“This is not a good thing, I hope you don’t tell me…”

Ji Yuechan is frowned, and their Grand Purity Palace, as the oldest Sect in the mainland, also has a great deal of evil to Demon Realm. According to the records, I know the terrifying of this world cultivator.

“Here we are, didn’t expect this huge Underground World under the pit.”

Soon, Yang Xuan landed on both feet and scattered directly. Open the divine sense, take everything in the entire scene, and suddenly a surprised look on his face.

This is a stretch of endless mountains and forests, between the mountains are filled with thick black air, from time to time you can hear all kinds of sharp roar sounds like demons and ghosts.

“This is the demon forest, and it is also the 1st floor forbidden area under the deadly mountain range.”

Ji Yuechan said from the side: “Below, there are 2nd floor and even 3rd floor forbidden There are countless ghosts in each floor.”

Yang Xuan looked towards Yang Xinyi, and asked casually, “Xinyi helped me figure it out and see if there are any blue butterflies Near here?”

Under this magic pit, Yin Qi is full of black fog, and it interferes with his divine sense to a certain extent. With his divine sense, he can barely Covers the 1st floor and 2nd floor forbidden domains.

As for the 3rd floor forbidden domain, he knows nothing.

“Didn’t expect that your younger sister is still proficient in deduction? But the blue butterfly you mentioned, but the blood race supreme, who is known as the blood-sucking queen, is the fierce name of the entire continent?”

Ji Yuechan looked at Yang Xuan, as if he didn’t expect this guy to come here for the purpose of looking for a woman.

The blue butterfly is beautiful and alluring Wushuang, but it is a thorny rose. 99% of the men who want to worship her pomegranate dress have no good end.

“It is her, I am going to take her back to marry me. In fact, I have known each other a long time ago, and each other is more gambled.”


“Yes, she once said that as long as my cultivation base surpasses her, she promises to commit herself to me and be my woman.”

“If you are the Vampire Queen, you too Dare to believe that there are no bones left to be eaten by her.”

“Hehe, I dare to come to her, and naturally I have the power to make her acknowledge allegiance. Besides, being a ghost under the peony flower is not romantic. “

“You, okay, you are good.”

Ji Yuechan twitched his lips, luckily no longer paid attention to Yang Xuan, this guy is good at everything, just likes everywhere Recruiting bees and butterflies, often speaking without seriousness.

“Big brother, I figured it out. The blue girl had been here, but soon disappeared. If my calculation is correct, she should have left this world.”

At this moment, Yang Xinyi suddenly opened the mouth and said.

“Leave this world!?”

Yang Xuan and Ji Yuechan looked at each other, their expressions suddenly became severe.

If the blue butterfly really leaves this world, there may be a void channel in the depths of this underground world. As for whether it can lead to the evil Demon Realm, you have to go and find out. know.

“Let’s go, let’s kill all the way, first clean up the ghosts in it, and let’s say that these things are always a hidden danger.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and took the lead. Moving forward, various baring fangs and brandishing claws came on the way, and the number of them made Yang Xinyi feel a little scalp numb.

However, for Yang Xuan, these ghosts are impossible to withstand a single blow. He only needs to release divine sense to suppress and kill a large piece.

Ji Yuechan didn’t do anything, but just followed Yang Xuan with Yang Xinyi. For a moment, when the ghost in this area was killed by Yang Xuan, Ji Yuechan said: “The ghosts in the lower two layers will only be more Strong, you can’t be careless.”

Chapter 1353 Wangui Cave

“This Ji elder sister is right. Although the big brother is strong, it should not be taken lightly.”

“Sister Xinyi, but what did you figure out?”

Ji Yuechan looked at Yang Xinyi curiously, a man with a mind-reading eye and proficient in deduction, although he is not young now Big, the cultivation base is not high, but it must not be underestimated.

“No, I just feel a hint of danger.”

Yang Xinyi said, her mind-reading eyes can be in harmony with the will of heaven and earth, and she can predict good and bad luck, and future variables.

However, the future represents something that has not happened yet, and there are so many variables that she cannot fully grasp it.

In fact, all changes in the world are dominated by the will of heaven.

The so-called calculation is actually trying to figure out the will of God in order to deal with it.

But God’s will has no shadow, no trace, no trace to be found, who can really figure it out?

Of course, the meaning of heaven here refers to the will of a piece of heaven and earth, not the destiny.

legendary destiny is the will of the heavens.

To put it bluntly, the will of a piece of heaven and earth is equivalent to the Avatar of Destiny, and Destiny can use each Avatar to collect the information of various worlds for classification and aggregation.

It can be said that there is no one in this world who can figure out the destiny. Even if there is, a person who dares to figure out the destiny will be backlashed by the destiny and will not live long.

What Yang Xinyi can do now is to observe and listen carefully through a pair of eyes and a pair of keen ears.

“Dangerous breath…”

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