Yi Qingwu trembled all over, a heart that had been covered in dust for many years suddenly loosened a little, and tears unconsciously blinded his eyes.

She knows the man in front of her too well. This man has always been arrogant all his life, never kneeling, or respecting the gods of heaven and earth, but he kneeled down and proposed to herself at this brief moment.

This requires not only courage, but also the determination to rest assured and dignity.

Just ask a man who can leave behind his self-esteem and is the only tempted man in his life.

She, Yi Qingwu, how can she bear to refuse?

“This, Emperor Yang deserves to be Emperor Yang, even his confession is so high-profile, so teary, it is really admirable.”

“A man actually kneeled to a woman, Does this seem a bit too humble?”

“Bah, this is the true love of Human World. You stinky men who are full of men and women do not understand.”

” That is, Emperor Yang is the true expression of his true feelings, and he is worthy of a real man. You guys are not even worthy of giving him shoes.”

Many women in the crowd were deeply moved. Also secretly envy Yi Qingwu can be favored by these men.

“Damn it, this child, in order to get Yi Qingwu, was able to get to this by fair means or foul, what a damn!”

At this moment, some people admire, some are surprised, envious , But some people are full of anger.

For example, Liu Family Young Master Liu Jiangyuan, Liu Jiangyuan lost to Yang Xuan that day, his father Liu Family Patriarch Liu Hongfei jumped out to protect the calf, but was severely injured by Feng Qingyang’s words, and then Liu Family began to go. Downhill.

A family that dares to provoke Feng Qingyang, no one wants to approach it, and most of them stay away.

In this way, the development of Liu Family in the mainland of Sacred Domain is also difficult, and now it can barely be counted as a second-rate family in mainland China.

However, even if the family is down, even if the heart is full of fear for Yang Xuan, Liu Jiangyuan deep in one’s heart still does not give up on Yi Qingwu.

“Where there is no fragrant grass in the end of the world, you give me a clearer mind, don’t you really think that my Liu Family is not enough?”

“Father, I am sincere to Qingwu “

“femme fatale, femme fatale, if you dare to mess around, I will immediately abolish you even if you are righteous and kill your relatives, and I will never let my Liu clan be destroyed by your unfilial son.”

“Father, rest assured, I will not to act blindly without thinking. That kid is already an emperor. I am simply not an opponent, but he is arrogant and unscrupulous. He is destined to live soon.”

“Shut up, you will go with me now. It has been decided for my father to go to the Great World of the East Emperor to join your uncle.”

“I will not go, even if I want to go. , And you have to wait for Qing Wu to make a decision before leaving.”

“Well, I will stay with you and wait for a while, let you completely give up.”

When father and son quarreled in a low voice, Dongfang Yun and the others also heard from all directions.

“Brother Yang is great, men of my generation should be like this.”

“haha, Brother Yang is very infatuated, why not Yi Elder?”

One after another voice came, Yi Qingwu’s face was sometimes angry, sometimes shy, and he wanted to find a place to sew in.

But now I am in the air, with nowhere to stand, and Yang Xuan’s hands are firmly grasped again, and there is nowhere for her to drill.

“Asshole, is this what you want to see? I hate you, I really hate you…”

The more Yi Qingwu thinks about it, the more angry he gets, the tears cannot stop.

“The depth of hate and the depth of love. The more I hate me, the more you have me in your heart. I am not afraid that you hate me. I am afraid that you are indifferent to me. Exist.”

“Then you get me up first, dignified Emperor Yang kneels in front of me, my face is not so great, and I don’t want to be made irresponsible.”

“If you don’t agree, I won’t get up. You know, I have a thick skin, and I simply don’t care about the eyes of others. I am Yang Xuan. If you don’t do it, I will do my best.”

“You, don’t force me to do it?”

“No way, who told you not to agree to marry me, I have to do it.”

“Okay , Take me down, I’ll go to Sword God Palace with you.”

As soon as this statement came out, Yi Qingwu had undoubtedly agreed to Yang Xuan’s marriage proposal in disguise.

Yang Xuan was stunned, got up and kissed Yi Qingwu’s red lips, laughed and said, “Haha, I know Qing Wu, you have feelings for me in your heart, so be good , From now on, you will be my Yang Xuan’s wife.”

“Congratulations to Emperor Yang for taking the beautiful woman home!”

Many people unanimously blessed, and thousands Drunk even yelled, “Brother Yang kiss another, kiss another.”

“Well, can I kiss again?”

Yang Xuan’s The gaze fell involuntarily on the two lips of Yi Qingwu.

“You dare!”

Yi Qingwu is ashamed and angry.

“Don’t be angry, I won’t kiss anymore.”

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