Yang Xuan can control the life and death of this spirit in a single thought, and can also control the void magic wheel in midair.

In other words, the void channel opened by this Void Magic Wheel becomes his private property, and he can even receive this round within the body and seal it forever.

Of course, with this Void Magic Wheel, it is equivalent to carrying a Transmission Array with you. You can use the channel in the wheel to enter the legendary Demon Realm at any time, which can be said to come and go freely.

“This guy is the demon?”

A surprised look flashed in Ji Yuechan’s eyes, as if he didn’t expect the most dangerous existence in Death Ridge, it was an extremely ugly short Little Old Man.

“Yeah, a strong, but timid demon like a mouse, when I see I want to kill him, he immediately acts like a cat.”

Yang Xuan disdain He glanced at the old man of the demon, “From now on, you will be called mice. Compared with Di Aotian, this name is more in line with your personality, and my name is also smooth.”


Ji Yuechan covered her face with light gauze, she couldn’t help but laugh.

Yang Xinyi was startled, and also faintly wanted to laugh.

“Here, can the master change a specific name for me? I don’t need a domineering name, but the name “mice” is really, really…”

Demon old man complained repeatedly.

“Why, what do you think of me as a child’s play, or you are not satisfied with the name I gave you?”

Yang Xuan face turned cold.

“Satisfied and satisfied, the master is highly talented, and the small is satisfied.”

How dare the demon old man refute Yang Xuan, busy nodded.

“Strength is the respect, you submit to me, it is nothing more than strength not equal to me, and you have to make a mistake and ask for everything, so there is no need to greet me, and I will not eat you.”

Yang Xuan said while beckoning, “I ask you, have you ever seen such a woman?”

Speaking, he also described the appearance and temperament of the blue butterfly in detail Described next.

As long as the blue butterfly has been here, he must have dealt with the devil old man, and the devil old man should also know the whereabouts of the blue butterfly.

“This woman, the little one has indeed seen her.”

The demon old man hesitated.


“About a few months ago, this woman came here. Seeing that she is beautiful and has a high cultivation base, she wanted to Taken as a concubine, who knows this is dangerous, cunning, and skillful. I entered the void channel while I was unprepared, and went to the evil Demon Realm.

“You know she went to the evil What is the purpose of Demon Realm? “

Yang Xuan asked calmly, saying that you, a little demon, dare to hit my woman’s idea. It really eaten a bear’s heart and a leopard’s gallbladder. In the future, you will suffer .

Chapter 1357 The Underworld Race

“This little one is not clear, that woman is a Blood Race, and the evil Demon Realm until now lives a lot of Blood Race, maybe Maybe her hometown is the evil Demon Realm. “

“Are you sure that the evil Demon Realm has a Blood Race?” “

“The master does not know that the ancestral land of Blood Race is located in the blood mountain of the evil Demon Realm. According to legend, there are 108 blood springs on the blood mountain, which are left by the ancestors of Blood Race and can help Blood. Race cultivator washes the marrow and cuts the hair to enhance the cultivation base perception. “

“So, Blood Race is very difficult to deal with in Demon Realm? “

“It used to be very difficult to deal with, but as the ancestor of Blood Race ascends to Immortal World, Blood Race is getting bigger and bigger. Similarly, the situation of other alien races in Demon Realm is the same as that of Blood Race. Similarly, some ancestors soared, some ancestors passed away, and in order for clansman to continue, the various alien races also had to rely on the various Demon Races. “

“What kind of Demon Race does the evil Demon Realm have?” “

“Not good said, the little ones have stayed here for too long after all, in short, there are a lot of them, but each Great Demon Race has always been dominated by an ancient demon, such as Shitian old thief, In the past, he worshipped a certain Dao Realm’s ancient demon seat and served him. “

paused, the demon old man seems to have thought of something, and adds another sentence.

“According to the news that the young man has detected recently, the evil Demon Realm is currently being held. The majestic ancestor ceremony, that the Blood Race woman entered the evil Demon Realm this time, may be related to this matter. “

“An ancestor worship? “

“This is the case. The evil Demon Realm has a forbidden place, called Sealed Demon Mountain, and on the Sealed Demon Mountain, there are 81 ancient magic Divine Idols. It is said that every ancient magic Divine Idol has It has a great background. Although it has already fallen, Remnant Soul is not extinct, but fell into a long sleep.

“You continue to say.”

“Okay, this so-called sacrifice to ancestors is a kind of sacrifice. If you can use a lot of blood sacrifice, there will be a huge It may awaken the Remnant Soul in Divine Idol, so that the ancient demons can be revived.”

“Feng Demon Mountain, ancient demon Divine Idol, it seems that I really have to check it out.”

Yang Xuan’s eyes flicker. As the Demon Sovereign lineage, he is the most powerful and oldest ancient demon clan between Heaven and Earth.

Perhaps, on the Feng Devil Mountain, he can find some clues about his real life experience.

“The master must go as soon as possible. The little one believes that with your master’s strength, you will surely be able to subdue the eight eleven ancient demons who are about to resurrect in one fell swoop. After all, you are the only bloodline of the Immortal Emperor. The old demon sees you, so he can’t immediately bow his head and claim the court.”

The demon old man said with a smile flatteringly with a grin.

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