“Yes, as you think, the reason why I let those people leave treasures is so that you can get better cultivation resources.”

God of Destiny As if he knew what Yang Xuan was thinking, he casually displayed the treasures left by the Great Saints in front of Yang Xuan.

“Choose it, you can choose three of these treasures.” The God of Destiny.

“Can’t you choose a few more?”

Yang Xuan’s eyes shine, these treasures are all treasures that Saint is crazy about. If you can get a few more, even in the future If you don’t need it, you can give it to your relatives and friends. Why not?

“Boy, people are impossible too greedy, I can let you choose three treasures, which is also the greatest favor to you.”

The god of destiny said in an angry manner: “The past years , When the Buddha of Xitian saw me, I just gave him an ancient scripture.”

“What ancient scripture?”

“Enlighten the Dao Ming Heart Sutra, this scripture Originated from the sky-filling stone, the cultivation to the extreme, even if you do not enter the gate of eternal life, you can prove eternal life.”

“So powerful, why did the Buddha of the West Heaven fail in the end?”

“This thing is all based on the perception. The Buddha of Xitian did not succeed, so I can only say that his perception is not enough.”

“Then the Buddha of Xitian really died?”

“Dead, but also alive. Just when he died during meditation, the real body has already gone to the Great Eternal Realm. Yes, he is the Great Eternal Realm through the gate of eternal life.”

“No wonder you said that he didn’t take the last step. It turned out that he finally used the power of the gate of eternal life.”

Yang Xuan understood it, and at the same time became curious about this Enlightenment Heart Sutra. Hope to have a chance to read it.

Chapter 1223 Eternal Scripture!

“The deadline is approaching, he has no choice.”

The god of destiny sighed, and the Buddha of the West It is a Child of Destiny.

Just like this, the God of Destiny used to help him awaken the Seed of Destiny, and gave him the enlightenment of the Dao Ming Heart Sutra, hoping that one day he can fully enlighten and prove the Dao with himself.

It is easy to become a Buddha on the spot, but it is too difficult to prove eternal life.

Rao is the Great Wisdom and Wisdom of the Western Heavenly Buddha, with a very high perception, but in the end he failed.

Of course, this is no wonder the Buddha of the Western Heavens, after all, good luck makes people, maybe give him some more time to fully realize the Dao and create a pure land of bliss.

“Child of Destiny, with destiny added to it, and the cultivation base has reached an unimaginable state. Can it not escape the five decays of heaven and man?”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows .

“No matter how high the cultivation base of the Buddha of the West Heaven is, he is just a Saint who has survived the Ninth Tribulation, and even the Saint of the Nine Tribulations cannot truly achieve Eternal Undying.”

The god of destiny.

“It turns out that the Buddha of the West Heaven is a Saint of the Nine Tribulations.”

Yang Xuan suddenly, don’t look at Demon Ox Great Saint and the Saint of the Qitian Buddha are both Saints of the Eight Tribulations, only a difference from the Buddha of the West One small realm is one small realm, but such a one small realm is like a great moat, no longer on the same level.

“The Saint of the Nine Tribulations is also a Saint. Only by proving that Dao will live forever can it be Eternal Inextinguishable.”

The god of fate.

Yang Xuan was silent for a moment, and asked: “When you enter the world of immortality, you can also prove immortality. Is there a difference between the two?”

“Naturally, there is a difference, and it is still The essential difference, eternal life, and even the high way, to go to the great immortal realm, means that you will follow the way of others. Although you can also get eternal life, this way is not your way, and it is ultimately a lower way.”

“It’s not without exception to walk in other people’s way!”

“I know what you think, but when others walk through the road, but want to find another way, it is so difficult. It’s almost impossible to complete.”

“Impossible to complete, doesn’t mean it can’t be completed.”

“You brat means that you have little knowledge. When you really go to the Great Eternal Life world, I am afraid you will say no It’s such a boast shamelessly.”

“So you have been to the Great Immortal Realm?”

“I have not been, but my lord has been, and How can you as a junior be able to do something as powerful as my master?”

“Who is your old master?”

“This can’t tell you , At least now is not the time. The more you know, the less beneficial it will be for you.”

“If you don’t say it, don’t say it, then do you know who created the Great Eternal Realm?”

“I don’t know, the Great Immortal Realm has existed since ancient times. No one has ever known its origin. Perhaps there is a record on the sky-filling stone, but since ancient times, no one has found any clues from it.”

“This way…”

“Don’t be disappointed. With your talent, you will have a chance to see the sky-filling stone in the future.”

The god of destiny has set Waved his hand, suddenly asked: “Don’t say anything else, do you brat want to learn Daoming Heart Sutra?”

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