What Yang Xuan has to do now is to wait for the lotus fruit on the Black Lotus to mature before he can build his own Life Source cave sky.

No, that is no longer a hole in the ordinary sense, but a real Chaos World.

Maybe this Chaos World at first is not big, even Divine-Martial Continent such a Small World can’t compare.

But don’t forget, this is the world created by Yang Xuan himself, and if one prospers, all prospers he loses everything.

As he continues to grow stronger, this World will also become larger, vast, and boundless.

In various immortal domains, any immortal dao powerhouse has developed within the body world.

Some Immortal King Immortal Emperors even directly incorporated their clansman and countless disciplines to build their own dojos.

For example, the Heavenly Palace built by the Underworld Emperor back then was located within the body world of the Underworld Emperor, but with the death of the Underworld Emperor, his within the body world and Heavenly Palace were also included. Turned into nothingness.


The refining of the evil Demon Realm Star Core is unexpectedly smooth.

Although this Star Core has spirituality, it does not reject Yang Xuan’s divine sense. This is probably inseparable from his blood of Demon Sovereign and the comprehended yin and yang magic.

There is another possibility, that is, this Star Core has long been sacrificed by the Great Dark Demon.

What he is doing now is just inheriting what was left behind by Emperor Underworld.

“Nine Realms Star Core, plus the dark Demon Realm and the evil Demon Realm two Star Cores, I now have a full grasp of the original power of the eleven Great World.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, these Great Worlds are all his worlds, and he is also the World Controller. With a single thought, he can manipulate the life and death of creatures from all walks of life.

“It’s my extra effort. If I knew that things went so smoothly, there was no need to spend a lot of time to conquer those alien races. Just come here to refining Star Core.”

Thinking like this, Yang Xuan sank into the body within the body and looked at the creation of Black Lotus.

Nowadays, Pangu Axe spirit is still sleeping in it, quietly changing the structure of Black Lotus, making it more reasonable.

Compared with the previous days, the changes of this Black Lotus are not unimportant. The rhizome alone has become a lot thicker, and the top lotus fruit has become more and more sturdy. It’s solidified.

If this continues, I am afraid it will not be long before this result can evolve into a world, and he will naturally step into Paradise Realm.

“Since I have so many Great World Star Cores, why not fuse them into the lotus fruit?”

The origins of the Star Cores of each Great World, Yang Xuan are all If you have mastered it, it is better to merge into one than to control them separately.

In fact, this idea had already occurred in his mind.

He is not whimsical, but he really thinks that this method is feasible. After all, his creation of Black Lotus is extraordinary, and he can make himself strong enough by swallowing.

“Fight, anyway, there is the Pangu Axe spirit, even if it is dangerous, it can protect me if I want to.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, a look of determination flashed in his eyes, he His thoughts moved slightly, and the Star Core origin of one after another Great World suddenly emerged from his body.

This one after another Star Core has different original sizes and colorful colors, representing Heavenspan Realm, Nine Province World, Emperor Profound Realm, Infinite Realm, Infinite Realm, Snow Abyss Realm, Fire God World, Tyrant Realm, Profound Yellow World, Dark Demon Realm, and the last evil Demon Realm.

“Whether it works or not, I have to try it.”

Yang Xuan muttered to himself, no longer hesitating, using divine sense to control the Star Core of the evil Demon Realm The source is submerged in the body, and at the same time it controls the creation of Black Lotus, rooted in this Star Core, and absorbs energy from it.

This kind of energy is World Source Strength, and it can also be called Jie Li, and the reason why he chose Demon Realm’s Star Core is also because of this world Star Core and his creation of Black Lotus There seems to be some commonality.

Although this kind of commonality is not much, but in the process of integration, it still produces a repulsive force, which immediately drew the entire evil Demon Realm into The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the situation changed.

A big world Star Core is the lifeblood of a world. Less movement will cause great shocks.

At this moment, the evil Demon Realm’s mountains and rivers collapsed, the earth broke, and the entire world was shaking violently. Fortunately, there were almost no mortals here, so in the face of this sudden disaster, it did not cause much casualties.

However, panic is indispensable. Whether it is Demon Race or the rest of the races, everyone is full of amazement, completely knowing what happened.

Only Cui Yuanlong noticed something and thought to himself: “The Young Emperor deserves to be the Young Emperor. If this can be successful, then the cultivation base must be advanced by leaps and bounds.”

Chapter 1395 Dong Tian, ​​Dao Yi!


Yang Xuan within the body, blood energy countercurrent, meridian disorder, and the same not calm, gradually even Divine Soul is shaking violently, making him kneel On the ground, I kept sucking in cold air.

“The power of one realm is really not that easy to digest.”

This is a painful process. To let the lotus fruit mature and eventually evolve into the sky, he must Bear the magic power that escapes from the evil Demon Realm Star Core.

This magic power is strong and pure, violent and full of destructiveness. It is too much for Yang Xuan’s imperial power to resist.

Not long afterwards, he bleeds from the seven orifices, and his lips are bruised, so he has to use the Star Swallowing technique to repair the wounded fleshy body and Divine Soul.

But after the injury improved, his body continued to be damaged…

Destroyed, repaired, then destroyed, then repaired…

This During the period, it also brought him great pain, and it is not an exaggeration to describe life as death.

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