“Don’t you always ask more about this?”

“hehe, since you want to learn, then you can’t miss this string of wisdom beads, which I personally gave back then Among the things of the Western Heaven Buddha, there is a complete enlightenment of the Heart Sutra.”

The god of fate smiled authentically.

“Junior is so disrespectful.”

Yang Xuan was also happy, and reached out his hand to take away the Wisdom Beads. This string of Wisdom Beads fell into the hands of Qitian Buddha. It is really a bit reckless waste of Natural resources, I am afraid that Qi Tian Buddha still does not know that there is an ancient scripture hidden in the pearl.

“The little novice monk has a sin karma and is far less talented than the Buddha of the Western Heavens. How can he perceive the mysteriousness of the pearl?”

The god of destiny shook the head disdainfully and said: “And you, your talent, and your perception are not inferior to the Western Heavenly Buddha. As long as you can be clear-minded, you will hope to learn the Taoming Heart Sutra in the future, but it is easy to learn, but there is no guarantee that you will be able to prove it in the future. Dao eternal life.”

“It’s okay, isn’t there a door to eternal life? I just want to retreat to second place.” Yang Xuan said with a smile.

“haha, see, this kid is a complete little demon, in the bones is always flowing with the cunning and cunning of the demon, your painstaking efforts are destined to be in vain.”

Eternal Life Palace Ling looked at Yang Xuan, and then at the fateful God of Destiny, who couldn’t stop laughing.

“Buddhists or demons, they are all people selected by fate. Whether he chooses to go his own way or the way of others, it is the will of heaven.”


The god of destiny.

“Don’t worry, Junior will not give up until the last moment.”

Yang Xuan looked solemn and authentic.

“That’s fine.”

The god of destiny is nodded with a smile. He knows that Yang Xuan is a person who must do what he says. Since he has said this, he is absolutely Will not give up lightly.

“Can Junior now start to comprehend the Daoming Heart Sutra?”

Yang Xuan turned around, then picked up the Huixinzhu and placed it on the center of his brow.

“This smelly brat is really impatient, and he doesn’t want to think about how easy it is to comprehend the ancient scripture that the little novice monk had never understood.”

Eternal Life Palace Ling saw this scene and couldn’t help but shook the head slightly.

“It’s okay, let him suffer a bit.”

The god of destiny said indifferently, with him and Eternal Life Palace in spirit, I am not afraid of what Yang Xuan waits for. accident.

Yang Xuan didn’t know anything about the conversation between the two of them. At the moment when he put his mind into the Wisdom Bead, hundreds of ancient characters flashed in his mind like a slide one after another.

These hundreds of ancient characters are chaotic and disorganized, as if they can be disrupted by others, and each ancient character is difficult to understand and unpredictable, making it impossible to combine them into a complete piece. Enlightenment of secret art.

What’s even more bizarre is that the ancient characters disappeared as soon as they appeared. It was Yang Xuan who remembered them wholeheartedly, but in the end he couldn’t really remember a few.

Grand Dao Reaches The Simple, cherish words like gold, all this comes quickly and goes quickly.

Using Yang Xuan’s perception, in the end, he just barely connected several ancient characters in series, and got a short verse.

“The way of heaven is more than damage but makes up for the deficiency…”

It was just a silent sentence in his heart, and Yang Xuan’s brain was blasted with a loud bang, as if experiencing a severe He couldn’t bear the impact, that feeling made him a little bit unbearable, as if he would flew away and scattered the soul at the next moment.

“Well, let’s stop here. You can understand a complete verse in such a short time, it is a remarkable achievement.”

When the voice of God came, Yang Xuan’s mind gradually calmed down, and at the same time, people slowly opened their eyes.

“Haha, how about it, don’t you feel the great fear?”

Eternal Life Palace laughed loudly, and there was a burst of refreshment in my heart.

“I can’t talk about fear, I just feel very shocked. This is simply a piece of real Dao Scripture. The person who can create this complete ancient scripture is an incredible man.”


Yang Xuan took a deep breath.

“The Heart Sutra of the Dao Ming Heart Sutra is also known as the Tao Sutra. If you can comprehend the Profound Truth of this sutra, you may know everything you want to know.”

” The origin of the heavenly stone and the master of the Great Eternal Realm?”

“Of course, this sutra was originally created by the master of the Great Eternal Realm and left to the destined person of future generations.”


Chapter 1224 Great Gains

“The Way of Heaven, the more you lose, but the more you make up for…”

Yang Xuan both eyes slightly closed, it seems to have some understanding, but also I ignored the God of Destiny and the spirit of Eternal Life Palace, and found a place to sit down in this Boundless Starry Sky.

“I have to say, this child is out of the ordinary!”

Eternal Life Palace is inspired by authenticity, and Yang Xuan’s state is obviously entering a legendary sudden enlightenment.

Sudden enlightenment, also known as enlightenment, is an opportunity for the world’s cultivator yearn for something even in dreams. He is a great Saint with extraordinary talent, and it is impossible to suddenly enlightenment at any time.

“Child of Destiny, perception is naturally far beyond ordinary people.”

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