Qin Lan has spoken, what can Yang Xuan say?

With a thought, he let go of the imprisonment of the dream.

“Boy, even if you let me go this time, I won’t be grateful to you.”

The dream is free again, but the expression on his face is still cold, glaring Yang Xuan said.

“You don’t need to be grateful to me, you just need to remember that it is Qin Lan who saved you this time, but the person you should be most grateful to, and only her.”

Yang Xuan pointed at Qin Lan, and said to her dreams indifferently.


Looking at Qin Lan in a dream, she finally just whispered “I’m sorry” from her mouth.

Qin Lan is her turning body.

Originally, this Reincarnation Body would only become her carrier. Who knows that her Remnant Soul hasn’t awakened yet, Qin Lan was already born first, and gradually gave birth to self-consciousness.

In fact, I can’t blame Qin Lan for all this.

Qin Lan’s birth was an accident. To blame, her Remnant Soul awakened too late and did not immediately merge the spirit and will of both parties.

“Needless to say sorry to me, all of this is your destiny, and I just hope you and I can live well and treat each other like relatives.”

Qin Lan shook the head, it is better to choose to forgive if you hate a person, so that you can release yourself and forgive others. Besides, this person is still her past life. In Qin Lan’s heart, no matter how much she hates the other party, it is impossible to regard the other party as an enemy.

“The reincarnation of the soldiers is not tolerated by Heavenly Dao. Without your body, I can’t really survive, that’s all that’s all, I’ve lived a lifetime, and I’m tired of this red dust In the duny world, you can live on my behalf.”

After the dream, she wants to solve her own war. This time the war is different from the past. She obviously has a deadly ambition and simply does not intend to continue struggle. Fate against the Heavens.

Since I can’t resist, it is better to follow the fate’s arrangement, so it will be completely quiet.

Chapter 1231 says no, but the body is very honest!

“Big brother, I’m sorry to you.”

With a whisper, the dream of Remnant Soul manifests itself, revealing its true face completely.

Yang Xuan saw in his eyes, he couldn’t help but experience a brief absence, as if this vicious and merciless woman didn’t expect to have such a beautiful and charming face.

It can be said that this woman is not inferior to Qin Lan in terms of figure, temperament, or appearance.

“The most poisonous woman’s heart, if you only look at the appearance, I am afraid that no one believes that this woman is a fierce person who kills without blinking an eye.”

Yang Xuan secretly thought, but his face Indifferent, watching with cold eyes, didn’t mean to stop it at all.

He promised Qin Lan to spare Mengqing’s life, but since the latter did not want to live, it had nothing to do with him.

“Whether you are dead, Qin Lan of the province has more concerns.”

After thinking about it, I heard Qin Lan say: “You can’t do this, I never thought about it. I want you to die!”

As I said, tears were already raining down.

The dreams are all her previous lives. Although the two people are different in their own consciousness, they are completely different people, but there is always a tacit understanding between each other’s hearts.

This kind of tacit understanding is just like the spiritual communication between twin sisters.

In fact, deep in Qin Lan’s heart, until now also regards dreams as relatives.

And Mengqing is a woman, and it is not really unfeeling. For a long time, she also has a certain affection for Qin Lan, but she usually hides it well and does not show it.

She shook the head and said: “Don’t be sad, all this has nothing to do with you, remember to live well.”

The voice is still there, and the body gradually fades.

This is self-defense. When her body disappears completely, it means that her Remnant Soul is annihilated, and there is no more dreaming person in this world.

“No, I don’t want you to die, Yang Xuan, please help her.”

Qin Lan’s Huarong pales, this is the result she least wants to see, and she can’t help but ask for help for a while Looking towards Yang Xuan.

Nowadays, only Yang Xuan can stop the dream.

“People will die and their words are good, that’s all, I’ll just be a good person.”

Yang Xuan sighed, grabbing with a big hand, taking advantage of the dream Qing’s body hasn’t completely disappeared, and she has confined her whole body again.

“smelly brat, let me go!”

Dream love to die, she was born with no love, but when she was dying, someone stood up to stop her , What makes her feel most uncomfortable is that this person is still Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan took possession of Qin Lan’s body when she was awakened, and Qin Lan and her were one body. Yang Xuan tarnished Qin Lan’s innocence, that is, tarnished her innocence, which is unforgivable.

That’s why Mengqing hates Yang Xuan so much.

“I don’t know why you hate me so much, but you can’t die today.”

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