Yang Xuan just feels like he wants to laugh, but his mouth is not broken. He said: “My son-in-law will enter the imperial pagoda when he waits, and Naan Luo decides life and death. If I If I come out alive, I’m sure to come to the house again to ask for a kiss. If I haven’t returned, then my marriage with Xiu’er and Qingwu will be considered for nothing.”

“This, son-in-law, you must come back alive, you are going to die. , I’m afraid that my baby girl won’t survive.”

Yi Xiaotian was shocked.

“Father, you can rest assured, Yang Xuan will definitely be fine.” Yi Xiu’er flushed and said.

“cough cough, it’s Dad who said the wrong thing.”

Yi Xiaotian gave a dry cough, knowing that Yang Xuan is sure to deal with Na An Luo, otherwise his daughter will not Will say this remark.

“Don’t say too much, just hope Virtuous nephew takes care. As long as Virtuous nephew comes back alive, then I can assure you that my daughter will never marry anyone except you.”

Yi Xiaokun looked solemn and authentic.

“Many thanks, Master Yue.”

Yang Xuan hugged cup one fist in the other hand, and then settled Shen Yuexin beside him in Yi Family, and then set off for the mist star.

The mist star, as its name implies, is a misty star. This star is not far from the Sacred Domain continent. It has only the area of ​​several tens of thousands of li, which is less than 1/10000th of a Small World. .

However, in the depths of such a small star, there is a tall tower full of pitch black.

That is the Emperor Pagoda, about hundreds of zhang high, the whole body spreads the vast and simple atmosphere, I don’t know how many years it has been standing here.

Chapter 1329 Revisiting the old place

In the depths of a big mountain, Yang Xuan appears out of thin air.

This is the world in the Emperor Pagoda, called the Desolate Ancient Continent, and the rolling mountains in front of me are the great wilderness mountain range that appeared after Yang Xuan entered the Emperor Pagoda in the past.

In Xuanhuang World, there is also a great wilderness mountain range, but the mountain range is much larger than the mountain range in front of you, and the richness of Essence Energy of Heaven and Earth is completely absent. On one level.

To put it bluntly, this mountain range is a very unremarkable mountain that’s all on the barren ancient continent.

Compared with the past, the great wilderness mountain range seems to have been severely damaged.

Here, there are collapsed mountains and giant trees everywhere. On the devastated ground, countless corpses of wild giant beasts are lying in a pool of dry blood.

The smell of blood still remained in the wind, which was strong and pungent, and it was vomiting.

No need to release divine sense, Yang Xuan can also feel the extinction of the birds, the disappearance of people, and the absence of any creatures.

He looked up, and the sky was no longer blue and clear.

Above the entire sky, as if experiencing endless killings, there is always a thick blood mist that lingers.

From time to time, there is a cold wind, which rolls up the litter on the ground and makes a “huhuhu” sound, which seems to be telling a sad song.

“Don’t you even let the birds and beasts in the mountains let you go?”

Looking at the direction outside the mountain range of the Great Wilderness, Yang Xuan said lightly to himself.

He is a demon, killing countless lives in his life, his hands are stained with blood, but he will not kill randomly.

To exterminate everything like this, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain, he is even more reluctant to do it.

path of cultivation, there is nothing wrong with fighting and killing, but you have to have your own limits in life.

However, it is clear that Anluo, as the cultivator of the Shadow Clan, has no such limit.

“This person should be punishable, and the shadow clan should disappear into this world.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes were cold, but he was not in a hurry to find An Luo.

With his current strength of cultivation base and divine sense, it is also impossible to cover the entire deserted ancient continent.

The Desolate Ancient Continent is a real Great World. Although it has been dusted for a long time and isolated from the world all year round, its area is not much smaller than Xuanhuang World.

Of course, if Yang Xuan can refining the Emperor Pagoda, then he can find the location of Anluo instantly.

Helplessly, refining Emperor Tower has to wait for Tower Spirit to wake up. He will never be the master of this world before he is approved by Tower Spirit.

“Hey, there are still alive people outside this mountain!”

Suddenly, Yang Xuan seemed to have noticed something, and stepped out of the wilderness mountain range in one step, and came to a place. Among the ruined ancient city full of broken walls.

“Wuling City!”

This ancient city is not big, at best it can only be counted as a border town, but it is also the place where Yang Xuan has been.

He even killed people here and saved Xiao Yun’er who was in distress.

“Dead, all dead, that demon is too cruel, Xiao Clan, and the people in the city, were all killed by a few of his men. It is almost annihilating humanity…”

Walking all the way in this familiar and unfamiliar dead city, blood-stained, tragic corpses can be seen everywhere.

In this regard, Yang Xuan did not feel surprised or pity, but just walked towards the place where the voice of grief and anger came.

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