Blood shadows rise to the sky, and the great natural phenomenon caused by the fierce and violent destruction aura, as if to slaughter the common people, let the blue butterfly, Ji Yuechan and Yang Xinyi three daughters, Qi Qi discolored.

The ancestors of all races, countless Demon Race powerhouses, were also shocked by the bloody shadow that swept over their heads, the blood energy all over the sky.

“I’m afraid things are not good!”

“Ai, these evil demons were born. For my Demon Race, I don’t know is it fortune or misfortune. No wonder Palace Lord Until now, I don’t advocate blood sacrifice for all the ancient demon Divine Idol.”

“It was the Li family secretly awakening this demon, fearing that it would be used to deal with the Young Emperor.”

Many people Looking at each other, it is difficult to keep calm.

Who can imagine that an ancient demon Remnant Soul on Feng Devil Mountain will recover from Divine Idol in advance.

Especially this person, who is still a certain Old Ancestor Level character in the Li family, and his cultivation base is comparable to the Demon Sealing Palace master.

It’s as strong as the master of Demon Sealing Palace, but he couldn’t immediately keep it. You can imagine how tyrannical the opponent is.

“Well, well, my Li family is saved.”

Li Tianxiong clenched his fists and looked excited. Their Li family had this ancestor sitting in the town, so they would never After meeting the clan, Li Tianxiong wanted to roar towards the sky for a while, vomiting depression in his chest.

“The Old Ancestor of our Li family seems to be unkind to the Young Emperor. This time, I will definitely seek justice for my Li family.”

Li Tianxing gritted his teeth. Hatred is thick in his eyes.

When he learned that the younger brother and grandfather died one after another, he knew that the family had come to life and death, so he teamed up with his father Li Tianxiong to kill a large number of clansman without the slightest hesitation and let them act as blood. sacrifice The tribute of the ancestors.

“Clansman’s blood cannot flow in vain. Your grandfather and your younger brother, let alone die in vain. I only hope that the Old Ancestor will kill that person.”

“Yes, it will, the child can feel the killing intent of Old Ancestor, and the Remnant Soul who wants to come to Old Ancestor is in Divine Idol. He has already seen everything happening outside his eyes.”

… …

The blood shadow ran across the sky, carrying a boundless wave of blood, and it arrived in a flash, standing on the void not far from Yang Xuan.

That was a blood robed old man with a thin body, red eyebrows and red hair, and a terrible face. Although he condensed the blood energy of his body, his eyes burst into the cold and bloodthirsty rays of light, just like that Staring at Yang Xuan.

“Big brother be careful.”

“Younger brother, don’t be careless, this person may not be easy to deal with.”

On the ground, Yang Xinyi and Blue Butterfly spoke one after another , And although Ji Yuechan didn’t speak, there was a grave expression between her eyebrows.

This blood robed old man is a certain ancestor of the Li family. Now he turns up without being invited and he does not hide his hostility towards Yang Xuan. I don’t know if Yang Xuan can handle it next. .

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, looking at the blood robed old man calmly.

This person is very strong, and is definitely not comparable to that of previous Hai. Yang Xuan knows this, but he is not afraid.

“You deserve to be the son of the emperor. You are indeed very confident and arrogant.”

The blood robed old man stands with his hand in his hand, looking up and down Yang Xuan, except for the strong killing in his eyes Besides the intent, there is a hint of greed.

It feels like seeing something peerlessly delicious and wanting to have a full meal.

“You think you can kill me?”

Yang Xuan asked, squinting.

“haha, yes, the old man wants to kill you, not only to kill you, but also to refining your blood of Demon Sovereign, let Li’s cultivation base bring it up a level, soaring in one fell swoop Immortal World.”

hearing this, the master of Demon Sealing Palace couldn’t help but shouted, “Li Wanshan, you are crazy, really crazy. You have been sleeping in the magic stone for so many years, didn’t expect You still act recklessly as you did before.”

“Shut up, if this bastard didn’t save you, why did I end up in such a situation? I had fallen asleep in the magic stone for a few 100,000. Years, you may feel that kind of loneliness and helplessness.”

The blood robed old man roared, with endless hatred in his voice. It was Li Wanshan in the mouth of Demon Sealing Palace.

“It’s all my fault, I should have destroyed your Remnant Soul back then.”

“I knew this before, so why bother to blame you for not being cruel enough , Thinking that the magic stone can erase the magic thought in my heart.”

“Where are you magic thought, it is clearly Evil Thought. With you, you dare to be disrespectful to the Young Emperor, you will pay the price , I promise.”

“Nonsense, I am going to kill this person today. If you want to save him, then come and fight with me. I’m afraid you don’t have the guts.”


The master of Demon Sealing Palace is furious. His Divine Soul and Feng Demon Mountain fuse together. Even if the body seals Demon Sealing Palace, it is difficult to exert the strongest strength. .

Furthermore, Demon Sealing Palace is located on Mount Demon. Once he leaves, the powerhouses of foreign races in Demon Sealing Palace will be hard to suppress.

“You Wu Family, guarding the Demon Sealing Palace from generation to generation, always waiting for the arrival of the Young Emperor, but I am different. I have never expected any Young Emperor, let alone hold him out. Lord, he is not worthy to respect for my Demon Race.”

“It’s ridiculous, I am not worthy, but you are talking about who is worthy, do you?”

Yang Xuan hearing this, Could not help laughing out loud.

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