“You?” Shi Yu slightly startled, absolutely didn’t expect the two of them would stand up to help Yang Xuan at this time.

“What’s the matter, you dare to challenge Nangongtian’s majesty in order to save Yang Xuan, we can’t?” Tie Feng asked rhetorically.

“Uh, no, you can come, naturally when Yang Xuan is a friend.”

“Friends, hehe, I hope I can be friends with him.” Tie Feng Hey said with a smile.

“many thanks.” Qin Lan was slightly nodded, and thanked Tiefeng and Li Yunfei.

“Don’t thank me, I just came here because I don’t want Yang Xuan to die like this.”

Li Yunfei waved his hand. He and Yang Xuan are rivals. Yiyou, precisely in order to defeat Yang Xuan, he went out to practice wildly after the outer sect was bigger and bigger, and he constantly improved his strength.

However, Yang Xuan has now made a name for himself on Stars Island, and Li Yunfei still feels a little frustrated whenever he thinks of this.

Of course, he is arrogant and born, and he will not be discouraged because of this. He vowed to work hard to cultivation and catch up with Yang Xuan.

“You two are so bold, they simply don’t pay attention to First Senior Brother.” Not far away, a dozen young people who descended from Tianxuanfeng glared at Li Yunfei and Tiefeng. “

“Grandfather has always been bold, like you, obviously the cultivation base is not low, but he wants to lower his body to kneel and lick someone. “Tiefeng sneaked.

“What did you say? “

“What you say, you know in your heart. “

Amid the quarrel, two more silhouettes came over.

Chapter 136 Little Demoness

“It’s crazy, it’s crazy, they are Are you ready to gather and put pressure on First Senior Brother? “

Many Inner Disciples were in an uproar. Absolutely didn’t expect that after Li Yunfei and Tiefeng, there were still two people who dared to stand up and help Yang Xuan.

At the same time, there were also some secrets. People who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic think that the more chaotic the situation, the better. Someone immediately said with a smile eccentrically: “Interesting, but I don’t know if First Senior Brother will release people? “

“Release people, it may be possible if Qin Lan did not show up, but now, First Senior Brother is afraid that they will not release people in a short time. “

“Yes, Qin Lan also has no eyes. It’s not good to choose who is wrong, but Yang Xuan, an arrogant and conceited kid, doesn’t mean that First Senior Brother is inferior to Yang Xuan? “

“Hush, be quiet, let’s keep our eyes open, wait and see, I guess First Senior Brother must use Qiankun bottle gourd fiercely to teach Yang Xuan a meal, even if he doesn’t kill him. Become disabled. “

“This, the sect will not let it go. I think the sect master will show up soon. “

“The doorkeeper seems to have closed the door, and will not leave the door for a short time, so he should not know what happened outside. “

“So, Yang Xuan is in danger. “

“Uh, Mu Qingyu, why are you here? “

Here, Shi Yu almost stared out when he saw one of the two.

No wonder he was so surprised, because Yang Xuan had stolen his teacher Mu Qing The rain stepped on Shui Wuhen, Mu Qingyu hated Yang Xuan’s gnashing teeth, Shi Yu didn’t expect it in dreams. Mu Qingyu didn’t hit a person when he’s down, but instead stood up to help Yang Xuan.

“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t come here to help Yang Xuan. “Mu Qingyu coldly snorted and said.

“Oh, what are you? “Qin Lan’s eyes rolled slightly, staring at Mu Qingyu on the side, and found that if this woman had not had a birthmark on her face, she would definitely be a first-class beauty.

“It’s nothing, Yang Xuan stole my home. Chuan Jiexue, I haven’t avenged him yet, so I don’t want him to die so soon. “Mu Qingyu said.

“What about you, Zhou Kun, are you not afraid to offend Nangongtian?” “Shi Yu looked towards the man at Mu Qingyuside, the man is Inner Disciple Zhou Kun.

“It’s not afraid to say it’s fake, but I think Yang Xuan will surpass Vietnam Gongtian sooner or later. I want to make friends with him. , Is that okay? “Zhou Kun’s voice is very cold, with an indifference that refuses to be beyond a thousand li.

“Hehe, there are so many people, don’t mind if I join in too. “Suddenly, there was a pleasant laughter. A young girl jumped out of a group of Inner Disciple and fell to Qin Lan and the others.

The girl was 17-18 years old with beautiful hair. Like a waterfall, Liu Yuemei, a small and exquisite Yao nose, Lingzui is slightly pink and squeezed lightly, she looks like she is good.

Her body is also very good. The fire red tight clothes make her look like a blooming flame rose, extremely charming.

“Beauty, are you? “

Shi Yu slapped his lips, and his eyes went straight. The girl is so beautiful, and she is no less inferior to Qin Lan. Even compared to the cold Qin Lan, Shi Yu prefers this dress before her eyes. Hot girl.

“Boy, close your thief eyes, or you won’t blame the great aunt for being rude to you. “The girl dressed up and had a hot temper. She opened her mouth and screamed at Shi Yu.

“cough cough! Shi Yu coughed dryly and his eyes became more regular. He could see that this beautiful girl in front of him was definitely a violent person who did what he said.

“What’s going on, why is Shen Yuexin? Stand up and help Yang Xuan? “

“I don’t know, does she know Yang Xuan? “

“I remember, I heard that Yang Xuan had rescued her the last time she left the sect?” “

“You are not kidding, the strength of Little Demoness is not covered, you still need Yang Xuan to save it? “

“Several Outer Disciple witnessed this incident with their own eyes. It is said that Shen Yuexin met a Netherworld Wolf outside the sect. At the time of crisis, it was Yang Xuan who came to the rescue. ”

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