“The Star Core of Demon Realm is located deep in the heart of the earth, where there is the Formation laid down by the emperor in the past. No one can approach it, but it is useless to the Young Emperor. The strength of the Young Emperor should also be able to smoothly refining the Star Core.” Outside of the Demon Sealing Palace, Cui Yuanlong respectfully said.

“Have all the races arranged properly?”

Yang Xuan asked casually.

“Young Emperor don’t worry, everything has been arranged in order. With you on it, all the foreign races must return to their ancestral lands. They must behave in a proper way, and they will never make a mistake.”


Cui Yuanlong Road.

“Well, I have a few Fiends from the dark Demon Realm here. Just keep them by your side. You can help me train them.”

Yang Xuan Swing, call out the Demon Emperor of Mad Ape, Moyou, Hei Ming, Zhu Fang, Di Jiang, Lu Wu, etc.

Dark Fiend, within the body, there is also a little Demon Race bloodline flowing. Although it is not pure, the mad ape and the others have followed him for a while, and Yang Xuan can’t treat them badly.

“I will wait for pay respects to Master.”

“This is the evil Demon Realm, the base camp of Demon Race, and this is Lao Cui, who is of the same race as himself, cultivation The base has even reached the extraordinary Peak, a semi-fairy realm. You can follow him for cultivation in the future.”

“I will wait for it.”

The evil Demon Realm demonic energy is abundant and crazy. Apes and the others would also like to stay here, not to mention that there is a Demon Race powerhouse with a cultivation base comparable to a half immortal who personally guides their cultivation, which is far better than their own cultivation.


The evil Demon Realm is huge, from the surface to the center of the earth, it is as many as 10,000,000 li, and the downward pressure increases, and it is as strong as the Dao Realm powerhouse. It’s hard to sneak in here.

But Yang Xuan couldn’t be troubled. Yang Xuan went all the way down, and soon came to the depths of the earth.

Sure enough, there is Formation here, and it is precisely this Formation. For so many years, no one dared to fight the evil Demon Realm idea.

“Is that the Star Core of the evil Demon Realm!?”

When Yang Xuan crossed Formation and came to a huge mountain of black magic core, his face was also I couldn’t help showing a surprised look.

This magic core is the Star Core of the evil Demon Realm. It has an irregular diamond shape. It is much larger than any Star Core of Nine Realms, and contains almost inexhaustible use. The inexhaustible magic.

Obviously, the reason why the evil Demon Realm is rich in demonic energy is that Star Core releases its magic power all the time, allowing the evil Demon Realm’s Demon Race to live and cultivation here for everlasting prosperity.

“It’s so powerful. If not for time, I might be able to cultivation on this Star Core.”

Yang Xuan thought with emotion, his cultivation base has long been To reach the Emperor Peak, if you want to go further, you have to let the lotus fruit on the Black Lotus mature and evolve the world, so that you can successfully enter the Paradise Realm.

Chapter 1394 The Power of One World

Every Paradise Realm cultivator has its own unique world.

Some use sword to enter dao, such as Zhuang Zongzheng, have a cave sky sword world, and some specialize in Five Elements, which can open up Five Elements cave sky within the body.

More purely the whole body Essence, Qi, and Spirit, supplemented by a certain magical secret technique, to build their own world of caves.

All of this is too unimaginable for mortals, but for cultivator, it is quite normal.

Cultivation is the development of oneself, and Dongtian is just one of that’s all.

It can be said that there are many types of caves, and they are very different. Even if the attributes of the two caves are similar, the formidable power is also different.

This is related to each person’s cultivation base, and it is also inseparable from each person’s understanding of Heaven and Earth Grand Dao and the overall structure of the cave.

Yang Xuan is an exception. His cave is different from ordinary people. It is a strange Black Lotus, which he named Chuangshi Black Lotus.

The entire Black Lotus is a fusion of what he has learned throughout his life. It contains various martial dao deep meanings, reincarnation and Time and Space Strength, as well as Yin and Yang Five Elements, and a large number of Primal Chaos Stones. the power of.

Chaos gives birth to everything!

The power of Primal Chaos Stone alone is enough to make his hole Heavenly Grade much higher than others.

This is also closer to the essence of the universe.

The universe was born out of chaos, the Great World, and the human body is a small universe, Small World. Except for the size, the essence of the two is almost the same.

In the past, Yang Xuan wanted to make the creation Black Lotus flourish, blossom and bear fruit, derived out of the infinite world, but as Pangu Axe gained this lotus, let this lotus change , Gradually deviated from his original idea.

This Black Lotus has no lotus leaves, only a pitch-black rhizome, and a lotus fruit of the same color.

The lotus fruit is the original form of a world, and the stem will continuously deliver nutrients to the lotus fruit, allowing it to grow stronger and eventually evolve into the world.

“A lot of greed is not bad, your world is strong enough, and you just need to specialize in one world.”

“Everything and everything belong to the Tao, and Tao is one, It is also the beginning and end of everything.”

These are the original words of the Pangu Axe spirit, and Yang Xuan also believes it. Therefore, until now, he allows Pangu Axe’s spirit to do things and change with unnoticeable influence. The structure of the creation of Black Lotus.

However, the higher the rank of the cave and the world, the longer it takes to take shape.

Fortunately, with Pangu Axe’s help, it should be able to shorten this time greatly.

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