“This woman is really…” Ji Yuechan glanced at her eyebrows slightly, unable to tell what it was like.

Yang Xinyi blushed, and a trace of envy flashed in her eyes. She wanted to be closer to Yang Xuan, but she was too courageous and could only think about it in her heart.

Yang Xuan touched his mouth, there was still a little warm and fragrance on it, and he couldn’t help but laugh, “My cultivation base is Dajin, elder sister will send me a kiss, right? “

Lan Caidie gave him a white look, “Why, are you still not satisfied?”

“Satisfied, of course satisfied, this kiss of elder sister, kissed my whole body bones It’s all crispy.”

hearing this, Cui Yuanlong coughed dryly and asked, “I don’t know how the Young Emperor is going to transform the Tao?”

cultivation means cultivating, and wanting to enter Tao , First of all, you have to Huadao.

There are only two kinds of people who transform Tao.

Among these, it is relatively easy to incarnate Tao, and there is no need to cross Heart Demon Tribulation.

But it is different with the deification of the Tao, it will be consigned to eternal damnation at every turn.

Yang Xuan thought for a while and said: “My Tao is inseparable from a love word. In the days to come, we should transform Tao with emotion and enter Tao with emotion.”

“Ai, love One word, like fire on ice, melting of fire, and melting of ice, is extremely dangerous. When the Great Emperor was alive and powerhouses were born, few people dared to do this. Please think twice. .”

Cui Yuanlong is sighed, stronger than the Great Emperor of Underworld. In the past, he was transformed into Tao with his body, and he did not dare to stray into the Tao of Emotion. This shows how terrifying the Tao of Emotion is.

“I, I don’t cut my emotions, I don’t want to abandon the people around me. In that case, why don’t I incorporate emotions into the Tao?”

“But this will transform the Tao of love…”

“It’s okay, I’m a little one, but I can’t help but feel sentiment in my heart. I am indestructible. No matter how terrible the fantasy of love is, I don’t want to shake my heart.”

Yang Xuan’s move is not to challenge love, but to not forget…

cultivation to the end, if the people around you are no longer there, or have long been forgotten, How lonely is that feeling.

It is true that there are too few stories about the ascension of chickens and dogs.

overwhelming majority cultivator, when Huadao is imminent, their parents have all become a loess.

What’s more, the so-called parents’ love has been ruthlessly cut from my heart long ago, so that there is less concern.

For such a cultivator, no matter how fast the cultivation is, it will be difficult to perfection in the future.

“A cultivator is also a person. It is a person, so there should be Seven Emotions and Six Desires. Whether it is to cut love or forget love, it is wrong… Only when you are extremely passionate can you be extremely Taoist.”

Yang Xuan said this sentence frankly and solemnly.

Divine-Martial Continent is his hometown. His parents and many loved ones are the things he cherishes most in his life.

He will never forget this point, let alone abandon it.

“The Young Emperor’s Dao heart is strong, and the old slaves admire him. Under the leadership of the Young Emperor, my Demon Race will rise in the future and will no longer be hostile by other races.”

It was a blessing that a person who didn’t cut love, but also valued love, became the new owner of their Demon Race. What a blessing, Cui Yuanlong was excited thinking about it.

“Hua Dao Qing Jie is not easy to cross, especially you, there are too many people in your heart who want to protect, but you are only one person after all, you…”

Ji Yuechan The words stopped, something worried.

“Yes, the younger brother must consider it carefully.”

Blue Butterfly also looked worried.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

Yang Xuan laughed and said: “Let’s go, I will take my elder sister to Sword God Palace to see my parents, yes In other words, the ugly daughter-in-law will also see her in-laws after all?”

“Okay, I haven’t married you yet, you bad guy starts to think I am ugly.”

The blue butterfly stomped, pretending to be angry and authentic.

“cough cough, just kidding.”

If the blue butterfly is ugly, then there might be no beauty in this world.

“Young Emperor…are you ready to go now?”

Cui Yuanlong asked.

“This month is the fifteenth day of my wedding. I have to go back and make preparations in advance.”

Yang Xuan releases divine sense as he speaks. The Tian Yuanbao wheel that was far away from 10,000,000 li was collected, and with the Tian Yuanbao wheel, there was also an ugly Little Old Man.

This Little Old Man is the demon of the Void Demon Wheel. When he saw Yang Xuan, he squatted on the ground and praised sincerely: “Master, you are so amazing. The little one hasn’t come back yet. to his senses, I was brought over by you.”

“I refining the evil Demon Realm Star Core, and you are useless, you say I left you, or Did you kill it?”

“Master, you can’t do this. The younger one is loyal to you, and he is absolutely undivided!”

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