That is the most powerful existence in the crowd. It’s like a demonic path formidable person, a ghost and a murderer, and I dare not show the slightest disrespect to these people.

Needless to say, these people are other existences at the Great Saint Level. Each has the power to destroy heaven and extinguishing earth, and there are as many as eighteen people.

Eighteen Great Saints came together for the Eternal Life Palace, and only by obtaining the Supreme Treasure of Eternal Life Palace, can it be possible to open the door of legendary immortality.

“Eternal Life Palace is not easy to cultivation. If you are willing to retreat, this seat can let you go and give you a way to survive.”

The Eternal Life Palace is moving and not moving. An old and indifferent voice came from it.

If Yang Xuan is here, you know that this voice is made by the spirit of Eternal Life Palace. The arrival of many powerful enemies has long been noticed by the spirit of Eternal Life Palace, and it is best to face it in private. ready.

Eternal Life Palace has existed so far. It is not the first time that it has encountered an invasion by a foreign enemy. It is the most tragic and tragic one. Even the Eternal Life Palace Palace Lord died in battle.

However, the previous Eternal Life Palace Palace Lord can die, but the Eternal Life Palace cannot be destroyed. This is the first Palace Lord of the Eternal Life Palace, the founder of Eternal Life Palace and Wheel of Fate Death.

For this order, the Eternal Life Palace Temple Spirit can pay for it.

“A little temple spirit, dare to speak out, really think that with your own strength, you can compete with me?”

On a lonely and desolate mountain, one The big bearded man with first horns shouted angrily. This person is called Demon Ox Great Saint. It is both a monster cultivator and a demonic cultivator. The Demon Ox Titan skill has already been practiced to the realm. The battle strength is also in these eighteen Great Saints. Among the best, few dare to mess with it.

At the same time, the character of this person also inherited the stubbornness of the big demon of the bull clan, and the overbearing of the demonic path.

“Harmony generates wealth, and harmony generates wealth. We are not here to fight against you. As long as you are willing to hand over the eternal life water, we will not leave without exception.”

Another great mountain with shining starlight, there is another Great Saint who speaks. This person has white hair and a kind face. He is a man who cultivated Great Saint.

Human cultivator is the largest number of people in the immortal dao world of all sizes. Among them, there are few others who can cultivation to the Great Saint level. Everyone who cultivates Great Saint can be said to have It takes countless trials of blood and fire to stand to the top, surpassing between Heaven and Earth.

“A good-looking guy…”

Demon Ox Great Saint disdainful smile, fiercely despise the person who speaks to repair Great Saint, and at a glance, the Demon cultivator and the person who repair the book can’t see each other. The same goes for Great Saints in their respective camps.

For example, this man who cultivated the Great Saint is a pseudo-saint who seems to be soft-hearted, but in fact meticulous, and may stabb someone in the back at any time.

“haha, the Qitian Buddha said this very much, and this sage also agrees to sit down and have a peace talk with each other.”

At this moment, a majestic figure with a face like a liger The demonic cultivator Great Saint also spoke up. The demonic cultivator has always been domineering, but it is not without brains and knows how to judge the situation.

After all, the other party is the spirit of Eternal Life Palace, able to mobilize the power of the entire Eternal Life Palace, and Eternal Life Palace can exist to this day, its hidden power itself is extremely terrifying.

A single Great Saint storms this temple, I am afraid that it will not be good, and even have to lose his life for it.

Eternal Life Palace has a big Killing Formation, and you must not recklessly attack. This is an existing warning in ancient times. This is not an ordinary warning, but a large number of ancient last words passed down from generation to generation before the death of the ancient power. No one in future generations dare to underestimate the formidable power of Eternal Life Palace.

“If you step on the Eternal Life Palace, you can get immortal water. If you are not afraid of death, you can try it.”

Eternal Life Palace spiritually, there is no anger in the voice There is no murderous intention, only the indifference of contempt for all beings.

This kind of Chi Guoguo’s contempt has also made many Great Saints extremely unhappy, and each of them understands that a battle will be inevitable.

Eternal Life Water is the sacred relic of Eternal Life Palace and the source of Eternal Life Palace. Once this water comes out, it may open the door of eternal life. Therefore, Eternal Life Palace until now is called Eternal Life Palace until now. The key to the door.

“One drop, only one drop of eternal life water. If this does not open the door of eternal life, I will wait for this to retreat, and I will never go to war with your palace in my life.”

The ghost repair Great Saint is holding back the anger of Fire Dao, which is the limit he can endure. The ghost Dao like them, no matter what realm the cultivation base reaches, it will never be accepted by the destiny.

Every hundreds of thousands of years, I will experience a Fate Tribulation, and every Fate Tribulation is a bode ill rather than well, few can pass through safely.

Only when you enter the gate of eternal life, can you hope to evade fate and kill robbery and get great freedom from then on.

“Eternal Life Water is related to the rise and fall of the Eternal Life Palace, even a drop does not work. You don’t have to talk nonsense, just come and fight.”

Eternal Life Palace sneered.

“Fight, this guy doesn’t even want to take out a drop of immortal water. He is obviously ready to fight to the death. I don’t believe that our many Great Saints cannot destroy this lingering little immortal. spirit.”

The Eternal Life Palace spirit is the temple spirit of the Eternal Life Palace, and the Eternal Life Palace is an Immortal Grade, and its Artifact Spirit has had the strength comparable to the Immortal Emperor level since its birth.

In addition to the Eternal Life Palace’s ability to attack and defend, it has great power in itself, and the psychic power of Eternal Life Palace is much stronger than the Immortal Emperor, and it is enough to fight against the digital Great Saints.

“This is the end of the matter, and I can only fight with all my strength.”

Some of the Great Saints who did not speak looked at each other and made a secret decision, although there was no obvious action. But everyone secretly urged a domineering aura, and firmly locked in the Eternal Life Palace in front of them.

Chapter 1212 is on! Demon Ox Great Saint!

Eternal Life Palace, the First Temple of Eternal Life, contains the secret of eternal life.

If you talk about mortal cultivation, what you want is To achieve the Dao and become Immortal, longevity and detachment, then immortal cultivation, what you want is immortality, not old fart.

Eternal life is both eternal, as the name suggests, is to live forever, but even if the cultivation base reaches the Great Saint level, this cannot be achieved.

The higher the cultivation base, the longer you will live. The existence of the Great Saint Level, lifespan is absolutely old and almost immortal, but the immortality here is not immortality in the true sense.

Once the life essence is exhausted, you will experience the five decays of heaven and man, when the time comes, there is no other way than to wait for death.

But the immortal is different. The immortal has surpassed all existence. Even with the changes of the years, the decay of nature and humanity will not threaten them.

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