“You are really Yang Xuan, how do I think you have become a little different.”

The purgatory boy squinted his eyes and looked up and down Yang Xuan, and the more he looked, he The more shocked I was in my heart, the changes of this kid were a bit too great, giving him a feeling of incomprehensibility, deep and unmeasurable.

“What have you experienced over the years?”

“There are too many things, and I will wait for you to go out before telling you more.”

“Ai, it’s my estimation. This thunder pool is too big. I can’t refining the Power of Fortune in it for hundreds of years, let alone reshaping my spiritual body.”

“It’s okay, I’ll help you.”

Yang Xuan grabbed with his bare hands, one after another Xingchen Source Power was added, and his strength rose steadily. The divine force is almost comparable to that of Transcendent Realm Peak. Great Cultivator.

“Impossible, how can you brat have this kind of power, this kind of power is stronger than my former master’s peak period, it is incredible.”

The purgatory boy stared at him. , His mouth opened wide.

This scene is completely different from what he imagined. Although he had known that Yang Xuan would be stronger on the day of goodbye to Yang Xuan, but Yang Xuan’s current power was too terrifying.

In an instant, the cultivation base skyrocketed, and it rose sharply from the Heaven-removing Realm to the Transcendent Realm Peak. I am afraid no one would believe this.

But the facts are in front of us, but the purgatory boy shouldn’t believe it.

The thing that shocked him the most was that Yang Xuan’s small body could withstand this surge of power.

External force is ultimately an external force. If it is not strong enough, it is impossible to release it. Obviously, Yang Xuan has not only increased the cultivation base, but also the fleshy body.

Compared with the past, it is completely different. If the purgatory boy was able to make gestures with Yang Xuan before, then now he has no intention of making gestures with Yang Xuan one after another. Not on one level.

Even though the spiritual body is reshaped in the future, he is far from Yang Xuan’s opponent.

At his peak, he could barely tie with a Dao Realm cultivator, and Yang Xuan now has the power comparable to Transcendent Realm Great Cultivator’s destroying heaven and extinguishing earth, how about he Is Yang Xuan’s opponent?

“Give me a gel!”

Yang Xuan black hair is flying, and his aura is extremely strong. He also ignores the purgatory boy, just grabbing forward, and the whole time is thunder The pool riot, the Power of Fortune one after another, flooded towards him like a tide.

Power of Fortune, originally also useful to him, also needed to refining the entire thunder pool, he could break through to the Emperor Realm in one fell swoop, but he did not do so.

cultivation As a step by step, he has just made a breakthrough shortly. If the breakthrough is carried out again at this moment, it is easy to cause the foundation to be unstable and the gains outweigh the losses.

Furthermore, these Power of Fortune are of great use to the purgatory boy, and he will not forcefully claim it for himself.


Soon, the Power of Fortune one after another was attracted by him, and in an instant it all merged into his big hand, and finally condensed into a dragon eye size, crystal clear and near-transparent. White pill.

“Qi Condensation has become a pill, surpassing the sky. This method is difficult for my former master to do, but you have done it in such a short time. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would not dare Believe.”

The purgatory boy said with emotion, but his eyes were staring at the pill in Yang Xuan’s hand.

That is Good-Fortune Pill, which contains strong Power of Fortune. If you can take this pill, it will not take long to refining, and then reshape your spiritual body.

“Do you want it?”

Yang Xuan played with the Good-Fortune Pill in his hands, looking at the purgatory boy with a faint smile.

“You brat tease me, don’t you hurry to give it to me…”

The purgatory boy is not very annoying, and he is afraid that he would give Yang Xuan a long time ago. Slapped.

“Isn’t it just a Good-Fortune Pill? Look at you, what anxious look like…”

Yang Xuan smiled, and then took Good- Fortune Pill was thrown to the purgatory boy.

“You brat is still talking about loyalty, and it is not in vain that Young Master follows all the way, and is willing to sell his life for you.”

The purgatory boy twitched his lips, and he will Good- Fortune Pill threw it into his mouth and swallowed it like a jujube.

“Let’s go, let me take a walk to the Sea of ​​Mist, and then it’s not too late to refining this Good-Fortune Pill.”

“The Sea of ​​Mist is immortal The most dangerous forbidden place in the world, what are you brat going to do there?”

“Since you are here, how can you miss the legendary Three Great Forbidden Land of the immortal world, these three places, Yellow Springs River and Soul Destruction I have already been to the valley. Before the Eternal Life Palace closes, I have to go to the Sea of ​​Mist.”

“Okay, I’ll go as you go, anyway, depending on your strength. , No matter how dangerous the sea of ​​mist is, it will definitely not trouble you.”

Wants to walk to walk, Yang Xuan and the purgatory boy soon came out of the thunder pool, and with all Power of Fortune was taken away by Yang Xuan, this piece of good fortune thunder pool was also completely abolished, and the entire thunder pool became muddy.

Chapter 1228 Immortal Water

The Misty Sea can also be called the Misty Mountain.

The entire mountain range, the mountains are undulating, endless, and are shrouded in mist all year round.

These mists only faded for a while when the City of Destiny opened, but they soon gathered again, covering up the entire misty mountain, which was abnormally mysterious.

According to legend, this mountain does not belong to this realm, but the Lord of the immortal world used the Great Divine Ability and moved from somewhere immortal dao Great World.

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