“Fate is only a shackle. Only by breaking this shackle can you be at ease. But since ancient times, there are very few people who can really understand this.”

The god of fate paused, and said: “Wheel of Fate exists to allow people to break the shackles and obtain the qualification for immortality, just like chess pieces in a chess game. Only by jumping out of the chessboard can you see another Different worlds.”

“In this way, the people in these images are all chess pieces that have jumped out of the chessboard, fighting for immortality?”

“It can be said that the so-called fate is made by themselves, and mutuality is born by heart. They have already broken through themselves, are qualified and have the strength, to attack the last level.”

“Eternal Undying, easier said than done? I just don’t know how many of these people will survive in the end?”

“Most of these people will die, and only a few will survive by chance, but that’s all, at least outside the gate of eternal life Of this world, they will all die one by one in the end.”

“Is there a Senior master in it?”

“No, this is the second time the gate of immortality has appeared, and I As early as the first time the gate of eternal life appeared, the owner of the master had successfully entered the gate of eternal life.”

“Then the master of Senior is dead or alive now?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“Yes, I have never entered the gate of eternal life. All the information about the great immortal world is My lord’s complaint before his death, if you have the opportunity to enter the gate of eternal life in the future, to the legendary realm of eternal life, you may be able to give me an accurate answer.”

Yang Xuan becomes more confused as he listens. However, an unprecedented bold idea came into his mind. He said: “Everything is true and false. Could the Great Immortal Realm be the only real realm in this world, and the worlds we live in are all illusions.”

“You are very smart, this is a false world, but the innumerable living beings in it are real. As I said before, only those who have jumped out of the game have a chance. Seeing another piece of new world.”

Hearing this, the various images in Yang Xuan’s brain also shattered, leaving only a trace of mysterious aura, entwining in his soul like a small snake.

“Is this the breath of fate?”

Yang Xuan looked at it intently, only to feel that this mysterious breath was filled with a vast and unpredictable force.

This little bit, as if heavier than Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, can easily crush the sky and destroy everything.

“Yes, this is the breath of fate. Although there are only a few traces, it is of great use to you. Don’t you want to jump out of the chessboard and be an unfettered cultivator? With this fate You only need to pay a little price to do it.”

“What price?”


“This, Junior needs How much lifespan can I consume to break the destiny?”

“At least ten thousand years.”

“So much, if I lose a 10,000 years lifespan, I might die in an instant.”

“Who made you Child of Destiny? As Child of Destiny, you have been blessed by the destiny since your birth, but the destiny is always the destiny. The more you take care of it, the more you want to get out of it. The higher the cost.”

“The last question, will Junior die?”

“I can’t die, but the remaining life essence will not be too much, you In the future, only by continuously cultivate and increasing the speed of increasing cultivation base realm can the vitality of life be restored.”

“If you don’t die, you can do it.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth and made a decision.

Human lifespan is precious, life essence is exhausted, everything is it’s empty, but as long as one breath remains, he will not admit defeat. In order to break the fate of fate, he has to let go.

He, he only fights for this life, what Child of Destiny, what is the way of eternal life, he simply doesn’t care, he just wants to be a free and easy person.

The 1211 chapter war! It’s on the verge!

In the depths of the vast universe, life is extinct, everything is withered, and silence is like a dead prison.

But this is such a deserted place, but there is a huge and mysterious ancient palace standing proudly in this vast starry sky.

Although the ancient palace of the starry sky has no dazzling brilliance and imposing manner that dominates the world, it gives a person an indesectable sense of solemnity, as if it is in harmony with the sky, living with the earth, and immortal.

This is obviously Eternal Life Palace!

In the old days, the Eternal Life Palace appeared, covering every corner of All Heavens Myriad Realms, but that’s just its projection that’s all. The real Eternal Life Palace is much larger and magnificent than the projection. Many.

Just like a majestic and arrogant giant, guarding this area, no stranger should come near.

hong long long ……

On this day, this originally calm starry sky suddenly appeared countless cultivators.

These cultivators are all-inclusive. Among them, there are people who cultivate, ghosts, demonic cultivators, Buddhist cultivators, and various foreign cultivators.

Looking from a distance, some Taoist clothes are flying, Immortal Qi is full, some are wearing robe, Buddha light illuminating everything, some ghost-faced fangs, Yin Qi is dense, and some are full of body The soaring demonic energy and various tyrannical auras gathered in all directions like a tide, making the rays of light of Heavenly Cycle Star become much dim.

Silence, absolute silence.

All the cultivators did not speak, whether it was human cultivation, ghost cultivation, demonic cultivator, Buddhist cultivation, or some evil cultivation of the outside world, they did not speak.

It’s not that I don’t want to but I don’t dare. Each one stands in accordance with their respective camps, all expressions looking up at all directions solemnly, one after another on the mountain made of fragments of stars silhouette.

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