There was no resistance, only screams. This was a one-sided slaughter. After a while, the Li family ancestors land was completely quiet.

However, there is always a shadow in the hearts of many Li family clansman. Even Li Tianxiong, the current head of the Li family, has a bit of no master, and browses tightly frowns.

His son Li Zhenghao was killed, and now even his father Li Renhai has been brutally attacked. He feels both grief and indignation, as well as incomparable shock and panic.

The other party bears the blood of Demon Sovereign. With an order, the demons share the same respect, and the methods are so overbearing and ruthless. Presumably, they will soon come to the Li family ancestor land and kill them.

“Could it be that the heavens have killed my Li family? It’s ridiculous that my first ancestor of the Li family died on the battlefield for Emperor Underworld. Didn’t expect that after the death of the Emperor, his son was so unrelenting today Face.”

Li Tianxiong looked up to the sky and sighed, full of anger and unwillingness, whether it was angry or unwilling, he was afraid that this time the Li family would hard to avoid calamity, and no one could save them.

“Father, don’t worry, if there is a child, my Li family can’t be destroyed.”

At this moment, a tall and tall young man with red hair and red eyes hurriedly came to Li Tianxiong. His face was cold and authentic.

“My son is a giant amongst men, talented, but the cultivation time is still shallow, after all, the cultivation base is still lower. How can you solve this crisis with you?”

This young man is Li Tianxiong’s eldest son, Li Tianxing.

Although Li Tianxiong has a romantic nature and countless wives and concubines, there are only two seedlings under his knees, Li Tianxing and Li Zhenghao, and now that one Li Zhenghao has died, there is only Li Tianxing left.

This is also his only bloodline. Even if the clan is annihilated today, Li Tianxing will never do anything.

“It’s not too late. My son will leave here. For my father, there is a Realm Splitting Symbol. How far can you escape? As long as your life is still alive, you will be able to help me in the future. Revenge for this great revenge.”

“The child does not leave. He wants to stay with his father and coexist and die with the entire Li family. In order for clansman to survive, my father and I will have to fight hard and kill. Some clansman.”

“What do you want to do?”

“Father should know that there is Divine Idol, the ancestor of my flame demon clan on Fengmo Mountain, right?”

“Of course, what did you mention about this? Wait, do you want to use a lot of clansman’s life, blood sacrifice, the ancestor Divine Idol, to revive his Remnant Soul in advance?”

” Yes, in fact, as early as six months ago, grandfather secretly contacted the ancestor’s Remnant Soul and told the child about this truthfully. It can be said that as long as the ancestor Remnant Soul recovers, we can reverse the defeat in one fell swoop, and even It can also unify the Demon Realm.”

“This…can it work?”

“The matter is at this point, we have no way out, and we have to take out the final trump card. As for this Whether things happen or not, you have to wait until the ancestor wakes up to know.”

“Okay, it’s up to you.”

Short conversation, Father and son Li Immediately began to act, and the two gathered clansman as quickly as possible. Not long after, tens of thousands of clansman gathered in the open space outside the Li family’s discussion hall.

These people are all elites of their Li family. They bear the most noble bloodline of the Balrog family. They almost encompass 90% of their Li family’s strength. But for the clansman to continue, the father of Li And son also had to kill them all righteously.

Everything went well. With Li Tianxiong transforming Dao Realm Early-Stage’s cultivation base, each of the Li clansman quickly became corpses all over the floor, and their blood was quickly collected by Li Tianxing stand up.

“Well, with so much clansman’s blood, that ancestor’s Remnant Soul will be able to recover soon.”

“blood sacrifice ancestor Divine Idol, first of all Shangfeng Demon Mountain, this can’t avoid the divine sense of the master of Demon Sealing Palace, we still need to think about it for a long time.”

“Father is worried, grandfather has already established an altar under my Li family ancestral land. , This altar is connected to the ancestor Divine Idol of Fengmo Mountain. We only need to rely on this altar to awaken the ancestor Remnant Soul in one fell swoop.”

“In that case, let’s go to the altar, huh , What Young Emperor, what son of the great emperor, want to destroy my Li family, but I have to ask my ancestors of the Li family whether to agree or not.”

Before speaking, the father and son of the Li family have already arrived underground. In front of a huge dark red altar in the depths of thousand zhang, a large amount of clansman’s blood was spilled on the altar.

And this altar, after absorbing a large amount of blood, it has become more and more scarlet, evil, as if a strange bloodthirsty monster is devouring the blood of this altar.

This series of actions were carried out silently under the cover of Li’s Mountain Protecting Great Array, even the master of Demon Sealing Palace and Yang Xuan, immediately did not notice.

However, along with Sealing the Demon Mountain, a certain ancient demon Divine Idol suddenly burst into a dazzling blood light, which immediately attracted the attention of the master of Demon Sealing Palace and Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan was stunned, and then he turned his eyes to the master of Demon Sealing Palace. When the master of Demon Sealing Palace saw him looking, he immediately responded: “This is the negligence of the old slave, didn’t expect Li family In order to save his life, he used the secret technique to blood sacrifice the ancient demon Divine Idol in advance.”

“This ancient demon Divine Idol is an ancestor of the flame demon clan?”

“Exactly, but the Young Emperor don’t have to worry, the old slave will try his best to prevent this person from waking up.”

The main voice of Demon Sealing Palace is still there, and a coldly snorted sound suddenly rises from the ancient blood light. From among Divine Idol.

“hmph, it’s too late, the old man has woken up. Not only did he wake up, he also recondense the fleshy body.”

“Since he is awake, why doesn’t he show up See Young Emperor?”

“haha, this person is threatening to destroy my Li family, and you want me to serve him as Lord, do you think it is possible?”

” courting death!”

“It’s extremely ridiculous. You and I have the same cultivation base. Although Li has just regained his strength and hasn’t been able to show off his peak power, you can’t leave me behind, and you, Divine Soul has already fuse together with Feng Demon Mountain, and the body simply can’t leave it here.”

The voice is still there, and a blood shadow has rushed out of Feng Demon Mountain, setting off a bloody wave.

Blood waves are like burning blood fire, and the whole burning world is shaking, and the scene is terrible.

Chapter 1385 The Emperor Shows His Power

“This person, really strong!”

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