Yang Xuan shook the head, saying: “Today, I will announce a decree. As long as I am a Demon Race cultivator, I shall not be indiscriminately killed. I shall try to live peacefully with all races. Of course, if someone deceives Come here, then no need to be so polite.”

After that, he said to Cui Yuanlong again: “Let’s go, take me to see those alien cultivators. After all, I am also Demon Race Young Emperor, so set an example. It’s up to me to change the foreigners’ views on my Demon Race.”

“Young Emperor benevolence, old slaves admire.”

Cui Yuanlong bowed his head and felt right Yang Xuan, the Young Emperor, is also increasingly looking forward to it.

Perhaps, under the leadership of this Young Emperor, their Demon Race will one day be able to let his clan abandon his prejudices.

“Benevolence? Treacherousness is almost the same.”

Ji Yuechan rolled the eyes. She knows Yang Xuan too well, knowing that what this guy does has a purpose.

This time, it seems that I want to let go of those alien races, but it is not because I have a heart to gather.

If there is a foreign race who is dissatisfied, or if he speaks wildly and is unwilling to surrender, it is not surprising that he turns his face and kills.

“Fairy scolds me in her heart, but don’t move her mouth. I can understand lips and know what you are talking about.”

Yang Xuan slightly smiled, signalling Cui Yuanlong to lead the way.

“Young Emperor, a few young ladies, please come inside.”

Cui Yuanlong made an inviting gesture and immediately took Yang Xuan and the three daughters of the blue butterfly all the way, slowly Stepped into the Demon Sealing Palace not far away.

Demon Sealing Palace is a magic weapon held by the Emperor Underworld in his early years.

This temple has no other effect, that is, it can cover the secrets of heaven, and at the same time slow down the loss of vitality from the cultivator.

It can be said that this is a life-giving thing.

At the beginning, many Demon Race powerhouses who followed the Great Emperor Underworld, when the deadline is approaching, will choose to enter this hall, secluded bitter cultivation, in order to break through the cultivation base shackles, lifespan greatly increased.

In addition, Demon Sealing Palace can also detain defectors. In fact, as early as the glory days of the Demon Race ruled by the Underworld Emperor, some traitors were thrown into the Demon Sealing Palace by the Underworld Emperor and suppressed forever. Until the old age.

“The Demon Sealing Palace has two floors. The 1st floor enshrines the Divine Idol of the Great Emperor, and the tablets of the ancestors of my Demon Race race. As for the 2nd floor, a large number of alien cultivators are confined…”

Demon Sealing Palace 1st floor space, Yang Xuan soon, under the guidance of Cui Yuanlong, came to the deepest place in front of a tall and majestic Divine Idol, and paid respectfully.

“Although the emperor died in the battle, his fame remains forever, and the Young Emperor does not have to be too sad.”

Not long ago, some conversations between the Underworld Emperor and Yang Xuan, Cui Yuanlong and Yu Ren didn’t know, so Cui Yuanlong only thought that Emperor Underworld had already died, and didn’t know about the gate of eternal life.

Yang Xuan was not going to talk about this matter to outsiders. He waved his hand and said, “Go to the 2nd floor.”


Cui Yuanlong was nodded, and between raising his hands, the surrounding world changed drastically.

This is the 2nd floor space of Demon Sealing Palace, compared with the solemn and magnificent palace on the 1st floor.

This is just like a huge cage, gloomy, cold, all black, no daylight, it’s not a place for people to stay.

Looking around, the entire space is filled with prisons made of unknown metals.

In prisons of different sizes, or 3 or 5 people, or dozens or hundreds of people, they are detained according to the level of the cultivation base and ethnicity.

“Although these magic prisons have restrictions, they are not without danger. The three young ladies, please do not get too close.”

Cui Yuanlong said.

“Senior, please don’t call me any more Madam, Junior and you, Demon Race Young Emperor, are just friends, not the kind of relationship you think.”

It was too late before. Speaking, but now Ji Yuechan had to correct it.

Yang Xinyi was stunned, and hurriedly said, “Me too, I, I’m just the younger sister of the big brother.”

“Hehe, sorry, the old man is rude… …”

Cui Yuanlong smiled and said nothing, instead he said to Yang Xuan: “I don’t know what Young Emperor will do next?”

“Simple, just let people go Yes.”

Yang Xuan not even think authentic.


Cui Yuanlong’s smile stiffened, and he almost thought if he had heard it wrong, he couldn’t help asking again.

“These people include Beastman Race, Giant Race, Black Dragon Clan and other big clan patriarchs, Patriarchs, Elder, some of them are more non-kind, Young Emperor is really going to do this?”

“In front of absolute power, any resistance is futile, isn’t it?”

Yang Xuan indifferently said.

“hehe, what the Young Emperor said is that the old slave is too worried.”

Cui Yuanlong laughed again, he is not flattering, in fact, as powerful as him, he cannot See through Yang Xuan.

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