Yang Xuan Road.

“It’s ridiculous, what right do you have to decide my life and death!?”

“Just because I am Qin Lan’s man, Qin Lan said that if you live, you must not die, at least don’t die In front of me and Qin Lan.”

“My life and death are up to you to make the decision.”

The dream is ruthless, forcefully activate the soldiers’ solution, trying to get rid of Yang Xuan. The imprisonment, self-destruct Remnant Soul.

“You chose to succumb to fate, but I did not let you wish. I will let you see what is the power of fate now.”

Yang Xuan stretches out one In one hand, the destiny seed in the palm blooms, emitting eternal and immeasurable light, and the power to reverse everything.

“This is…”

Qin Lan was also moved by the change of dreams. This kind of power has exceeded their imagination, just like the bright moon in the sky, eternal immortality.

“This is the power of fate. Under this power, your fate is about to be changed and reversed.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said, pointing his finger at the dream.

“It’s a big joke, how can you, a heaven-sweeping kid, be able to reverse your destiny, which is not controlled by anyone.”

After falling, I felt that a mysterious and majestic force suddenly entered my own in the depth of one’s soul.

“Okay, the seeds of destiny have taken root in your heart, and you are destined to submit to me forever and become my most loyal slave. You will never be relieved.”

Yang Xuan slightly nodded, very satisfied with it.

But there are also drawbacks. For example, his hair looks paler than before. This is also a side effect of the little fatalism. Although it only slightly mobilizes the power of a little bit of Fate, it also consumes him. Less lifespan.

To enslave others with the power of fate and make people obey forcibly. This is also a magical effect of small fate. It is stronger than any soul blood contract. As long as the cultivation base is not too high, it will be forever Nor can they be free.

It can be said that Dreaming will have to obey his orders completely from now on, even if she does not want her heart, her body can’t resist.

“Damn it! What did you do to me!?”

Meng Qing complexion greatly changed, even with a little panic in his eyes.

“It’s nothing, it’s just to change your life that’s all. You don’t want to die. Now try to see if you can die.”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.


Dreamly tried to urge the soldiers to solve the art, but suddenly found that she could not do it.

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows picked it up, and said with a smile without a smile: “Understood, you are no longer you, all your actions have to be approved by me, I’m just in your Divine Soul There is a command in the depths that you can’t die, even if you want to die, you can’t die.”

After saying this, he beckoned, “Come here, let me take a look.”

“Dream and go!”

Dream categorically refused, but involuntarily came to Yang Xuan at his feet.

“Hehe, I say no, but my body is very honest.”

Yang Xuan touched his nose, looked up and down his dream, and said with a wicked smile: “Very well, I just like to see you in pain. The more painful you are, the more flustered and exasperated you are, the more I feel happy in my heart. I just want to fiercely torture you, humiliate you, and let you do what you do for yourself. Forgive me.”

“You devil! I curse you not to die!”

The dream is exploded, and I feel terrified. This is simply extraordinary shame and humiliation. , She absolutely can’t accept it, it’s tens of thousands of times more uncomfortable than death.

“Yang Xuan, can you stop talking about nonsense, although I am very grateful for your help, but you can’t treat her like that!”

Qin Lan frowned and said .

“Okay, OK, I won’t say it.”

Yang Xuan spread his hands, and finally no longer stimulates his dreams. This woman is under repair, if it weren’t for Qin Lan By his side, he had at least 10,000 ways to make her life worse than death.

Life is worse than death, and there is nothing more desperate than this.

Whenever he thinks of all kinds of things Mengqing has done to Qin Lan, Yang Xuan feels extremely angry in his heart, and never thought of forgiving.

“Okay, let her be free now. After this, I don’t think she will look for a short sight anymore.”

Qin Lan said again.

“Sorry, the seeds of fate have been planted, and I am powerless, unless I die, she can regain her freedom.”

Yang Xuan apologized and did not tell the truth. He didn’t want the dream to become an obstacle between himself and Qin Lan.

As long as this woman is still alive, it is impossible to guarantee that she will not blow in Qin Lan’s ears and provoke her relationship with Qin Lan.

Chapter 1232 Purgatory 9th layer!

“What fate, what is changing one’s fate, I don’t know what you are talking about?”

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