“Don’t worry, I’m just taking out the seed of fate, and I don’t want you to personally activate the little fate, and will not deplete the life essence of your little bit.”

“This way Just fine.”

Yang Xuan is slightly relaxed. He is really afraid that he will consume life essence again and again and become a short-lived ghost. As long as he does not die, as long as he does not consume lifespan, he is still willing to help his fate. God’s hand.

Wheel of Fate is activated and will surely cover the entire world again. The catastrophe of when the time comes Eternal Life Palace will be solved.

Wheel of Fate begins to turn, and the world’s creatures are the one after another chess pieces above. Don’t say that people in my generation will never bow to fate. It’s just self-deception that’s all.

It is Great Saint, in front of fate, he has to choose to bow his head.

If you don’t bow your head, you will die. With the patience of the god of fate and the power of the Wheel of Fate, the gods can kill a Great Saint without knowing it.

Even if you don’t die, you will be doomed in the future. Anyway, there is absolutely no good end.

“By the way, this little fate is what the world calls the Martial Spirit of fate?”

Yang Xuan stretched out his hands while talking, the size of a fingernail was clearly visible in his palm , Divine Ability seeds all over gray.

This supernatural power seed is exactly the seed of Divine Ability, which also contains the fateful power of his within the body.

“The little destiny is the Martial Spirit of fate.”

Nodded, the god of destiny, with a smile on his face, said: “With this seed of destiny, I can truly wake up Come here.”

“Uh, didn’t you wake up a long time ago?”

Yang Xuan startled, I don’t understand what the god of fate is saying.

The god of fate shook the head, saying: “I am just a divine sense of will, and my complete divine sense and the Wheel of Fate are originally a whole. The Wheel of Fate does not re-turn, I I can’t wake up.”

“So, how are you Senior going to repay me?”

“Boy, don’t be too greedy, I can give you a little fatalism, It’s the greatest reward for you.”

“Okay, well, you have high morals, and everything is right.”

“You brat don’t give me a big deduction Hat, if you really want to say that you are respected and respected, you have to be my master.”

“Which Senior is your old master?”

“Don’t ask, it’s a question of nothing. , In the name of my lord, your current cultivation base is not qualified to know, even if you know it, it will not do you any good.”

After all, the god of destiny is beckoned and Yang Xuan The seed of fate took in the hands.

“Should I avoid it?”

Yang Xuan asked.

“It’s okay, you have been expelled from the fate of fate, and Wheel of Fate has a big move, and it will not affect you in the slightest.”

The god of fate waved his hand, and then He threw the Fate Seed in his hand on the Wheel of Fate.

hong long long ……

Originally, Wheel of Fate was static, but as the Seed of Fate released a force of fate, this huge and mysterious shocking sky The huge wheel began to spin slowly.

Suddenly, an inexplicable power spread, and the long river of fate, driven by this power, was rushing and roaring.

Just like a pool of stagnant water, suddenly illuminated by the sun, it regained its vitality.

This kind of vitality means that the river of destiny has already started to operate, whether it is All Heavens Myriad Realms, or the law and order of various immortal dao worlds, there have also been changes.

Vaguely, Yang Xuan even has a feeling that Remnant Soul will no longer enter the reincarnation after the death of living beings, but will all enter the river of destiny, carrying the river of destiny for eternity and flow forever.

Chapter 1219 Destiny comes out, no one can stop it!

“Six Roads of Samsara can’t stop the destiny. Sure enough, the destiny is inviolable.”

Yang Xuan said with emotion, he got the Martial Spirit of Samsara, The understanding of Martial Spirit is much deeper than that of ordinary people, and he knows how powerful the power of reincarnation is.

Reincarnation is the Grand Dao Law, which is stronger than Great Saint, and it is also difficult to fight against this kind of Law Power.

After all, after Great Saint died, he also had to enter the cycle of reincarnation, so as to obtain the opportunity of reincarnation.

But in the face of destiny, reincarnation is no longer the belonging of the dead.

No matter who you are, no matter how high your cultivation base is, you have to enter the River of Destiny after death.

“The destiny of nature cannot be violated.”

The god of destiny said indifferently: “In the past, the destiny fell, Heaven and Earth Law was in disorder, and the ancestors of Yellow Springs took the opportunity to create Reincarnation Dao and tried Establish a new order so that all living beings between the universe and the universe will enter reincarnation after death. Of course he did it, but when the gears of destiny start to turn again, reincarnation will inevitably fall into silence.”

“Is it just to silence?”

Yang Xuan raised his brows, and was relieved immediately. He could feel the Martial Spirit within the body being suppressed by a force, which is fatalistic. Power, but as long as he wants, he can still forcefully activate the power of reincarnation.

“The law of reincarnation, adhering to the will of the Dao, even if it is the destiny, it is difficult to erase it.”

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