all around, many Inner Disciple faces are shocked, discuss spiritedly.

Shen Yuexin’s ears are so good that she turned her head and stared at someone: “Asshole, who do you say is Little Demoness?”

“That, Junior Sister, sorry, I’m not talking about you.”

“hmph, this time the great aunt will spare you, and the next time I will tear your stinky mouth.”

See here, Shi Yu and the others I was stunned, and I didn’t know the identity of the girl named Shen Yuexin in front of me, who was so domineering in Inner Sect.

“Junior Sister, you and Yang Xuan?” Qin Lan knew Shen Yuexin’s identity, but she couldn’t figure out why Shen Yuexin, the famous Little Demoness in Inner Sect, would stand up and help Yang Xuan.

“Don’t worry, I have an enmity with Yang Xuan. I won’t rob Senior Sister’s man.” Shen Yuexin hehe said with a smile.

“…” Qin Lan was speechless.

“Hehe, are you gathering to demonstrate to me?”

Suddenly, one silhouette flew down from Profound Heaven Peak, and after a few breaths, people It came to the bottom of the Sky Profound Peak.

This immediately caused chaos in the scene. Except for Qin Lan, all Inner Disciple in the audience bowed and saluted: “pay respects to First Senior Brother!”

“You Junior Brother Junior Sisters are excused. Today, let you watch a joke. I didn’t expect me, the First Senior Brother, to be so unaccountable, so many people actually stood up to demonstrate to me.”


The visitor is Nangongtian, he waved his hand to the numerous Inner Disciples present, and said with a look of shame.

“First Senior Brother, don’t be angry with them. You have been in charge of the Inner Sect precepts for two years. It has always been fair and just, and we all see it.” Someone loudly said, and many people present were also nodded.

“Well, didn’t expect there are so many Junior Brother Junior Sisters to support me. It seems that I am not a failure to become a First Senior Brother.” Nangong Tian smiled nodded.

“First Senior Brother, you are polite. If you hadn’t used Spiritual Pill to save my life half a year ago, I would have died.” Someone opened the mouth and said, and his face was full of gratitude.

“Hehe, you are Zhao Quan, didn’t expect that in just half a year, you have cultivated to Ningyuan Realm 8 Heavenly Layer, yes, keep working hard, Senior Brother is optimistic about you.” Nangongtian said with a smile.

“First Senior Brother remember me?”

“Of course, I have a good memory.”

“This guy is good at pretending!” Tiefeng Whispered, others are honest and honest, but he is not a fool, and he can see that Zhengnan Gong Tian is afraid of acting.

“Did you know that this guy is a hypocrite of inconsistent appearance.” Shi Yu coldly snorted and said.

“Boy, what are you talking about, do you have to say it again?” Zhao Quan’s ears are very good. Hearing Shi Yu’s words, he went crazy on the spot.

“It’s so angry, didn’t the master who saw you say anything yet?” Shi Yu said sarcastically. His voice was not loud, but many people in the room heard it.

For a while, many Inner Disciples were filled with righteous indignation, and many people even pointed at Shi Yu’s nose and yelled.

“So courageous, your little new Inner Disciple dare to humiliate First Senior Brother, believing or not, I slapped you and destroyed you.”

“What will he do Then, I just grabbed it and beaten it. It’s almost inferior.”

“A bunch of clowns barking at random, don’t they just rely on a few years older than me. When my cultivation progress comes up, you guys will have one I hit one, come two and I hit a pair.” Shi Yu’s saliva splash across’s counterattack was a bit of a tongue-in-cheek fight.

“Damn it, you brat tired of life.” Many Inner Disciples are furious. Shi Yu is too arrogant. If he teaches him today, he won’t be able to shake the sky in the future.

Seeing the chaos turned into a pot of porridge, Nangong Tian coldly shouted: “Enough, let me be quiet.”

While speaking, his face is faintly ugly, to Shi Yu. The kid who dared to humiliate himself also moved True Fire, but he was not easy to punish Shi Yu in the public.

“First Senior Brother, can’t you let anyone go?” At this moment, Qin Lan spoke, feeling a little worried, because it has already passed the little one hour from Yang Xuan to the bottle gourd, no one knows Did something happen?

“Junior Sister, do you have to force me like this today?”

“It’s not forcing you, but First Senior Brother’s unfairness. Even if Yang Xuan violates the sect rules, it is also a crime Not to die, the First Senior Brother will take him into the bottle gourd, don’t you think it’s too much?”

“Excessive? Hehe, no, I don’t think it’s too much. Besides, who said I’m going to kill Yang Xuan. I already told him. If you can’t help but let him out by shouting, but you see, my universe bottle gourd is still very calm, doesn’t it mean he doesn’t have a mortal danger?”

Speaking, Nangong Tian’s thoughts moved, and Qiankun bottle gourd appeared in his hands.

The crowd looked intently and saw that the bottle gourd was calm.

“This…” Qin Landai frowned. She didn’t know what was in the bottle gourd, but she was always worried, and she was afraid that Yang Xuan would have two shortcomings.

“Hey, Nangongtian, don’t you like to accept people, how about you also accept me?” Shi Yu suddenly said.

As soon as these words came out, a group of Inner Disciple faces were shocked, Shi Yu, what the kid said, was going to enter the universe bottle gourd.

Many people have never entered the bottle gourd in the universe, but they also vaguely know that it is a big Killing Formation. Even Yang Xuan, it is difficult to say whether he can come out alive, let alone Shi Yu, who has just entered the Ning Yuan realm. In their opinion, Shi Yu would be killed in seconds if he entered.

Thinking so, a group of Inner Disciple all looked at Shi Yu with foolish eyes. I don’t know if this guy is really stupid or pretending to be stupid. Isn’t it because of his brother’s love and his life?

Shi Yu didn’t seem to see the eyes of the crowd. A pair of eyes were always staring at Nangongtian, not the slightest respectfully said: “Hey, just say something, hurry up and take me in.”

The reason for being so bold is that the Fire Thunder Bead on his body has not been used yet. In Shi Yu’s view, this Fire Thunder Bead can even blow up the expert of Vientiane Realm Peak and explode the universe bottle gourd. Natural nothing. Difficult, smash it out at once, this broken bottle gourd may have to be completely scrapped.

In addition, Shi Yu wanted to enter the universe bottle gourd so much, but also worried that Yang Xuan would encounter danger inside.

Don’t look at Qiankun’s bottle gourd. It’s very peaceful now, but who knows what this thing is about? Maybe the people inside can’t hear it no matter how loud it is.

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