not the same. If there is more, good luck will prosper, and if there is less, it will be a disaster. Repeatedly.”

“Senior may change the fortune of others?”

“Yes, but can’t do it, my lord said before his death that natural selection is the inevitable trend of the development of everything , Once one of the links is changed, the Wheel of Fate will be disordered, causing an unpredictable catastrophe.”

“Does things compete with natural selection?”

Yang Xuan was silent for a moment, and couldn’t help feeling sighed, saying: “The master of Senior is really amazing.”

“The way my lord creates destiny is to benefit the common people.”

“Benefit the common people?”

“Everything is empty, it is a miasma, the heart of the layman, everywhere is hell, only the world is transformed, it can be no self.”

“What Mean?”

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