Similarly, Feng Qingyang, Murong Fu, demonic Yuan, Zhuang Zongzheng, Gu Tongxuan and his wife, Pei Family brother, relatives and friends of the daughters, etc., also came to Yang Xuan one after another. Barabara had a meal in front of him and said that he was full of praise for Yang Xuan.

Other people, such as the head teachers and heads of the Great Sect Aristocratic Family, also kept coming to toast Yang Xuan, and the atmosphere was warm.

Yang Xuan is proud of the spring breeze, and repeatedly said: “Everyone eat and drink as much as you want. If there is any lack of hospitality, please Haihan.”

You Dao is a person who has a good spirit when it comes to happy events. Whoever sees Yang Xuan, who is smiling and polite to everyone, will not believe that he is a killing firmness Demon Race Young Emperor.

At a wedding banquet, everyone drank and had fun until late at night, but there was no intention to leave, so Yang Xuan was a little unable to get away.

Until Ji Yuechan of the Grand Purity Palace came and found him alone, he took the opportunity to slip away on the grounds of not being too alcoholic.

Ji Yuechan, also known as Yuechan Fairy, is tall and has a refined temperament. Although she is covered by gauze, she also gives a hazy beauty full of endless reverie and desire to find out.

This woman is by no means inferior to Qin Lan and other women in terms of appearance, temperament, and figure. There are many pursuers on the mainland.

Unfortunately, Ji Yuechan asked wholeheartedly, his temperament is too high, lonely and reserved, and has never been a fake color to any man, but Yang Xuan seems to be a little different.

“Tsk, Brother Yang’s ability, this method is really a role model for my generation, I admire it!”

“hmph, are married, and I want to play Ji Fairy’s idea. This guy has a really big appetite, and he’s not afraid to die.”

“Damn it, this is my Goddess, is it going to be taken into the harem by the demon Yang Xuan? This world is simply unreasonable. I knew I should be a demonic cultivator.”

Looking at Yang Xuan and Ji Yuechan walking side by side with Ji Yuechan, disappearing into the distant night, some people admired, their faces were full of admiration, and others were squeezed. I was very upset when I closed my fist.

I can feel unhappy, but I can only mutter that’s all in a low voice.

Leave aside the identity of Yang Xuan Demon Race Young Emperor, his own strength is enough to guard against the sky, especially he is a fierce person killing without blinking an eye, who really dares to provoke him .

“This little bastard…”

Yang’s weather is not light, causing He Lianqian around him to roll his eyes, “You won’t be really as Xuan’er said, you are jealous Isn’t he?”

“Ai, I’m afraid he is too nostalgic for men and women, and ruined the cultivation base.”

“Alright, okay, about young people, It’s up to them to solve it by themselves. I believe Xuan’er will take care of it, and we don’t have to worry about it.”

younger generations will do all right on their own, He Lianqian is also open to it. No longer restricts Yang Xuan too much.


Outside the gate of Sword God Palace, on a lonely mountain, Yang Xuan and Ji Yuechan stand under the moonlight, like a pair of biren.

Two people, one is tall and handsome, out of the ordinary, the other is lithe and graceful, whoever sees them will regard them as lovers.

“I wonder what Fairy can do with me?”

For a long time, it was Yang Xuan who broke the silence first.

Not long ago, Ji Yuechan asked him to take a step to talk, will know when you see it. As for the specific matter, Yang Xuan is not clear.

But he also understands that Ji Yuechan’s approach to him is definitely not to devote one’s life to, to have a love and so on with him.

“I, I’m leaving.”

Ji Yuechan’s eyes are clear, as bright as gems, indifferently said.

“Let’s go? Where to go?”

Yang Xuan brows slightly wrinkle, he originally thought that Ji Yuechan might have something to ask for, but who knew that the other party actually came to say goodbye to him.

Ji Yuechan has a secret. This secret is related to her life experience. Yang Xuan has already known this.

“Naturally, where did I go back and forth.”

Ji Yuechan looked up at the starry sky, then looked down at Yang Xuan in front of him, and said quietly: “Life is a dream, you I’m all a mortal guest. Now, my dream wakes up, and it’s time to go back.”

“What are you talking about, why can’t I understand?”

Yang Xuan looked up and down Ji Yuechan, always feeling that Ji Yuechan at this moment was so pitiful and distressing.

“It’s good if you don’t understand. If you really understand, it will not do you any good. Maybe it will cause you big trouble.”

“I am not even afraid of True Immortal now. Under Immortal World, who can threaten me?”

“Under Immortal World, you are indeed invincible, but what about Immortal World? There, any Immortal Monarch Immortal King can easily obliterate you. After all, your cultivation base is still too low.”

“What you said, Immortal Monarch Immortal King, and How can I circumvent the constraints of the laws of the immortal realm and come to the lower realm at will? Even if it does come, it is just an Avatar, simply can’t help me, and I have the confidence to protect you.”

” Immortal Monarch Immortal King can’t do it, but if you change to Immortal Emperor, immortal dao Great Saint powerhouse, even if it’s just an Avatar, it’s enough to kill you thousands of times in an instant, you simply there’s no resistance.”

“You said so much, do you have something to do with a certain Immortal Emperor or a certain immortal dao Great Saint.”

“Don’t say it, it’s wrong to say it, when the time comes, you I really must die.”

“Then you have to tell me, I will go to Immortal World in the future, where should I find you?”

“This, I can’t Say, you really are going to Immortal World in the future, and it’s best to forget me. I am just a passer-by in your life. Both gains and losses depend on fate. I can only say that you and I are destined to have no fate and will never be possible to come together. ”

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