A gleam of light flashed in Ji Yuechan ’s eyes.

“Xinyi has a mind-reading eye. Anyone who looks at her will have no way to hide their inner thoughts.”

Yang Xuan explained.

“so that’s how it is, no wonder I felt like I was spied on by her just now.”

“Sorry, Xinyi was also unintentional.”

“It’s okay, my heart is calm, and I am not afraid of her prying.”

“Fairy deserves to be Fairy. No wonder no man can get into your eyes for so many years…”

“I have the right to be as if you are praising me.”

Ji Yuechan rolled the eyes, and then returned to the subject, “Let’s go, wait until you are in danger, you overawes Emperor Yang of the world has to protect me, a weak woman.”

“No problem, leave Fairy’s safety to me.”

Yang Xuan patted her chest, very refreshing Nodded, he knew that Ji Yuechan was joking. With Ji Yuechan’s strength, even if there were monsters under the magic pit, she definitely had the ability to protect herself.

“This is what you said, if I have a long and two shortcomings, you can be responsible.”

Leaving a sentence, Ji Yuechan body moved and jumped into the magic pit.

“Let’s keep up.”

Yang Xuan took Yang Xinyi with one hand and followed closely from behind all the way. In a flash, the three of them disappeared into the thick black mist.

Under this magic pit, there is a strong black air all year round.

This is Yin Qi, Yin Qi thick as water, and wherever Yin Qi is heavy, evil things will breed.

Yang Xuan even had a guess in Yang Xuan’s mind that there may be some kind of void channel under this magic pit, which is connected to the legendary Demon Realm.

Chapter 1352 Three-tier Forbidden Domain

The release of the heavenly demon emperor, and the desolate demons who were suppressed on the top of the Heavenspan Pagoda and under the fairy peak, all come from the evil Demon Realm.

The evil Demon Realm, also known as the ancestor Demon Realm, is extremely famous in the entire All Heavens Myriad Realms, and is regarded as the Holy Land by many demonic cultivators in the world.

That is a real magical land, between Heaven and Earth is full of endless demonic energy, which includes both vicious and evil cultivators and perverse temperaments, with the powerful ancient Demon Race bloodline. magic.

If the Eternal Demon Pit can really lead to the evil Demon Realm, then things will become a little troublesome, and Divine-Martial Continent will also face serious threats.

Divine-Martial Continent is developing rapidly nowadays, but it is still just a Small World after all. If the evil Demon Realm invades it, it will inevitably cause a huge catastrophe.

Although Yang Xuan is not afraid of troubles and the evil Demon Realm, he should try his best to avoid unnecessary troubles.

After all, he is only one person, and he is far from protecting the entire Divine-Martial Continent, and he does not want the evil Demon Realm cultivator to visit this world on a large scale.

“Hope my guess is wrong…”

With a whisper, Yang Xuan’s eyes suddenly cold, and a sword energy is sent out between his fingers, sending a ghost whistling from below The shadow was cut to fly ash.

The ghost shadow is the ghost. Apparently someone died under the magic pit before the Divine Soul was scattered. Under the nourishment of Yin Qi for many years, some spiritual wisdom was born.

This kind of ghost feeds on people and has a keen sense of perception. It will immediately pounce upon the breath of strangers, irreconcilable.

“hmph, trifling ghosts, dare to stop me, really courting death.”

The more you go down, the thicker the Yin Qi, the more the ghosts.

One by one the ghosts, some have beasts, with hideous looks, like bloodthirsty locusts, they rushed towards Yang Xuan crazy moved towards Yang Xuan.

In this regard, Yang Xuan is also not welcome, and casually emits a large golden flame, burning all the ghosts to ashes.

Under his true yang and devil fire, no ghosts and ghosts are enough to see.

Along the way, Yang Xuan opened the way, and Ji Yuechan was also happy and free, but there was also a faint worry between her eyebrows.

“According to legend, in the ancient times, under this deadly mountain range, there were wars, and countless people died. This magic pit was the only outlet for a large number of ghosts and ghosts. The King of War sealed it back then. This gap can be regarded as a benefit to the common people.”

Ji Yuechan said.

“putting it that way, as the discipline of the king of war, I am also obliged to shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding the security of the mainland.”

It turns out that the master warlord sealed this pit back then, not only In order to suppress and release the heavenly demon emperor, but also to save the common people on the mainland.

This is something that Yang Xuan doesn’t know, and he can’t help but admire the Master a little bit more in his heart.

“Of course, you are obliged to look at the entire Divine-Martial Continent, and only you, Emperor Yang, have the ability to block this magic pit again.”

Ji Yuechan paused , And said: “No matter how strong the ghost is, it will be difficult to harm us Divine-Martial Continent in the final analysis. I am afraid that there is something big hidden under this magic pit. After all, this place once suppressed a Demon Sovereign, heaven knows The other party has done something below.”

“The worst result is that the demon opened a void channel, intending to let the cultivator of the evil Demon Realm come to our Divine-Martial Continent.”

If this is the case, Yang Xuan will have to find a way to close the passage. In short, Divine-Martial Continent cannot be put into danger.

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