Chapter 1420 The Love Tribulation in Fate

“I, don’t allow you to go!”

Yang Xuan is domineering and powerful, and directly stretches out his hands, The woman of, hugged tightly into her arms, her heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

Tonight in a conversation under the moon, he knew that Ji Yuechan was not ruthless to him, but due to some irresistible reason, he had to say goodbye to him here.

This difference is the world apart!

If there were no accidents, the two would never see each other again.

“If you believe in me, just stay. Although you refuse to talk about your origins, I know that your departure seems dangerous. I don’t want you to be in trouble.”

Yang Xuan stared at Ji Yuechan’s eyes, saying every word: “Even if you don’t want to be my wife, but if I am a friend, I will protect you for life.”

Facing Ji Yuechan Such beauties, if Yang Xuan said that he was not tempted, it would be fake.

At this moment, he no longer concealed, and all of his inner emotions burst out all at once.

“Thank you, but you, let me go.”

Ji Yuechan shook the head and said: “Earlier, I knew you were the love of my life. Jie, I was supposed to kill you here, so that I could kill you, but we are friends after all, and I have been tempted by you again. I really can’t do it.”

hearing this, Yang Xuan suddenly discovered that Ji Yuechan exuded a very dangerous aura.

The strength of this aura, like a stormy sea, and like a raging fire, made him secretly startled.

“Who the hell is Fairy? Where did it come from?”

He stared wide-eyed and looked incredulous. This aura too terrifying, if not for Ji Yuechan’s control, Even he may not be able to bear it.

“Don’t talk about this, let me ask you, since you and I met, have you often peeped at me secretly?”

Ji Yuechan turned the topic off and looked at Yang Xuan , A little smile in his eyes.

“So beautiful!”

Yang Xuan marveled, absolutely didn’t expect, as cold as ice and frost, just like Fairy Ji Yuechan, one day he would smile at herself.

For a brief stupor, he came back to his senses, and he said: “Who told Fairy you to cover your face with veil all day, doing mysterious and secretive things, I’m not curious, no blasphemy Meaning.”

“Tonight, the parting is coming soon, I will simply let you see clearly and understand the love between you and me.”

Ji Yuechan said, suddenly Take off the veil, revealing a beautiful and flawless face.

On her forehead, faintly visible, a pink, with a mysterious imprint similar to a lotus flower, gleams there, giving her a somewhat strange charm.

It’s just that this mark is not an ordinary mark, and it seems to contain a terrifying atmosphere.

Yang Xuan also understands that the feeling of danger just now originated from this mark.

“What is this lotus mark?”

Yang Xuan solemnly asked.

“This is the red lotus seal of love. Once I move my true affection to someone, the mark of this lotus will bloom completely and take me away.”

Ji Yuechan said softly, down Nothing was hidden from Yang Xuan.

“With me here, you can’t go anywhere.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth, suddenly bent his head, and blocked Ji Yuechan’s red lips while he was not prepared.


Ji Yuechan’s whole body suddenly tightened, and there was a hint of surprise, a hint of charm, a hint of shyness, and a hint of fear in his beautiful eyes.

The night is like ink, and the two embrace and kiss.

This kiss is like if you want to kiss forever, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten…

Until you feel the red lotus seal, it becomes more and more hot, and the rays of light become prosperous, Ji Yuechan pushed Yang Xuan away cruelly, and said: “The time has come, I should go too.”

After that, flicks with the finger, a beam of light fell into the center of Yang Xuan’s eyebrows, Yang Xuan was caught off guard Immediately fell asleep on the ground, breathing smoothly.

“The word “love” is the most deceptive. It hurts people if you look too lightly, and it hurts yourself if you look too lightly.”

Ji Yuechan squatted down and wiped away tears from the corners of her eyes. , Jade hand brushed Yang Xuan’s face, his eyes were slightly sentimental.

She is deep in one’s heart and is affectionate for Yang Xuan. If it weren’t for compelled by circumstances, she wouldn’t just leave.

But if she didn’t leave, the power of the red lotus seal would riot, leaving her out of control, and eventually killing Yang Xuan.

“I’m leaving, I hope you have a good dream, wake up from the dream, you and me, is the end of fate.”

As soon as she said this, her body gradually Turning into the stars, blending into the red lotus seal, breaking through the air.


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