“Then the discipline retired.”

Out of the Outer Elder Hall, Yang Xuan went straight to the inner peak without delay.

The outer peak and inner peak of Seven Mysteries Sect are not far apart. Under the gaze of many Outer Disciples, Yang Xuan went all the way out of the outer peak and walked along the spacious mountain road. peak.

It is said to be the inner peak, but in fact, there are many peaks here, with continuous ups and downs.

Looking up, I saw that among the distant mountains, peaks stand in great numbers, lush vegetation, waterfalls and springs, palaces rising from the ground, clearly visible.

At this moment, it is midday, under the scorching sun, those palaces are becoming more and more gold and jade in glorious splendor, magnificent.

And in the deepest part of the mountains, there is a mountain that plunges into the sky.

This peak should be the Inner Sect main peak. Above the mountainside, the clouds are misty and invisible, but you can also vaguely see many magnificent buildings, just like a city in the sky floating in a sea of ​​clouds .

“Inner Sect, I’m here, but this is only the 1st Step. From now on, I have to get out of Seven Mysteries Sect and go to Zhong Prefecture, where I am famous.”

Yang Xuan whispered and walked over.

On the way, many Inner Disciples saw that Yang Xuan was also pointing fingers, discussing spiritedly.

“This kid is Yang Xuan, right?”

“Well, it’s him, I have seen his portrait.”

“It’s also in Yuan Jing 5 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base, he can really skip grades to kill the expert of the real gangland!?”

“I don’t know, but he is killing in Fengyun Gorge. Many people have seen it with their own eyes, It shouldn ‘t be fake, right?”

“Senior Brother, you also have the cultivation base of Nine Layers Heaven, or go up and explore his bottom.”

” Forget it, this child is highly valued by the master, I don’t want to offend him.”

Yang Xuan has very good ears, and he naturally heard the murmurs of many Inner Disciples, but he ignored them and went all the way. Turning around, around many mountain peaks, walked a lot of wrong roads, spent a little one hour finally came to the foot of the Inner Sect main peak.

It is indeed the Inner Sect main peak. It is not big from a distance, but when it comes to the foot of the main peak, Yang Xuan realizes that the main peak is actually very large, stretching several dozen li from west to east. , Like a giant dragon lying on the ground, imposing manner is majestic.

“Hey, the kid in front stop me?”

Just as Yang Xuan was secretly feeling, a cold and proud voice came from behind.

Hearing that voice, the faces of many Inner Disciples near Yang Xuan all showed fear, one by one, fearing to avoid it, they were far away from Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan didn’t think much, turned around and looked around, and saw seven or eight brightly-dressed young people walking towards him. The young people headed by him had the highest cultivation base and reached the 5 Heavenly Layer of the realm of truth.

This person is about 20 years old, tall and tall, with dashing eyebrows, but his eyebrows are slightly narrow and long, making the space between his eyebrows a bit more sullen.

Yang Xuan didn’t know what was going on when the other party stopped him, but he didn’t see a panic on his face. Indifferently asked: “Something?”

“Boy, are you Yang Xuan?”

“Yes, who are you?”

“Uh, you haven’t heard of me?”

“Is it strange?”


“Forget it, it’s normal for you to be an Outer Disciple and don’t know who I am, but you remember, my name is Ouyang Feng, and, I heard you killed Bai Haitang?”

“Well, I killed people, but it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you?”

Yang Xuan dashing eyebrows rose, and his words became slightly stronger. It was not that he deliberately caused trouble, but It was this young man who claimed to be Ouyang Feng who was so arrogant that made him angry.

“Who said it’s okay, kid, I’m not talking nonsense with you, Bai Haitang borrowed me 10,000 Sect contribution points, but others have been killed by you, so you have to pay the bill Repay him.” Ouyang Feng said coldly.

Chapter 131 Martial Spirit

“Why?” Yang Xuan tugged at the corner of his mouth, his face turned cold.

“For nothing, I just rely on the three words Ouyang Feng.” Ouyang Feng proudly said. He is used to Inner Sect tyrannize, except for a few Inner Disciples who don’t dare provoke. People are respectful to him.

hearing this, Yang Xuan was both angry and funny, and did not answer. He turned his head towards an Inner Disciple of the 3 Heavenly Layer in the Ning Yuan realm not far away, and asked: “This is in front of me Is the guy with eyes high above the top famous in Inner Sect?”

As soon as this statement came out, several young people behind Ouyang Feng became angry.

“Boy, Senior Brother Yang is one of the top ten experts in the Inner Sect Heaven Ranking. It’s better to show respect.”

“That’s right, relying on you to condense the elementary realm 5 Heavenly Layer’s cultivation base dare to call it a young murderer. It’s a real laugh.”

“haha, what a young murderer, I think it’s all, it’s not true.”

Hearing these sneers and sneers, Yang Xuan was full of disdain, and said indifferently: “A bunch of clowns, have you finished your fart?”

“Boy, what did you say, kind of repeat it again. “A group of young people was furious.

“I said you are clown, and your fart is very stinky, and I want to vomit.” Yang Xuan said every word.

“Damn it, you brat tired of life.”

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