Leaving a word, Pangu Axe spirit fell into a deep sleep.

“Tao Yi!”

Yang Xuan didn’t bother Pangu Axe’s spirit, thinking in his eyes how to understand Dao Yi.

World’s All Living Things all have spirits, all have their own Taoism.

For example, water.

Water is good for all things without fighting, and it is evil for everyone, so it is more than Tao.

The reason why Jiang Hai can be the king of grains is that he can be the king of grains because of his kindness.

Water looks soft, but it is strong. Although water is soft, it is strong.

Dripping water can penetrate the stone for a long time, and it can also make the corners and edges of the stones become perfect pebbles.

All this is due to the Taoism contained in the water.

Similarly, fire is the same, and it is almost the same as the meaning of water.

“My Taoism is different from water and fire. Water and fire are ruthless, and humans should be sentimental, but among them, there is no common ground. Human sentiment can be rigid or soft, only extreme in love, Fang Da Yu Dao, maybe, my Dao meaning lies on the word “love”…”

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan’s eyes suddenly flashed light.

Since he is a demon, he will do what he wants to do. Although the road ahead is unknown, he decides not to cut the sentiment, not only does it not kill the sentiment, but also to use the affection to transform the Tao, and finally achieve Eternal Inextinguishable Realm.

“Eternal life is lonely, but if I have affection in my heart and use it as attachment, then it will no longer trouble me.”

Yang Xuan whispered, there is nothing in my heart. Before the slightest dejection, his figure flickered, and he came outside the Demon Sealing Palace.

Chapter 1396 Departs

“pay respects to Young Emperor.”

Cui Yuanlong got up to welcome him with respect.

“Old Cui, don’t have to be so polite between you and me.”

Yang Xuan waved his hand, with a spring-like smile on his face, sincere and not artificial.

“Young Emperor, you…”

Cui Yuanlong opened his mouth, with a surprised look on his face, he only felt that his Young Master seemed to be different.

He didn’t know exactly what the difference was.

“Younger brother, are you okay?”

The blue butterfly also saw something, her eyes fluctuating.

At this moment, Yang Xuan is still dressed in white clothed, with white hair scattered, but his tolerance is calm. Before far better than before, it gives people a feeling of warmth and jade, Return to the Natural State.

This kind of feeling, Lan Caidie has never been seen in Yang Xuan. Even though he has seen it before, he still thinks it is fake. It is he deliberately.

But now, his smile is so pure, without any pretentiousness, it is entirely from the heart.

“It’s okay, I just figured out something.” Yang Xuan said.

“Is this the so-called… thoughtfulness? If you converge your breath now, no one in this world can see that you are a Demon Race.”

Blue color Butterfly was full of emotion.

“Did you break through Paradise Realm?”

Ji Yuechan’s beautiful eyes flashed, and she looked up and down Yang Xuan, but found that she could not see through Yang Xuan’s cultivation base.

At first glance, Yang Xuan seems to be an ordinary person, but Ji Yuechan understands that this is her own illusion.


Yang Xuan shrugged, his current cultivation base, not so much Paradise Realm, is more of a half-step cultivation road.

From now on, you only need to comprehend the meaning of Dao and you can step into the Dao Realm. He also firmly believes that this day will not take too long.

A cultivator, from the emperor to the cave sky, and then from the cave sky to the path, at least it will take thousands of over 10,000 years.

But Yang Xuan is different. His cave sky is the primordial form of Chaos World.

At this level, the sky is higher than others at the beginning. It is rare in ancient times. Besides, he has a preliminary direction for his own Taoism, and he is no longer confused about the future.

“Very good, congratulations to the big brother!”

Yang Xinyi is jumping and jumping again, not to mention how happy she is.

“The younger brother is good.”

The blue butterfly stood on tiptoe and kissed Yang Xuan without anyone else.

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