Yang Xuan’s strength is far more terrifying than the heavenly demon emperor. The devil dares to survive in order to survive.

“It turns out that your body and this void channel have been completely fuse together. It seems that your master has already abandoned you in order to open the channel to the evil Demon Realm!”

While speaking, Yang Xuan moved his feet and disappeared from the place he was. He went straight to the depths of Death Ridge and saw a huge black magic wheel suspended in mid-air.

This magic wheel is large enough to have hundreds of zhangs, and a group of several dozen meters of black vortex is clearly visible in the wheel. It rotates continuously, escaping powerful Void Power from it.

Needless to say, that is the void channel, and the magic wheel is the body of the devil, maintaining this void channel without crashing.

Chapter 1356 Void Magic Wheel

PS: Grandpa passed away and will have a funeral tomorrow. Tomorrow’s update will be postponed to 1 pm, sorry!

“Don’t you want to swear allegiance, why did you show up and bow down when you saw the emperor, really want to die?”

Yang Xuan white clothed white hair, standing in the air, a pair Without any emotion, he looked down at the huge magic wheel, “I can kill your master, and I can kill you at my fingertips. If you don’t believe me, we can try it.”

The demonic energy all over his body rose sharply, tumbling like a river tide.

He is a Human Sovereign, and his demonic energy has already undergone a qualitative change.

Under this demonic energy, the entire magic wheel was trembling violently, as if the next moment would collapse, disappear, and completely cease to exist.

“No, you are not an ordinary Demon Race, an ordinary Demon Race, how can you cultivation the demonic energy that waits until the yin to pure, I know, you are the legendary Demon Sovereign lineage. With the Demon Sovereign lineage, the demonic energy will be so powerful.”

In the magic wheel, an incredible voice suddenly came out, “It’s just that since the ancient times, the Demon Sovereign lineage is not extinct. How could it appear here, this is incredible! “

This kind of strong and powerful demonic energy, as well as the pressure from the bloodline, shocked the spirit of the magic wheel.

At this moment, in the spiritual eyes of the magic wheel, Yang Xuan is no longer a human being, and is a Demon God who stands proudly between Heaven and Earth, and is better than its former master, heavenly demon, the capital I don’t know how many times it will be tyrannical.

If Heavenly Demon Emperor is a cultivation demon, then Yang Xuan is a Supreme True Demon, compared to some of the evil Demon Realm’s powerful ancient demon to be terrifying.

“Get out, or you will die.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes were cold, and his murderous intention was revealed.

“My lord, calm down, and the little old man will come out.”

Guanghua flashed, and a rickety silhouette rushed out of the magic wheel in a panic.

That is a bald old man with a short stature and wearing a black robe. As soon as he appeared, he moved towards Yang Xuan and bowed his body, with a flattering smile on his face.

However, he has a wrinkled face and a mouthful of yellow teeth. It’s okay not to smile, not to mention how ugly he is.

This Little Old Man is naturally the spirit of the magic wheel, and its body is called the Void Magic Wheel.

This Void Magic Wheel is also an Immortal Grade Magic Treasure of Emperor Heavenly Demon, which has the ability to penetrate the void and connect two realms.

At that time, the Emperor Heavenly Demon was trapped here. In order to break the seal, without theest hesitation took out this treasure slight, he intended to forcibly open a channel connecting the evil Demon Realm under the eternal demon pit. .

However, before the completion of the void channel, Emperor Shi Heavenly Demon broke the seal first, and finally died in the hands of Ming Lao and Yang Xuan.

“You are the ugliest Artifact Spirit I have ever seen, hurry up and put away your hypocritical and ugly smile.”

Yang Xuan frowned, taunted unceremoniously.

If it weren’t for this spirit to be useful, he would rarely talk nonsense, let alone take such a spiritual slave who had served Emperor Heavenly Demon into a slave.

“Yes, yes, the little old man just doesn’t smile.”

The demon old man apologized again and again and hurriedly put away his smile.

“Do you have a name?” Yang Xuan asked indifferently.

“Yes, the little old man is called Emperor Aotian. This name was given to me by that Emperor Shitian, but Shitian old thief is dead. If you don’t like it, you can give me another one. Name.”

The demon old man said, kneeling in the air, showing his loyalty to Yang Xuan.

“I also asked the adults to take me as a slave. The young man is now a masterless spirit. He has only hatred for the old thief of Shitian. I wish he was dead and happy. From now on, I will only follow the adults. Do your best for the adults.”

Following a bloodline noble Demon Sovereign is much better than following the heavenly demon emperor. The old man of the demon can’t help feeling excited about this.

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes and said without a smile: “You are in a hurry to express your stance so soon, it seems that you are really scared, but how can this be good? It’s coming, but it’s going to destroy this passage.”

“No, you can’t do this. This passage has already been integrated with the small body void magic wheel. Once the passage is destroyed, the small one Will follow the flying ash and smoke.”

The demon old man trembled.

“Don’t be afraid, I just said casually, since this void channel is dominated by you, it should be able to move if you want?”

“It can be, but small The serious injury has not been healed, and you can’t move too far.”

“That’s fine, first recognize me as your Lord.”

Just do what you say, and Yang Xuan doesn’t care if the other party is willing. Or not, directly moved towards the old man of the devil to play a wisp of Divine Sense.

Everything went well. When Ji Yuechan and Yang Xinyi came here, the old man transformed by the devil had been planted by Yang Xuan and became his servant.

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