This is absolute darkness, and in this darkness, a chaotic vortex is suddenly born.


A scream of screams followed, one by one immortal dao cultivator, regardless of the level of the cultivation base, the body was uncontrollably involved in this chaotic vortex. Strangulation, destroy both body and soul.

This is the real formidable power of Zhoutian Stars Great Array. This formation can be defensive and attackable. Once the formation is reversed, the world will return to chaos. Unless the cultivation base reaches the Great Saint level, otherwise it is fundamental impossible can withstand the power of chaos.

Even Great Saint did not dodge and dared to sharpen its front.

Chapter 1215 Xuanbing Immortal Domain! The Underworld!

In the vast universe, there is an immortal dao Small World-Xuanbing fairyland.

Although the Xuanbing fairyland is vast, it is covered by wind and snow all year round, so there are not many cultivators.

Here, the biggest power is the North Profound Hall which is held by Emperor North Mysterious Immortal.

North Mysterious Immortal is the oldest force in the Xuanbing Immortal Domain. As the founder of the North Mysterious Immortal, Emperor Northern Mysterious Immortal is also the Number One Person of the Xuanbing Immortal, and he claims to be the Immortal Emperor.

There are a total of nine disciples under his seat, and under each discipline, there are countless disciples.

Each of these disciplines has a very high talent. The few people who have finished apprenticeship early are now the Immortal Monarch of the Megatron side.

It can be said that the entire Profound Ice Immortal Realm is controlled by the North Profound Hall. Even some of the Demon factions and strong foreign races respect the North Profound Hall, and at the same time, the North Mysterious Immortal Emperor Feng is like a god.

Emperor Northern Mysterious Immortal only needs to give an order, and there will be countless strong men willing to work for him.

On this day, in a pavilion in the depths of the Beixuan Hall, the Northern Mysterious Immortal Emperor dressed in burlap and linen was sitting there, staring at an ancient chessboard in front of him.

There are many black and white chess pieces on the chessboard, and what makes people feel strange is that many of these chess pieces are moving by themselves.

This is not a black and white confrontation, but a rush to gather somewhere.

“Eternal Life Palace is an extremely rare opportunity. Why not go and fight for the qualifications for eternal life?”

Beside the emperor of North Mysterious Immortal, there is a Qingyi Dao Tong asked respectfully, this Dao Tong seemed to be young, but he was the first disciple under the throne of Northern Mysterious Immortal, with the cultivation base of Immortal King Realm.

At this moment, this person is also looking at the chessboard in front of him. This chessboard is the legendary causal chessboard, and the chess pieces on it, the overwhelming majority, are all chess pieces laid by the Northern Mysterious Immortal, and there are many fairy sages. The existence of the fairy King level.

However, although these people have a high cultivation base, they don’t even know that their fate has already been held by the Northern Mysterious Immortal emperor.

And now they all rushed to the immortal Star Domain where the Eternal Life Palace is located, where there are not only the orders of the Great Saints, but also the factors secretly driven by the Northern Mysterious Immortal.

“Life is like chess, one wrong step, wrong step, so I have to think carefully about every step I take.”

North Mysterious Immortal emperor paused, and said: “Being a teacher Although known as the Immortal Emperor, he can only control the life and death of some people, but cannot really control his own destiny.”

“Under the Eternal Life Palace is the river of destiny. If the Master can refining This river can truly control destiny.”

“Ignorance, how can the river of destiny be refining for me and other ordinary people? Let alone refining, as a teacher, I go to find out under this river. I dare not think about it.”

“So dangerous!?”

“Of course, the river of fate is the home of the dead. Only the dead can go, and the living souls enter it. , That is self-defeating, no one can survive from it, even the Great Saint.”

Between words, the chess pieces on the causal chessboard suddenly burst one after another. All the time will be turned into powder.

These chess pieces were all placed by Emperor Northern Mysterious Immortal, and the pieces were broken, which meant that all his people were dead.

“Impossible, who can have such a great ability? Can you wipe out the chess pieces laid by the Master in an instant?”

Tsing Yi Dao Tong is also a person who is not surprised, but Seeing the countless pieces of chess pieces shattered, I couldn’t help but exclaim, and my heart could no longer remain calm.

“Who else could be the spirit of Eternal Life Palace, these people accompanied the Great Saints to the immortal Star Domain. Obviously they have suffered misfortune.”

North Mysterious Immortal Emperor indifferently Said, as if he didn’t care about the death of these chess pieces, and all this seemed to be in his expectation.

It was precisely because he knew the power of Eternal Life Palace that he never thought about going to the muddy water. With his cultivation base, he could only follow the instructions of the Great Saints, even if he finally broke through. Eternal Life Palace, impossible water also fell into his hands.

Furthermore, he does not think that the Great Saints will be successful in this trip. The Eternal Life Palace can survive to this day, and the foundation is so strong. It is not so easy to deal with by the spirit of Eternal Life Palace alone.

What’s more, under the Eternal Life Palace, there is a River of Destiny that flows forever. In the depths of the river, although the Wheel of Fate has already fallen into silence, once the gear of destiny starts to operate, it will be as powerful as Great Saint, too, had to be controlled by fate and eventually went to death.

“Hey, isn’t there a chess piece in Master’s hand, why not try it?”

Tsing Yi Dao Tong suddenly spoke, and his eyes fell involuntarily into the hands of Emperor Mysterious Immortal North. Above the sunspot.

“Ai, this chess piece can no longer be moved as a teacher.”

North Mysterious Immortal Emperor is lightly sighed, this is the first time he touches this feeling of being out of his control Then, there is always a breath of uncomfortable feeling in my heart.

“Is this chess piece…”

Tsing Yi Dao Tong seemed to think of something, and frowned deeply.

“Yes, it is the only bloodline of the Immortal Emperor.”

“The imperial family is the absolute Imperial Family in the Demon Race, but with the Immortal Emperor After the death of the war, the Underworld demons fell. Now, there are probably no more underworld demons in the immortal dao world of all sizes.”

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