“I never believed in Child of Destiny. Don’t use it to feel how great you are. Since the establishment of Eternal Life Palace, Child of Destiny has appeared a lot. , But with the exception of the Buddha of the Western Heavens, all of them are rare in the end.”

Eternal Life Palace seems to be reminiscing, and it seems to be admonishing, “The destiny, who lives with the destiny, also dies with the destiny, if you can’t prove it Eternal life, you will never be able to get rid of the shackles of destiny and gain great freedom.”

“Senior’s lessons, Junior will definitely remember them.”

Yang Xuan said resolutely, Eternal Life Palace Ling was not merciful, but he was pretty good to him.

“Go away, don’t let me see you brat again.”

Eternal Life Palace Ling waved his hand.

Yang Xuan smiled without talking, turned his head and said to the purgatory boy: “Successfully accomplished, let’s go now.”


In the manor , With the arrival of the purgatory boy, it became lively for a while.

However, none of this has anything to do with Yang Xuan.

As soon as he came back, he chose to retreat.

This retreat is not a cultivation, but to solve a problem that has always plagued him before the Eternal Life Palace is closed.

“I used to be incapable and powerless, but now I can completely solve this problem, Lan’er, waiting for me, I will soon be able to change you back to the former Qin Lan.”

In a secret room, Yang Xuan sat cross-legged and muttered to himself.

The entanglement between Qin Lan and Mengqing, the Divine Soul of the two parties are entangled with each other, and it is time to deal with the difficult problem of separation.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan waved his hand, and an ancient and mysterious ice coffin appeared out of nowhere.

The ice coffin comes from under the thunder pool of good fortune, with the cold Extreme-Cold Qi all over it, which is a rare fairy coffin in the world.

At this moment, lying flat in the ice coffin, like a person sleeping in a deep state, but not a fairy.

It was a woman, a devastatingly beautiful woman.


Yang Xuan looked at this woman, with pity and grief in his eyes. He and Qin Lan grew up with childhood sweethearts, and they will become partners only when they are adults. In the end, they parted ways because of a misunderstanding.

On the day when the misunderstanding was resolved, I encountered the intervention of the dream.

Dream is Qin Lan’s previous life, and Qin Lan is the carrier of her dream rebirth. Until now, she wants to assimilate Qin Lan’s Divine Soul.

But the past life and this life represent two different people after all, and Yang Xuan loves Qin Lan in this life, so how can he let his dream hit Qin Lan’s idea?

This has already touched his reverse scale, which is unforgivable.

“It’s coming, everything will be over soon.”

Took a deep breath, Yang Xuan couldn’t help but extend the hand, stroking Qin Lan’s sleep across the ice coffin Yan, only a deep guilt remained in his heart.

In the past, in order to seal Qin Lan and prevent Qin Lan from schizophrenia, he had to seal Qin Lan in an ice coffin.

Now, he took out the ice coffin, but he wanted to lift the seal and rescue Qin Lan.


At this time, as the soul guarding talisman on the lid of the coffin burned out, the ice coffin suddenly trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, the heavy coffin lid was suddenly lifted with both hands, and Qin Lan in the ice coffin suddenly stood up from inside.

“Boy, it’s you. If you let me out, aren’t you afraid that I will use the hand of your beloved to kill you?”

Qin Lan stood in the sky, like a waterfall Her long hair was flying around, her eyes were cold and full of murderous intention.

Obviously, this is not the real Qin Lan, but the awakened dream. With the ability of the dream, it is also impossible to let Qin Lan’s Divine Soul dominate the body.

“I dare to let you out, and there will be a means to subdue you. How great is it for you to be a former supreme?”

Yang Xuan coldly said: “believing or Not can I let you scattered ashes and dispersed smoke with my hand?”

“Hey, you can try to do it. Once I die, Qin Lan will also be buried with me.”

Dreaming sneered constantly, did not take Yang Xuan’s warning seriously, but immediately, her face changed again.

At this moment, she seemed to have seen something incredible, with a shocked expression on her face: “Impossible, your cultivation base…”

“Have you finally discovered it? “

Yang Xuan coldly smiled, saying: “You now have two choices, one is to leave Qin Lan’s body automatically, and the other is to let me take it off and personally strip out your Remnant Soul.”

“Cultivation base that’s all of the heaven-sweeping realm, really when you can threaten me?”

“If you don’t believe it, try it.”

Yang Xuan coldly snorted , Directly stretched out his hand and grabbed it towards the dream.

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