After a short while, I came to a dilapidated mansion.

“Xiao Mansion, it seems that this is the place where Xiao Yun’er once lived.”

He pushed the door and found the source of the sound, and suddenly saw a severely wounded man all over his body. It was blood, the middle-aged man, who almost refused to die, curled up and fell into the rubble.

This person is surprisingly the owner of Xiao Family, Xiao Jingrong, and Xiao Yun’er’s uncle. However, due to the nature of disaster, he has been kept in a small dark room all the year round, precarious.

“If the innocent and kind-hearted Xiao Yuner is here, I am afraid Xiao Jingrong will look like this now, I am afraid he will be sad and cry…”

Yang Xuan thought secretly.

“Help, please Young Master please help me…”

The sound of footsteps sounded, and at this moment the dying Xiao Jingrong was also alarmed, just like a drowning man suddenly grabbing a stick As a helper, Xiao Jingrong immediately lifted the head and made a weak cry for help.

“I won’t kill you, I’m so kind, how can I save you?”

Yang Xuan looked down at Xiao Jingrong, and asked indifferently: “Although you are injured It’s not light, it’s not far from death, but these eyes are not blind, right? Your dog’s eyes widen and take a good look at who is standing in front of you now.”

“It’s you, you It’s the young man who took my niece away!”

Xiao Jingrong took a closer look, his face suddenly showed a look of shock, and he didn’t know where the strength came from. He suddenly got off the ground. Climb up, moved towards Yang Xuan continuously kowtow.

“Young Master, help me. Although I have done a lot of excessive things to Yun’er, I will always be his relative. Please see Yun’er save my life on the face of Yun’er. “

“You are so afraid of death?”

“In this world, who can ignore death?”

“You are right, but people It’s inherently dead. If you can be harder, I might try to save it.”

“My nephew, why isn’t with you, hurry up and let her come to see me.”


“I think of your poor niece now, don’t you think it’s too late?”

Yang Xuan shook the head, saying: “Yun’er is not with me, nor In this mainland, she is living well now. In my hometown, she has no worries about food and clothing, and she has no worries about food and clothing, which is hundreds of times better than when she lived in your Xiao Family.”

“You, who are you, can you leave this closed continent?”

“With you, you don’t deserve to know where I came from. Besides, you clansman is dead, so you don’t have to miss anything Now, just die with peace of mind.”

“I, I…”

Xiao Jingrong died before finishing her words.


Walking out of Xiao Mansion, Yang Xuan turned north and came to the mountain gate station of Yunlan Valley. He found that blood flowing into a river had also long since disappeared.

Seeing this scene, he can only sigh up to the sky.

This Yunlan Valley recipe Ye Feiyang is a friend he met outside the Great Wilderness mountain range. In addition, his great Void Technique also comes from Yunlanfeng, the master of the Yunlan Valley Valley.

Unfortunately, the entire Yunlan Valley has already been razed to the ground. Fortunately, Yang Xuan didn’t find Yun Lanfeng or Ye Feiyang’s corpse, which made him feel a little relieved.

Maybe both of them have escaped, and they don’t know where they are now, but as long as the person is still alive, there must be a day of goodbye.

Leaving Yunlan Valley, Yang Xuan no longer delays, crossing the void all the way, flying towards the ancient territory.

Ancient territory is located in the central area of ​​the barren ancient continent, which is also a forbidden area of ​​the barren ancient continent.

However, as Yang Xuan obtained the Martial Spirit fragments from Xiaoyao Immortal Monarch, this dangerous place, which was originally not near to the strangers, became an excellent treasure spot for martial artists of all parties to explore and hunt for treasure.

Chapter 1330 The Art of Nine Ding Qi Luck

The Emperor City, the only city in the ancient Foreign Domain, is also the oldest ancient city in the barren continent.

This ancient city has existed for a long time, the city wall is brown and red, and the breath of time is spreading throughout.

In this city, I don’t know why people built it. Since ancient times, it has been forbidden and guarded. Killing is forbidden in the city. You can’t even use the inner Qi, otherwise there will be catastrophe.

According to legend, there was once an emperor who did not believe in evil and killed people in the city. He was eventually suppressed and killed in this city. Even the Primordial Spirit was not spared, and the imperial city was named for it.

until now, this mysterious ancient city has also been regarded as a Holy Land by the cultivator of the two principles of good and evil in this mainland, which is brilliant and prosperous.

But now, this place has completely become a refuge for mainland martial artists. One after another silhouette running in panic is clearly visible in the city, and faces full of horror.

“The man is strong against the sky, and vicious and merciless. When he emerges from the depths of the ancient territory, we are afraid that we will all die!”

“The imperial city has restrictions. No one dared to do anything here, no matter how strong the demon was, he would not dare to rush into the city to kill people. A few days ago, one of his men was killed on the spot because of killing people in the city, which shows how terrifying this prohibition is.”

When people talk, they cannot relax their guard.

The demon is too strong, and everyone can’t forget that day.

That day, a tall black clothed man with a cold expression came across the sky, and instantly plunged the whole world into endless darkness.

That kind of scene, as if a god and demon descended, people feel terrified of hitting in the bones.

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