“If this is the case, does Junior have to expend a certain amount of luck?”

“Don’t worry about it, you within the body have a fatal power after all, as long as this The power of fate will not dissipate, and your luck will not be controlled by fate. Let’s put it this way, you are now a person who has jumped out of fate, and everything in the future will be up to you to fight and seize.”

“That’s fine.”

Yang Xuan was relaxed, and immediately began cultivation small fatalism.

Just now, the God of Destiny has informed him of the cultivation secret art and the quick secret technique of small fatalism, and he has no worries, and just wants to practice this magical power as soon as possible.

It’s just 10,000 years lifespan that’s all, he still consumes it.

It’s worthy of a little fatalism. It is really mysterious and profound. Even if you know the complete cultivation secret art, Yang Xuan has many things that you don’t understand.

If he hadn’t had a quick secret technique, he would have been in retreat for thousands of years, and I am afraid it would be difficult to truly practice.

At this moment, as he continues to burn lifespan, perception seems to have been greatly improved, so everything becomes smooth, and almost instantly he condense a magical seed in his mind.

The formation of this supernatural power seed also means that he has practiced a little fatalism.

It’s just that what makes him feel speechless is that the lifespan he consumes is far more than 10,000 years. If it weren’t for his solid foundation, he would be killed on the spot.

“Well, yes, I will call you Xiaobai from now on.”


Yang Xuan is speechless, what’s the name? It sounds so bad, he took out a mirror and looked at it, and found that he was still the same face, but there were faint wrinkles between his eyebrows, and his originally dark black hair and shiny long hair had no idea when it had become A piece of snow white.

This gray hair is the price of burning lifespan, and only when the vitality of life is restored to a certain level, the gray hair can be completely transformed into the black hair it used to be.

Chapter 1218 Gears of Destiny, a new chapter!

“In the Great Immortal Realm, there is a huge boulder. This stone is in the shape of a human and has nine orifices. , With the unpredictable power of Ghost God, it is also the cornerstone of the great immortal realm.”

“Buying the sky stone?”

“This is why the sky is missing. Only when the stone exists can the Great Immortal Realm become a complete world. Unlike the outer world, the Grand Dao Law is always lacking. No matter how cultivation it is, immortality is rare in the end.”

“Neither is the Great Saint? “

“No, the Great Saint cultivation base is high, but after all, it can’t make up for the lack of the sky with its own strength.”

“It’s no wonder that Great Saint wants to open the door of immortality, suffering In pursuit of the illusory road of immortality, I dare to feel that this world is no longer suitable for their cultivation, so I have to do it.”

Yang Xuan paused, and asked: “The little fatalism comes from this supplement. Celestial stone?”

“Right or not, small fatalism is just a branch of great fatalism. In the past, it was rumored that a peerless might entered the realm of great immortality and successfully rubbed a piece of scripture from the sky-filling stone. , This scripture records it is the great destiny, and as time goes by, no one knows the complete scripture of the great destiny.”

“so that’s how it is, I just said Why do I always feel that this little fatalism is not perfect, it seems to have some kind of flaw.”

“There is a flaw, and it is also the most powerful Divine Ability in the world, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, you can practice this The technique is enough to explain your out of the ordinary, but this technique is strong, but it also has great drawbacks.”

“Junior is a person, not any cat any dog, can Senior be called by another ?”

“Does Xiaobai sound good?”

“To be honest, it’s harsh. This is Senior. If someone else calls me that, I’ll have to follow He turned his face.”

“haha, I like to call you Xiaobai. When your strength surpasses me, you can also choose to turn your face with me, but now, you can only choose to bear the humiliation. In addition, don’t just call me Senior. You are destined to me, so please call me Lao Bai from now on.”

“Lao Bai…”

Yang Xuan didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and he looked at the god of fate carefully, and found that this guy’s old face was also covered with a pale head Hair is worthy of this title.

He didn’t say much about this question, and asked: “What are the disadvantages of the little fatalism?”

“This technique is the ancestor of all magical powers in the world, any kind Supernatural powers are all evolved from little fatalism, but this technique is also the most terrifying Taboo Technique in the world. Every time you use this technique, you will consume a lot of lifespan, which can be described as to kill a thousand enemies, need to sacrifice eight hundred of your own , So you don’t have to be as a last resort, remember not to move rashly.”

The God of Destiny.

“Isn’t this just a spoiler?”

Yang Xuan is depressed, human lifespan is the most precious thing, life essence is exhausted, everything is empty, at least in Before he really became stronger, his little fatalism could only be forcibly sealed by him.

“In short, there is no True Immortal-level cultivation base, you’d better not use this technique indiscriminately, otherwise you will take responsibility for the consequences.”

“I said Lao Bai, you this is Too much of a pitfall, it seems that I have been told a Great Divine Ability, but I can’t use it at all.”

“The cultivation base decides everything, but you can only say that you are too young, the time of cultivation. It’s too short. If you have a Great Saint level cultivation base now, I don’t need to tell you this at all.”

“Can Great Saint use the little fatalism at will?”

“Of course not. The higher the cultivation base, the stronger the formidable power of the small destiny technique, and the more lifespan this technique consumes naturally, but the Great Saint is always Great Saint, and half of the foot has entered the threshold of immortality. , Lifespan is almost endless.”

“Okay, I admit it.”

“Okay, don’t get cheap and sell well, quickly come up with the seeds of fate to help me Start Wheel of Fate.”

“This will not consume my lifespan, right? I am very weak now, but I can’t stand the toss.”

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