His big hand did not touch Qin Lan’s body, but he just grabbed it so seemingly that he was entangled in Qin Lan’s Remnant Soul in Divine Soul, but he suddenly felt it An irresistible force forcibly detained her Remnant Soul.

Chapter 1230 See you again, lovesickness becomes tears!

“Unexpectedly, on the day you and I see each other, we will no longer be on the same level.”

Yang Xuan has a cold expression without any emotion.

Now he is no longer a small role that anyone can step on. Don’t say that there is only one Remnant Soul left in his dream, even if she devours Qin Lan’s Divine Soul and repeats the previous Peak cultivation base, also absolutely not his opponent.

Two of them, one is the Great Cultivator of Peak, the other is the former supreme. There is a huge gap in the cultivation realm between the two and there is no comparability.

“Impossible, this is not true. Even if your cultivation base increases, you should not have this kind of power…”

Meng Qing screamed, unable to accept this Kind of result.

Back then, her Remnant Soul consciousness awakened and she beat Yang Xuan half to death with a single palm of her hand. Later, although Yang Xuan’s cultivation base has been improved to a certain extent, she never took Yang Xuan seriously. , I just think this child has a high talent, and I have to find a chance to get rid of it to avoid future troubles.

Yang Xuan was already so powerful that she couldn’t even wait for her to make a real move.

“Cultivation base does not represent strength. You should be able to feel that this is not my main power, but this power is completely controlled by me.”

Yang Xuan Divine Soul manifested a human form, appeared above Qin Lan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness out of thin air, condescendingly looked down at the dreaming Remnant Soul below.

“What kind of power is this…!?”

The dream voice was sharp and angry, but while she was speaking, her Remnant Soul was sometimes distorted and sometimes Expansion, as if the next moment will collapse and completely cease to exist.

This terrifying force, this unpredictable and mysterious method made her feel deep fear in her heart, and she was unable to resist.

“haha, what supreme, in front of me is not like an ant, I can kill you with my bare hands.”

Yang Xuan laughed, his face full of disdain.

“Little ghost, you can’t kill me. If you dare to act blindly without thinking, I will Self-destruction Remnant Soul, let Qin Lan sink forever, cluck, I know you have a deep affection for Qin Lan, if She can’t wake up, and you will live in pain forever, and it will be thousands of times more uncomfortable than death.”

Besides dreaming of fear, you will also be completely crazy.

“You dare to be rampant when you die? Do you think you can threaten me?”

Yang Xuan coldly said, big hand bluff, that invisible power, suddenly dream Love is completely imprisoned, making it impossible to move even a little bit, suffering great pain.

It can be said that the life and death of the dream at this moment are all between his thoughts, and he can pinch the latter to death only by moving his thoughts.

“I am not willing to, I should have killed you long ago. If I had killed you when I saw you for the first time, how could you smelly brat live now?”

The hatred in Meng Qing’s eyes is overwhelming, and she can’t wait to rush to kill Yang Xuan immediately.

“Let’s stop here, you will come to this day, it’s all you having only oneself to blame, you can’t blame others.”

At this moment, a weak silhouette of Dao Void , Suddenly walked out of the Remnant Soul of dreams.

This silhouette looks exactly the same as Qin Lan, but what is Divine Soul not Qin Lan’s body?

While dreaming of Qin Lan who suddenly appeared next to her, she yelled involuntarily, “How did you… come out!? How did you break through my seal!?”

“Just now, your seal became loose, so I took the opportunity to come out.” Qin Lan lightly opened the mouth and said.

“It’s this kid, I blame this kid, you shouldn’t come out, you are my Reincarnation Body, your body, your soul, everything about you should belong to me That’s right.”

The dream is crazy, but I can’t stop it.


Yang Xuan was shocked, and he ignored the crazy dreams. His eyes fixed on Qin Lan, and the expression in his eyes became infinitely gentle. .

“Lan’er, is it really you?”

He opened his mouth and asked again, his voice was full of endless thoughts, but people had already dropped from the sky came to Qin Lan in an instant.

“It’s me, I’ve been waiting for you, waiting for you to save me.”

Qin Lan is slightly nodded, tears are constantly falling on the beautiful face.

“Okay, OK, you’ll be fine, just fine.”

Yang Xuan couldn’t help but extend the hand and gently hugged Qin Lan in his arms , Lovingly said: “Lan’er has suffered for you during this period, but it doesn’t matter, we will be together again soon, and no one in this world can separate us.”

” , We will never be separated again, we will never be separated for the rest of our lives.” Qin Lan burst into tears, and only felt that it was all worthwhile. The man in front of him did not forget himself because of the long separation.

For a long time, the bodies of the two separated, only to hear Yang Xuan ask: “This woman is to kill or stay, everything is up to Lan’er to decide”

“She will return It is my previous life. No matter what excessive things I have done to me, I can forgive her. You can spare her life for the sake of my face.”

Qin Lan said.

“Well, everything is up to you.”

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