He saw that these twelve spirits contained extremely strong star power, which was much more than the stars in the surrounding Star Domain at every moment. If you don’t take the opportunity Destroying it will surely provide energy for the Stars Great Array continuously.

If the big formation is not broken, how can we talk about taking the eternal water?

And this is only the 1st Step. With Demon Ox Great Saint’s blow, he obviously wants to give Eternal Life Palace a bit of color.

“It’s ridiculous, you alone dare to be impudent in front of me?”

Eternal Life Palace’s spirit glows all over, exuding an amazing imposing manner. This imposing manner is better than anything present A Great Saint must be tyrannical.

“Impossible, this is definitely not the power you should have, just an immortal spirit, how can you have such a powerful power!?”

Demon Ox Great Saint suddenly changed color, all of this Before using the power of Eternal Life Palace, the strength of the Eternal Life Palace spirit is so powerful, which is really shocking.

“What is impossible? Although I am an immortal spirit, I am not an ordinary immortal spirit. The Eternal Life Palace has been the number one Supreme Treasure in the universe since ancient times. As the spirit of the Eternal Life Palace, my potential It is also much stronger than the ordinary immortal spirit.”

The spirit of Eternal Life Palace waved his hand, and casually wiped out Demon Ox Great Saint’s Shrouding Heaven Demon Palm, just as ice and snow meet a raging fire. It turned into nothingness in an instant.

In this situation, countless immortal dao cultivators have involuntarily sprouted a hint of retreat.

But without the orders of the Great Saints, they didn’t dare to move rashly. All of them were tense for a while, fearing that Eternal Life Palace would suddenly kill them.

With the strength of the Eternal Life Palace spirit, killing them is like pinching ants to death. At this time, no one dared to look at the immortal water.

“Damn it, what you hide is really deep enough.”

Demon Ox Great Saint angrily roared.

“The same sentence, if you are willing to leave here, I can leave the blame and leave you a way out.”

Eternal Life Palace Paused, and said: “cultivation It’s not easy, you don’t make mistakes.”

“Shut up, why don’t I wait for you to teach me, everyone will kill him together.” Demon Ox Great Saint almost roared.

“Twelve spirits, quickly form a formation, and kill the enemy with me.”

“Follow the order.”

Eternal Life Palace is no longer Nonsense, following his order, the twelve spirit envoys dispersed on their own, quickly forming a formation in a certain mysterious direction.


In an instant, an immense power of Stars rushed out from them within the body, and then interacted with the stars in the entire Star Domain.

This kind of induction is like a parent’s brother, even if there are thousands of rivers and mountains, there is no force that can stop them from thinking about each other.

So far, the Great Saint’s methods of sealing the Star Domain are undefeated. I saw the one after another sealed star, shining rapidly in the Bafang Star Domain, passing out a trace of stars. Brilliant, quickly integrated into Zhoutian Stars Great Array.

“Not good!”

“We have no way out, but we have to fight with all our strength.”


All Great Saints are temperament decisive generations, once a decision is made, they will never go back.

“Demon Transformation Ninth Transformation!”

“The Buddha also has anger, the red lotus industry is on fire, burning all the sins in the world.”

Demon Ox Great Saint and Monkey King shot almost at the same time. Among them, Demon Ox Great Saint used Life Source Divine Ability’s most powerful Ninth Transformation, directly incarnation into a horror troll able to support both heaven and earth, and its power skyrocketed several times. more than.

He punched out, swept the starry sky, and produced a world-destroying storm. Wherever his fist passed, countless stars burst into pieces and the scene was terrifying.

As for the Qitian Buddha, the whole body emits a monstrous Buddha fire. This is the Buddha and Dao Karma fire that is condense by hundreds of millions of good thoughts. It can burn the flesh, muscles and bones of living creatures, and burn the entire body of any creature. Exhausted.

“Your Excellency, why is this!”

The Daomen Great Saint sighed slightly, and then took out the portable weapon, which was a simple Dao sword. As soon as this sword came out, It is to send out Wan Daoguang Hua, which seems to be able to split the sky and the earth. This is also his most powerful method. Life Source Dao Sword will see blood when it is out.

At the same time, the other Great Saints also attacked one after another. Some used some kind of Great Divine Ability, and some used a fleshy body to attack. Every attack was full of the breath of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth. Assault the spirit of Eternal Life Palace.

The Eternal Life Palace spirit remains unmoved, holding up the Stars Great Array on Sunday with one hand, and hardly accepting the attacks of the Great Saint.

ka-cha! ka-cha! ……

Under these waves of attacks, the Stars Great Array constantly appeared cracks, and then continued to recover.

However, the formation will be broken sooner or later. After all, the Great Saints have no intention of stopping as soon as they make a move. Under their continuous offensive, even if the formation is blessed by the twelve spirit envoys, they can’t hold on. how long.

The twelve spirit messengers are only celestial spirits after all. In terms of strength, they are equivalent to the immortal dao cultivator of the fairy King level. If they hadn’t been defended by the Stars Great Array, they wouldn’t even be able to take a single blow from the Great Saint. Come down.

“Heavenly Cycle Star fights, reverses Yin and Yang, and reappears in chaos.”

At this moment, the deep voice of Eternal Life Palace’s spirit suddenly rang, and under his control, The Zhoutian Stars Great Array suddenly runs backwards, a heaven and earth reversal yin and yang, and the mighty power to reverse the chaos also appears.

hong long long!

In an instant, the stars in this great Star Domain seem to be approaching the end of lifespan, one after another exploding, one after another collapsed, the original bright starry sky, also in an instant Turned into darkness.

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