Yang Xuan said, without starting any action, he paced to the pool and walked back and forth around the huge pool a few times.

Even so, he didn’t notice anything wrong. This invisible Killing Formation obviously needs external force to trigger the manifestation.

“Unknown things are the most terrifying, you brat better not to act blindly without thinking.”

The purgatory boy browses slightly wrinkle, but you don’t want Yang Xuan to die because of carelessness.

“I understand.”

Yang Xuan nodded, immediately laughed, indifferently said: “Since it is here, why should Senior hide avoid meeting somebody?”

“smelly brat, if you want immortal water, you can ask me for it. Based on your relationship with Lao Bai, it is okay for me to give you a drop, but you should never come secretly.”

coldly snorted, the Eternal Life Palace spirit appears beside Yang Xuan out of thin air.

“Give me eternal life water.”

Yang Xuan smiled and looked at Eternal Life Palace Ling and said, how he originally wanted to avoid Killing Formation and successfully take away eternal life water , But it’s better now, saving a lot of unnecessary trouble.

“That’s all, I will simply give you a drop of eternal life water, which is regarded as a reward for awakening Lao Bai.”

Eternal Life Palace is sighed, and I understand not to give Yang Xuan eternal life water No, this kid is a standard little demon, he will never leave without giving him eternal life water.

“no no no, one drop is too little, I want three drops.”

Yang Xuan shook his head and stretched out three fingers towards the spirit of Eternal Life Palace.

“No, I can only give you one drop.”

“Two drops.”

“One drop is one drop. There is no room for negotiation.”


“Well, just give me a drop.”

On the side, the purgatory boy was stunned. He could see the power of the Eternal Life Palace spirit, but absolutely didn’t expect, Yang Xuan was able to have an almost bargaining dialogue with these strong men.

“Here you are, this is the drop of immortal water you want.”

Eternal Life Palace grabbed it with a big hand, and drops of water flew out of the dark spring. Droplets.

The droplets are about the size of fingernails, the whole body is black, and it emits a strange fragrance.

Yang Xuan took a breath, only to feel that Divine Soul has been sublimated, which is incredible.

Chapter 1229 Imprisoning Dreams, Save Qin Lan!

“Take it, this is the immortal water you want.”

There is an old saying: A dust can accumulate a mountain, and a drop of water can fill the sea.

The drop of water here refers to immortal water.

This seems to be a small drop of water, but it is the Supreme God water in the world, which contains the endless changes of water, and it is a Profound Truth.

One drop will fill a huge pit of stars and form a vast and endless ocean.

More than that, the eternal life water also has the eternal youth, the life essence is greatly increased, and the anti-natural effect of enhancing the perception.

The ordinary Countenance Halt Pill, the beauty pill, is just to keep one’s face unchanged for a certain period of time, while the eternal life water is different, which can make you forever young and vigorous, and the body is not aging.

Of course, the immortality of the body does not mean immortality, immortality since ancient times only exists in legends.

Eternal Undying can only be truly achieved by proving the Tao for immortality and achieving detachment.

“I have an ancient Pill Recipe here. If you can find all kinds of rare medicine ingredients above, you can fully play the role of this drop of eternal water, refining a lot of effects that are close to this drop of eternal life An eternal life pill with similar water.”

Eternal Life Palace took out a jade bottle while speaking, and put the drop of eternal life water into it, and then took out an old jade slip and threw it to it. Yang Xuan.

This ancient jade slip, needless to say, is the Pill Recipe of Immortal Pill.

“haha, many thanks.”

Yang Xuan laughed and accepted the jade bottle and jade slip, and did not forget to express his gratitude. He originally wanted this drop of eternal water How to use it, it’s all right now. With the formula of the eternal life pill, he can refine a lot of eternal life pill.

According to the records of Pill Recipe, this drop of immortal water can produce dozens of immortal pills at most. Of course, the premise is that the various auxiliary medicine ingredients recorded above are sufficient.

All of these medicine ingredients are true heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Any medicine ingredients are invaluable and can be encountered but not sought.

However, this is not difficult for Yang Xuan. He is the master of Nine Realms, and he can separate the idea to send Nine Realms’ many experts to find the medicine ingredients needed for him.

Even if some medicine ingredients cannot be found for a while, they will surely be found in the future. After all, this world is a huge universe. As long as you seek to find it, there is absolutely nothing he can’t find.

“Don’t thank me, if Lao Bai asked me to take care of you, you wouldn’t get it from me.”

Eternal Life Palace is in good spirits, all Great Saint struck and he only asked for a drop of immortal water, and he didn’t give it. What’s more, Yang Xuan is still just a little cultivator?

How can a cultivator of this level even have no qualifications to talk to him?

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