“Come on together and beat him!”

A group of young people are furious, and they are angry!

“Okay, shut up.” Ouyang Feng shouted.

I have to say that this guy really has some abilities. After an order, the people behind him didn’t dare to disobey, and they shut up.

“hehe, yes, you have a few good dogs, very obedient.” Yang Xuan smiled nodded strangely.

Hearing this, those young people complexion ashen almost ran away on the spot, while a group of onlookers Outer Disciple were very speechless. Yang Xuan’s mouth was too shameful, and one sentence can make people angry Half dead.

Yang Xuan didn’t care what others think of him, staring at Ouyang Feng, straight to the point and said: “Your name is Ouyang Feng, right, you don’t use Bai Haitang’s debt as an excuse. If you want to trouble me, just say it straight.”

“Yes, I’m just upset with your title of the young murderer.” Ouyang Feng said with a cold face.

“It’s fine if you admit it, but don’t blame me for not reminding you. You’d better not mess with me. I don’t mess with me, but I’m not afraid. I really want to mess with me and make you lose face. End.”

“Hehe, you brat is as arrogant as the rumors, but you remember, arrogant in front of me is just looking for smoke.”

Ouyang Feng laughed angrily. , The cold light in his eyes flickered, and he came to Yang Xuan to give Yang Xuan a prestige and kill him.

“Why, under the Inner Sect main peak, do you still want to do something to me?”

“Don’t you think I dare?”

“Then you Just let it go and try it.”

While speaking, Yang Xuan’s black hair is flying, pupil light is like electricity, and his body explodes in an imposing manner.

This is a half-step sword intent, unparalleled, and astounding.

At this moment, everyone present has the illusion that Yang Xuan is no longer a person, but a peerless sword showing off one’s ability, soaring into the sky, even the sky will pierce a hole. .

deng deng deng!

Many Inner Disciples who got too close couldn’t contend at all, and they retreated far away with fear. However, Ouyang Feng was the closest to Yang Xuan, caught off guard, and couldn’t help shaking his body and took a step back.

“How is it possible that Ouyang Feng can’t stop his imposing manner!”

A group of Inner Disciples were dumbfounded, as if they could not believe it. Inner Sect Heaven Ranking ranked the top ten Ouyang Feng couldn’t stop Yang Xuan’s imposing manner.

“I can’t resist even my imposing manner. You, the top ten expert in the Inner Sect Heaven Ranking, seem to have a silver-like wax gun tip. It’s not very useful.” Yang Xuan has a face. Shook the head contemptuously.

hearing this, Ouyang Feng was furious and stared at Yang Xuan with a cold pupil light.

“Don’t stare at me. If you want to fight, you will come, and I will accompany you to the end.”

Yang Xuan stepped forward, The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

At the same time, his imposing manner skyrocketed, and a cold half-step sword intent turned into an invisible Storm of Swords and pressed against Ouyang Feng, causing Ouyang Feng to shake his body slightly.

His movements were not very large, but many people clearly saw them, one by one was astonished as a wooden chicken, all looking at Yang Xuan with hell-like eyes.

Yang Xuan is also too abnormal, and the imposing manner alone can shock Ouyang Feng.

“Ai, I didn’t believe it at first, but now it seems that this child does have the demeanor of a young murderer!” Someone sighed and shook his head, and no longer dared to underestimate Yang Xuan’s low cultivation base. he.

The others were silent, but everyone looked towards Yang Xuan with different gazes. Since Yang Xuan can retreat Ouyang Feng in an imposing manner, if he does it, his strength is absolutely terrifying. Below the realm, it’s absolutely difficult for someone to take advantage of others.

“Okay, very good. If you don’t teach you today, others will treat me as Ouyang Feng as having no temper.”

Ouyang Feng is angry, and a pair of eyes are red. Wanting to spit out the fire, he absolutely didn’t expect to find the fault, but Yang Xuan took the lead in imposing manner.

This is a shame for him, the news spread, I don’t know how many people will laugh at him secretly.

“Teach me, can you please? I advise you to go back and forth from wherever you go. Otherwise, if you are defeated by me, your Heaven Ranking must belong to me.” Yang Xuan retorted.

“boast shamelessly, I only need one move to defeat you.”

Ouyang Feng moved, his palms rose and fell, rays of light flickered, a strong palm like a mountain Through the void, blast towards Yang Xuan.


Shouted in a low voice, Yang Xuan pointed it into a sword, separated a little, a half inch long scarlet gold sword energy broke Empty out.

pu chi!

An unbelievable scene happened to many people. Sword energy collided with Palm Jin and immediately penetrated Palm Jin. Without any pause, the sword energy shot towards Ouyang Feng’s throat.

Ouyang Feng complexion greatly changed, and I don’t know what body secret technique was used, the body flashes quickly, extremely fast, and it drifts back to the side with a single stroke, avoiding the sword dangerously and dangerously能源 .

However, he avoided, but someone behind him suffered.


Unfortunately, a young man was hit by the sword energy. He was shot through by sword energy. He let out a scream like a pig on the spot, clutching his injured right arm Retreat quickly, never daring to get too close to Yang Xuan anymore, treating him like a scourge.

A group of onlookers were shocked. Yang Xuan’s strength was terrifying. Not to mention that a sword energy broke Ouyang Feng’s palm, but actually penetrated the left arm of an Inner Disciple. The cultivation base of the 10th Layer of the Ningyuan Realm cannot avoid the sword energy.

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