It can be said that the Misty Mountain is a fairy mountain, and the great secret of immortality is hidden in the mountain since ancient times.

“Don’t you brat have a good relationship with the Temple of Destiny, why not ask that person to ask about the situation in Yamauchi?”

The purgatory boy felt very puzzled along the way. He and Yang Xuan are now like Two thieves who were afraid of being discovered, came to the depths of Misty Mountain without knowing it, completely avoiding all kinds of monitoring by the Temple of Destiny.

The Misty Mountain is not only a forbidden place in the eternal world, but also a forbidden place in the Temple of Destiny. Except for a passage that leads directly to the City of Destiny above, the rest of the places are listed as forbidden places by the Temple of Destiny. kill without mercy!

There are so many experts in the Temple of Destiny. Once discovered, the consequences will be unimaginable.

“Are you afraid?”

“Who is afraid, grandfather is pure curiosity that’s all, the ghost knows what you brat is going to do inside?”

“Of course it is to fight for good fortune. I have already inquired clearly. There is a spring in the deepest part of the Misty Mountain.”


” Hehe, this spring is called the Eternal Spring, and what emerges from the spring is not ordinary water, but immortal water like a jade liquid.”

“Eternal life water? It is rumored that one drop of water can be Eternal. Undying’s immortal water!?”

“The rumors are rumors after all, should not be true, and Eternal Undying is easier said than done? One of the functions of this immortal water is nothing more than to make people stay young forever. The face is not old, and at the same time it can improve the perception of the eater.”

“so that’s how it is, no wonder you are stealing water.”

“I just go to get water, so why Can it be regarded as stealing?”

“Not to steal, why should you and I be so sneaky?”

“The Eternal Life Spring is left by the Lord of the Eternal Life Realm. Although the Temple of Destiny has this spring I have the responsibility of monitoring, but I am not the real owner of this spring. I just don’t want to be disturbed by the Temple of Destiny when I fetch water.”

“Go and go, you brat is right in everything.”

The purgatory boy rolled the eyes, but he didn’t say much about this issue, he really wanted to speak of which, Yang Xuan’s personality and behavior style are more in line with his appetite.

This person, should be cunning treacherously. If Yang Xuan is really an upright gentleman, the purgatory boy would not be willing to follow him.

Upright gentleman is good, but such people are often the most boring.

“This is it.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan and the purgatory boy have come to a cave deep in the mountain**.


It was also at this time that there was a scream from the depths of the cave in front of him.

“Look, someone has already taken one step to steal water before you and me.”

Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows, looking through the fog of the cave to see what happened in the deepest part. The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a sneer.

That was a young man, a young Heaven’s Chosen with a very vigorous life. He didn’t know where to find out where the Eternal Spring was located. Now he is trying to steal water.

Unfortunately, immortal water is not so easy to steal.

No, that person accidentally triggered the Killing Formation of Eternal Life Spring, and caused a serious disaster.

“Stealing water?”

The purgatory boy was speechless for a while. If you dare to fetch water yourself, you will become a water thief if someone else fetches water.

But this water thief is really bad luck, and I am afraid it is dead now.

Without absolute self-confidence and certain strength, one should not steal the eternal water. The death of this person can only be said to reap what you have sown.

“Let’s go, let me fetch water.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and strode forward.

“Be careful, you brat don’t die.”

The purgatory boy came back to his senses and quickly followed along.

“Don’t worry, since I dare to come, I have the confidence to take away the eternal water, a little Killing Formation, but I can’t help it.”

Yang Xuan keeps walking, and soon He came to the depths of the cave.

This is an underground hillside, the hillside is very large, almost several hundred zhang in radius.

Looking around, there is only a dark spring in the whole mountain belly, and the spring water is located in a pool in the center of the mountain.

At this moment, on the edge of the pool, there is the corpse of a young man lying horizontally. The face of this person is ashen ashes, and his eyes are wide, as if he has lost his soul. The motionless body has no vitality.

“What exactly is Killing Formation that can make people die instantly?”

The purgatory boy looked at the pool and the dark spring in the middle, and didn’t find any danger for a while.

“The most powerful Killing Formation in the world, naturally can wipe people out without knowing it.”

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