Yang Xuan shrugged, as if doing an insignificant thing.

“Don’t be careless, this Death Ridge is known as the most terrifying forbidden area of ​​the dead mountain range. There must be many more terrifying than vampire vines, so you can’t guard against it.”

Ji Yuechan tone barely fell, and felt that in the far mountain range, one after another tyrannical and terrifying aura suddenly came.


“It’s the ghost, the one headed by the ghost, at least has a heaven-sweeping cultivation base during his lifetime, but it doesn’t seem to be this piece of death ridge Overlord.”

Leaving a word, Yang Xuan stood up, came to a hillside, and dealt with the roaring ghost of the sky alone.

All the ghosts are transformed by the Remnant Soul after the death of a human cultivator, and they look no different from real humans.

All this is an illusion. If it weren’t for the whole body, no one would have thought of it, these creatures are powerhouse evil spirits.

“Big brother, be careful.”

Yang Xinyi stood beside Ji Yuechan, seeing a large number of ghosts moved towards Yang Xuan rushing towards Yang Xuan, she couldn’t help but complexion changed.

Yang Xuan did not answer, just raised a hand and grabbed the countless ghosts in the air.


Under one grasp, countless ghost shadows collapsed, and the headed one disheveled hair, wearing a black robe silhouette, was caught by him. I took the photo, and imprisoned it strongly, making it impossible to move even a little bit.

“Humans, really strong…”

This black robed man shadow speaks human’s words, and two Ghost Fire-like eyes are dimmed, seemingly terrified.

“If you can speak, it means you have the goods in your mind, and you can for me to use.”

Yang Xuan has a cold expression, presses his big hand on the opponent’s head, and directly displays Soul Destruction memory of the art.

know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated, no matter how confident Yang Xuan is, he does not want to fight an uncertain battle.

“What can I find?”

Ji Yuechan body moved and brought Yang Xinyi to Yang Xuan.

“The void channel is here, and there are eight ghosts like this level.”

Yang Xuan clapped his hands, the black robed man in front of him suddenly appeared Turned into fly ash, disappeared in this world.

This black robed man has an unusually solid body. It is a real evil soul in the heaven-sweeping realm, but when he meets Yang Xuan, he has to the soul flew away and scattered.

“Then the void channel, can there be evil things guarding it?”

Ji Yuechan solemnly asked.

“Yes, it is a demon, with the strength comparable to an emperor cultivator.”

“So powerful?”

“Awesome is a great , But it’s not my enemy. Let’s meet it now.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand and headed toward the depths of Death Ridge.

Along the way, there are continuous attacks of ghosts, and there are also many ghosts of the world-sweeping state. There are countless magic plants on the way, launching sneak attacks on him one after another, but no matter how many numbers, no matter how strong they are, they are far away Far from his opponent.

Yang Xuan started killing all the way, wherever he went, the ghosts were wiped out, and the magic plants exploded, making the entire Death Ridge The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

“Bold human beings, dare to kill my soul slave, I want you to destroy both body and soul.”

The huge noise soon shocked the demons in the depths of Death Ridge. Ling, a loud roar came from the sky.

“Trifling, a Treasure Item spirit, dare to yell at me, but I am curious, what is your relationship with Shih Heavenly Demon?”

“You know my lord! I know, you are the discipline of the warlord. It was you and the warlord who killed my master and caused me to suffer a severe injury. I have not been able to recover.”

The demon shouted, like Guessed something, his voice was full of anger, shock, and a trace of fear.

As powerful as his master, he died outside, and even a little Remnant Soul was never left. It is an emperor realm demon with wounds on its body. Today, if it is not good, it must be planted here. .

“You are actually a Demon Race. The demonic energy on your body is even stronger than that of my master at the peak period. This is impossible, it is by no means true.”

Suddenly , The demon shouted again.

“Heavenly demon is dead. If you choose to submit to me, I can promise to spare you not to die.”


“I Speaking counts, the premise is that you have to be truly loyal to me, a demon with a double heart for me, it is better to kill it if you keep it.”

“Okay, I acknowledge allegiance.”

“You know the current affairs well.”

“If you don’t acknowledge allegiance, you will die, and I have no choice.”

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