Cui Yuanlong Road.

Bo Lie was full of anger, but didn’t dare to attack Cui Yuanlong, so he turned his gaze to Yang Xuan, fiercely and said: “Boy, even if you are the son of the Great Emperor Underworld, you can’t humiliate my Black Dragon clan like this.”

“The Black Dragon clan is originally a branch of Dragon Race. Back then, your ancestors of Black Dragon Clan betrayed Dragon Race and fled all the way from the Ancestral Dragon world to the evil Demon Realm. Am I right?”

“you are courting death!”

“It is you who are courting death. I just ask, would you like to submit to me?”

“Even Cui Yuanlong Lord Demon Sealing Palace, I can’t let me succumb. With you, it’s even more impossible. Don’t even think about it.”

“If it doesn’t make sense, you can only use military force to solve it. After getting off you, the others should make the right choice.”

Yang Xuan shook the head, and moved towards the head after taking a step too far. I walked and said: “I just awakened. With the blood of Demon Sovereign, now I just borrow your hand to try the formidable power of my Demon Sovereign clan.”

In the past, although Yang Xuan was wearing the blood of Demon Sovereign, he was an emperor. The blood is still not tyrannical enough, but with a drop of Life Source Blood Essence given to him by the Great Demon, his Demon Sovereign blood has become different.

This is a qualitative change. He can even feel the terrifying power that is constantly surging in the bloodline.

“Just come to the fight, if you can defeat me, Lao Tzu will be a slave to you, otherwise, if you lose, you have to let Lao Tzu out, yes, there is also Lao Tzu’s clansman Without them, wouldn’t Lao Tzu, the Black Dragon Clan patriarch, be a lonely man.”

Coldly snorted and said, he thinks he is no match for Cui Yuanlong, but against Yang Xuan, he has something to win. grasp.

A Demon Sovereign that’s all, even if it is really the son of the Underworld Emperor, possesses a powerful Innate Divine Ability, the cultivation base is still a little lower after all, how strong can it be?

“Yes, provided that you have won me.”

Yang Xuan nodded, covered in blood of Demon Sovereign, instantly became hot and boiling.

If you want to condense the Demon Sovereign body, you must first stimulate the blood of the Demon Sovereign in the bloodline, which is not difficult for Yang Xuan.

Chapter 1391 Underworld War Body

The Underworld War Body, known as one of the strongest warfare bodies in the world, is actually not a special physique, but the Underworld Demon Sovereign clan The unique Innate Divine Ability, Battle Saint Method, is much more powerful than any Divine Physique in the world.

In the past, the Underworld Emperor once relied on this battle body, stepping on the Eight Desolations Six Directions, and swept across the immortal territory invincible. Even if he faced the immortal dao Great Saint, the Underworld Emperor had a battle. He has even killed a lot of Great Saints, which shows how overbearing the Underworld battle body is.

In this world, I am afraid that only the town stunts of the Heavenly God clan can compete with the underworld warrior.

“hmph, I have long heard that the underworld emperor, the strongest Divine Ability is the underworld warfare body, and I just saw it today.”

Coldly came out of his nose. Snorted, the underworld battle body of the underworld emperor, nobody knows anyone in the world, but no matter how powerful the Divine Ability treasure is, it needs a certain cultivation base to support it.

If Yang Xuan has an extraordinary cultivation base of Huadao, he would probably bow his head without thinking about it.

“As you wish.”

Yang Xuan stepped out, a body of Demon Sovereign blood, gushing out like a tide, condense a blood shadow beside him.

This blood shadow is the Underworld Avatar.

As his cultivation base gets higher, the blood shadow will become more staring and clearer. In the end, the Avatar will condense the blood light and completely transform into a human form, regardless of appearance or body shape. The deities will all be exactly the same.

At the same time, the Underworld Avatar is connected with his mind, and has the same strength, which can act alone and become one with the body.

And Yang Xuan now has to do is to integrate this Avatar into the deity, the Condense Legendary Underworld War Body.

This process is completed almost instantaneously. When the Avatar and the deity merge into one, Yang Xuan’s whole person is like a mysterious thick blood armor, allowing one’s own defense, strength, speed, and endurance. Wait, it explodes exponentially.

“This kind of all-round improvement is really powerful!”

Yang Xuan felt that at the moment when the blood armor was added, he was fully aware of his own battle strength For his understanding, self-confidence is against an extraordinary strongman, he can also suppress and kill with a punch.

“So amazing!”

Yang Xinyi fluttered with big eyes, staring at Yang Xuan without blinking, feeling surprised and extremely happy inside.

“A man is really charming when he is serious. Isn’t the younger sister not moved when he sees it?”

Lan Caidie smiled at Ji Yuechan beside her, with a little bit in her eyes The color of promoting narrowness.

“The little girl has a heart like water, and she asks with all her heart. She has always seen little love between men and women, but you, elder sister, really decided to share the same man with other people?”

“Oh, three wives and four concubines are normal for men, and the elder sister doesn’t mind.”

Ji Yuechan was speechless and couldn’t help looking at Yang Xuan, only to see that he had already moved towards that Bo Lie walked over.

“Let’s fight!”

Yang Xuan walked and said, imposing manner at the same time.

“This turned out to be the Dark Demon Sovereign clan…”

Looking at Yang Xuan approaching step by step, looking at the strange blood armor that suddenly appeared on his body, and The terrifying power escaping from the blood armor is as fierce as it is, and at this moment can not help but eyes shrank.

If this is true, the rest of the people are even more shocked. They originally thought that Yang Xuan would be defeated in this battle. Who knew that Yang Xuan’s imposing manner changed in the blink of an eye.

That is not murderous aura, but pure bloodline power, and a person who can turn bloodline power into armor, the battle strength can be imagined.

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