What’s more, this young Emperor received blood from the emperor not long ago. He awakened the blood of the Demon Sovereign in one fell swoop. The cultivation produced the legendary Demon Sovereign body, and his strength was far better than before.

Without the underworld war body, Yang Xuan can leapfrog and kill Li Renhai. Even the extraordinary Peak’s Li Wanshan may not necessarily be Yang Xuan’s opponent.

Of course, this is just Cui Yuanlong’s feeling, but his feeling is always accurate, and he rarely makes mistakes.

Chapter 1390 Bo Lie

“Cui Yuanlong, who is this person next to you?”

“The lord of the dignified Demon Sealing Palace, actually bowed to him so much , Flattering and fawning, also called him Young Emperor, don’t you Demon Race until now respect you? When did such a Young Emperor appear again?”

“hmph, what shit Young Emperor, I have never heard of it. This person’s cultivation base is not as good as my Black Dragon Clan and an Elder. It’s not Cui Old Ghost, your illegal child?”

“Definitely not. He is holding it like his own father?”

Just between Yang Xuan and Cui Yuanlong’s whispering conversation, some people spoke out in several demon prisons not far away.

All the patriarchs of different races are speaking.

In addition to Demon Race, there are Black Dragon Clan, Blood Race, Beastman Race, Giant Race, Dark Night Race, etc. in the evil Demon Realm.

Unfortunately, with the exception of the Blood Race which was destroyed by Yang Xuan, the patriarchs of these big clans and the clansman below are now almost all prisoners of the Demon Race.

Some people were arrested because of the death of clansman, and they hated Cui Yuanlong and Demon Race even more. Therefore, frigid irony and scorching satire are indispensable.

This is that Cui Yuanlong has lived for too long, and his strength is tyrannical. Otherwise, anyone who is caught as a pig or dog and locked up in such a ghost place where birds do not shit will not help but yell.

“Shut up, you want to die, the old man will give you a ride for free, so that you can never speak again.”

Cui Yuanlong coldly shouted, murderous intention hiding the The sky and covering the earth rolled out, and the entire Demon Sealing Palace 2nd floor fell silent for a moment.

As the master of the Demon Sealing Palace, the cultivation base is comparable to a half immortal. The words of Cui Yuanlong can naturally act as a strong deterrent.

When the scene was quiet, Yang Xinyi couldn’t help but whispered: “These people are not good people. Big brother, please be careful.”

“It’s okay, just rely on them. I can’t help it.”

Yang Xuan took a step forward, his face was unemotional, looked around the alien cultivator in the prison, and asked: “Wait, want to live?”

“Nonsense, of course we want to live.”

Someone angered. If you can live well, who wants to die?

But everyone knows that Demon Race captured them to sacrifice to their ancestors, and they are all blood sacrifice tributes. Demon Race may kill people for blood at any time.

Yang Xuan’s complexion remained unchanged, and said: “If you want to live, listen to me. I am also the only one who can save you.”

“Just you? Why do you ?”

“My name is Yang Xuan, with the blood of Demon Sovereign. I am the son of Emperor Demon Sovereign. I am here today not to kill you, but to release you all person.”

“Should this be true!?”

Some people will be suspicious. If this is from Cui Yuanlong’s mouth, they may have several points of excitement.

But in front of them, such a young Demon Sovereign, old-fashioned, said that he was the son of the Underworld Emperor, and to let them all go, it made people feel a bit exaggerated.

They are also hard to imagine, in their eyes this person is really the son of Emperor Underworld. I don’t know how many years the Emperor Underworld has died. Although it is rumored that Emperor Underworld has bloodline survived, the rumors are after all rumors. Can’t believe it all.

“Can you really represent Demon Race and represent Cui Yuanlong?”

Someone opened the mouth and said.

“This is my Demon Race Young Emperor. Naturally, it can represent my Demon Race. No one, including myself, in my Demon Race dare to disobey the emperor’s order.”

Cui Yuanlong said with a cold face.

Yang Xuan answered, “You don’t have to question my words. I, Yang Xuan, speaks out. You are a member of Demon Realm Cultivation all the year round. You are also a member of this world. You shouldn’t be part of my Demon Race. Blood sacrifice tribute, as for the clansman who died, I can only say sorry to you here.”

Speaking, no matter what the cultivator thinks, I instructed Cui Yuanlong behind him: “Open all the prisons.”


Cui Yuanlong didn’t hesitate anymore, he lifted the bans of the prisons one by one with a wave of his hand, and the prisons banned one. Withdraw, someone broke out immediately, and the scream said with a smile: “haha, what Demon Race Young Emperor, what is the son of the great emperor, and that’s all.”

“Black Dragon Clan is rumored to be evil in temperament. , Arrogant and conceited, I can see it today, sure enough, the name is not in vain.”

Yang Xuan step one stopped, took a few steps forward, coldly staring at a hideous face, covered in paint Said the bald robust man with Black Dragon scales and strong stature.

“Reporting back to Young Emperor, this person is the Black Dragon Clan contemporary patriarch. A cultivation base has reached the powerhouse of Huadao Peak. A few days ago, thanks to the Black Dragon Clan’s Elder and My Demon Race should work together inside and outside to catch him in one fell swoop.”

Cui Yuanlong stepped forward and respectfully treated Yang Xuan.

“Asshole, if it wasn’t for your Demon Race tricks, or if my Black Dragon clan had a traitor, how could I be caught here by you?”

Cui Yuanlong mentioned this matter for a while to get really angry.

“all’s fair in war, blame you for the temperamental, and the impunity is not strict, then someone in the clan will rebel.”

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