Yang Xuan smiled, directly picked up Yi Qingwu, and disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

Chapter 1349 The power of sentient beings

A few days ago, an army of the shadows hundreds of thousands attacked, wherever they passed, barren, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain, committing monstrous killings.

Except for the Sacred Domain continent, which was lucky enough to be preserved by relying on the formation of the imperial tower to defend it, almost all the circles around the Sacred Domain continent were destroyed.

This is a catastrophe of the Sacred Domain Great World, one after another life planet is shattered, withered, and destroyed. There are countless dead and wounded, and the blood will stain the sky all over the Star Domain.

Until the crisis is over, only a few survivors come to the Sacred Domain continent one after another.

This is true, the total population of Sacred Domain mainland is only a few million, of which more than 90% are cultivators and less than 10% of mortals.

This has to thank Yang Di Yang Xuan.

If he were not born out of the sky, with strength of oneself pulling strongly against a crazy tide, annihilating the shadow tribe army and slaying the leader of the shadow tribe, Anluo, the entire Sacred Domain continent would suffer Jie, become a purgatory on earth.

“Ai, there is nothing to miss here. It’s better to leave here and go to Emperor Yang’s hometown. With Emperor Yang as shelter, our safety can definitely be guaranteed.”

“Let’s go, everyone immediately rushed to Holy City to assemble. Emperor Yang was waiting for us there. He went too late, but he really couldn’t leave.”

When the news spreads, Except for a few people who were looking for another place, most people decided to follow Emperor Yang and leave.

After all, Sacred Domain is no longer safe on the mainland. Sooner or later, they will die if they stay here. In order to survive, they have no choice but to leave their hometown and start a new life.


The migration of the whole world is not an easy task. There are so many things to prepare for each family, each race and even the four Great Saint Academy.

Waiting for Yang Xuan to return to Sword God Palace, several days have passed.

During this period, there will be many vigorous new faces every day, constantly appearing in the gate of Sword God Palace.

These young girls who are new to the Sword God Palace come from all directions admiringly. After many screenings and tests, they are fortunate enough to stay. They are also full of joy and full of motivation.

Nowadays, Sword God Palace is the first sect of mainland China not just in name only, but also in reality. How can they be unhappy if they have the opportunity to cultivate and live here? Don’t cherish it?

Since I started, I have not been able to see Yang Xuan, the most famous master teacher, which makes many people feel a little regretful.

But this regret quickly turned into a surprise.

When the silhouette of Yang Xuan appeared above the mountain gate out of thin air, everyone finally got what they wanted and got a glimpse of it.

“I’ll wait to pay respects to the teacher.”

Looking at the aloof and remote, between gestures, there are young people in the powerhouse imposing manner scattered, all the new disciples They all bowed and saluted, their eyes filled with respect and a hint of fanaticism.

This is the youngest emperor in the history of the mainland. His life is also full of Legendary colors. In teahouses and wine shops in the mainland, every day, storytellers talk about his Legendary life.

Some Aristocratic family dynasties even spared a lot of money to build a lifelike statue for the clansman, in order to prosper the clansman.

To this day, even Yang Xuan can clearly feel that there are strands of spirit strength in the dark, moving towards his body quietly converging.

“Strength of Faith… really a surprise.”

Yang Xuan is the owner of Nine Realms, and he knows everything that happened on Divine-Martial Continent. He didn’t take seriously, but when he returned today, he found that he really underestimated the mind power of sentient beings.

The so-called mind power of sentient beings is the strength of Faith.

When a person worships someone from the bottom of his heart, then there will be a strength of faith, and when countless people worship someone, the strength of faith will multiply , Reach an unimaginable point.

With emotion, Yang Xuan secretly used means to seal all these strengths of faith in the body for later use.

His Jiuding Qiyun technique just needs to collect strength of Faith.

Although he never wanted to be worshipped by the world, since someone builds a statue for him and pays homage to him every day, he has to give him some benefits.

For example, in a single thought, he applied spiritual rain to a certain area, or helped a certain town solve the surrounding banditry…

During the period, he not only left his name, It even left a wisp of Divine Sense in a statue.

With his divine sense hosting, the statue that was originally in its shape became different, as if it had come alive, causing countless people to kneel to the ground and worship him as a god.

Yang Xuan didn’t think much about this. He took back the divine sense, first directed at the strange and immature faces slightly nodded in the mountain gate below, and then waved his hand, and his side suddenly flickered.

These people are Master Feng Qingyang, Murong Fu, Yang Xinyi, Yi Family sisters, Yi Brothers, Ye Feiyang, Yun Lanfeng, the president and vice president of the fourth hospital, and the heads of each family, Elder and the others.

As for the others, they were all arranged outside the gate by Yang Xuan.

Sacred Domain With the arrival of millions of people on the mainland, the Sword God Palace cannot be accommodated no matter how large it is.

Fortunately, the Great Zhou mountain range where the Sword God Palace is located is large enough for these people to settle down and thrive here.

“Teacher, are these people?”

The return of Yang Xuan soon shocked the Peak Masters and the Elders under him. Everyone rushed into the air. While paying respect to Yang Xuan, he curiously looked at the crowd on Yang Xuan side.

In this, except for the Yi Family sisters they know, everyone else is a new face, and some people’s cultivation base can’t even be seen through.

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