“The Underworld Clan is a natural fighting clan. As long as there is no extinction of the clan, it is possible to rise again.”

“In this way, this chess piece will not remain, and it must be removed. Strangled in the cradle.”

“As a teacher, I don’t want to kill him, but it’s one thing to think, but it’s another thing to be able to do it. It’s impossible to figure out where a chess piece is.”

“If there is a cause, there will be an effect. The disciple is willing to spend millions of lifespans to help the Master in the deduction. As long as the person can be calculated, the Master can Erase it with one blow.”

“Hundreds of 10,000 years lifespan, this is not a small amount. If your cultivation base consumes so much life essence in an instant, it will definitely strengthen great injury, even immortality. I can’t enter the imperial realm.”

“Master has a great favor to the discipline. The life of the discipline belongs to the Master. How can you care about anything else?”

“You decide Is it?”

“It’s decided, even though the Master will do it, millions of lifespan that’s all, and the lifespan of the discipline, it’s nothing but cultivation will become more difficult in the future, and even if the king enters the emperor realm, it’s not one It’s an easy thing, and only by facing up to the difficulties can there be such a chance. Otherwise, the Immortal Emperor has already flown all over the world.”

“Well, you deserve to be the most important discipline for a teacher. If you can have such insights, it will not be a waste of your teacher’s cultivation.”

After that, Emperor Northern Mysterious Immortal said again: “Whether this matter succeeds or fails, the teacher will never treat you badly. You.”

“Thank you Master.”

“Don’t thank me, this is the reward you deserve. You have been following as a teacher for the longest time, and it’s time to set up another court Is now.”

“Master, is this going to rush the discipline to leave?”

“haha, in the near future, if you are going to become the powerhouse of the Immortal Emperor, how can you keep succumbing to it? Under the teacher, as long as you always have my Master in your heart.”

“one day as a master, master for a lifetime, no matter it is now or in the future, the discipline is the Master’s person, as long as Master in a word, discipline go through water and Tread on fire is also reluctant. “

Chapter 1216 In the face of fate, everything is empty!

“Master, please, the discipline is ready. “

“Never mind, you first take this pill of Peiyuan. “

“Yes. “

Excessive loss of life essence is a big taboo for cultivator. The crazy behavior of consuming a hundred 10,000 years lifespan like Taoist Tsing Yi is a taboo of taboos, and it will damage Dao Foundation at every turn.

Dao Foundation, that is, the foundation of Tao!

There is no cultivator in the world who dares to damage one’s Dao Foundation easily.

This is the cultivation base of Tsing Yi Dao Tong It’s high enough to be replaced by a normal Immortal Monarch. I don’t even dare to try.

Of course, as an Immortal King, Tsing Yi Dao Tong has followed the Northern Mysterious Immortal for countless years. He also understands that the more he pays at the moment, the more he will get in the future.

North Mysterious Immortal has clear rewards and punishments, and he never owes favors, even his own discipline, he will double afterwards. Give it back.

“It is better for people to make up for the sky. After this, you must remember to retreat for a period of time and take care of your body. “

North Mysterious Immortal Emperor said solemnly.

“Disciple got it. “

The Tsing Yi Taoist boy is nodded, and then sits cross-legged, and slightly closes his eyes.

“Ai, to gain vitality to perform causal deduction, is the Taboo Technique, for Heavenly Dao can’t tolerate it. If it hadn’t planted an evil cause, being a teacher would absolutely not do it. “

North Mysterious Immortal emperor is lightly sighed, and his expression is changing.

For so many years, he has planted too many causes and obtained countless results, just like that, In order to have today’s cultivation base.

But it is precisely because of Dao Road that he uses cause and effect as a proof of Dao Road, that he has an inexplicable fear of cause and effect.

Just like the present, and Didn’t he plant a cause under his own discipline? As for the future of his own discipline, whether he will get good results, he doesn’t know.

He just hopes that his own actions, It won’t hurt the foundation of his discipline, and at the same time, he hopes that this action can be done in one fell swoop, but the evil cause will not end up in the future.

The thoughts flashed in his mind, and the expression of Emperor North Mysterious Immortal has changed. Very solemn, there are faint strands of Buddha’s radiance flashing on his body.

Buddha is also a Tao. The Northern Mysterious Immortal was originally a Buddhist discipline in his early years. The great causality he cultivated was also derived from Buddhism is the foundation of the established Sect of Buddhism.

Buddhism pays attention to cause and effect, and pays off for good and evil, but it is such a big sect, but most of them can’t escape the world and don’t want to get too much cause and effect with the outside world. .

But the Northern Mysterious Immortal emperor is different. As a member of Buddhism, he regards cause and effect as his own way, so he has continuously planted cause and effect with people since he practiced great causality.


And among these, there are both good cause and effect, but also evil cause and effect, so it is regarded as a different kind by Buddhism, and finally abandoned by Buddhism, and has to set up another court.

Otherwise, With the talent of the Northern Mysterious Immortal, it may not be impossible to become a Buddha in the future, and even to control the entire universe of the three Thousand Buddha Sects.

Great Karma is derived from Buddhism and is also the Sect’s Unique Skill of Buddhism. Since the creation of this technique, few of Buddhism have been able to practice it. Even strong people like Qitian Buddha and Sage have not been able to learn this technique.

“I plant the cause, only to get the result, just for The testimony, what do the ridiculous old bald donkeys say that people in Buddhism should not be too contaminated with cause and effect. Since they don’t want to be contaminated with cause and effect, why did they create great causality? What is it if this is not superfluous? “

The emperor Northern Mysterious Immortal slandered, but did not forget what was going on. He played a series of mysterious secret art with both hands, condense a half black and half white lotus embryo in front of him.

The lotus fetus, also known as the lotus fetus. According to legend, all those who recite the Buddha’s rebirth in the pure land are in the lotus flower, just like in the mother’s womb, hence the name.

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