“This, without reaching a certain realm, I can’t even feel the position of Immortal Sect, how can I get to Immortal Sect?”

“Immortal Sect, Heavenly Dao should be shipped Born to allow people with good cultivation to break free from the cage of this world, but in this world, apart from Immortal Sect, there are other channels that can also step into the fairyland.”

“Other channels “

“As far as the old slave knows, there is a passage deep in Guixu, which can directly reach the fairyland.”

“Where is Guixu?”

“Returning the ruins is in the north of the sky, deep in the distant starry sky, where there is a vast and unfathomable Star Sea whose name calls the Star Sea of ​​nothingness, and the depths of the Star Sea of ​​nothingness are The land of the ruins.”

“The nihility Star Sea?”

“This nihilism Star Sea is not a good place. There is great horror in it. It is the cemetery of the undead. Once the living beings enter it, they will be regarded as food by all kinds of virtual beasts.”

“What is the virtual beast?”

“The virtual beast, no The entity, the body lies between the virtual and the real, is composed of a substance called the’virtual’. As for where it came from, no one knows.”

” With my current strength, can I deal with those imaginary beasts.”

“Lower imaginary beasts are naturally not an opponent of Young Master, but if you encounter high-level imaginary beasts, it will be a bit dangerous, Young Master. If you really want to go back to the market, at least you have to cultivation progress to half Immortal Realm.”

“Understood, at most a hundred years, I will cultivation to half Immortal Realm.”

Xian, that is, Extraordinary Peak, Yang Xuan is confident that with his talent and speed of cultivation, a hundred years should be enough to reach that level.

With a goal, he was no longer confused, and said to Elderly Tian: “many thanks to the old.”

“Young Master, you are polite, you are Immortal Emperor Tong Tian’s Inheritor, the old slave should do his best to assist.”

Through Elderly Tian paused, he suddenly said: “If Young Master really wants to remember that girl Ji, he can use Samsara Power to find it from within reincarnation. , Samsara all-inclusive, the memory in it cannot be erased by any external force.”

“Yes, I actually forgot Martial Spirit of Samsara.”

Yang Xuan was surprised and delighted, and hurriedly entered the cycle of reincarnation, looking for his and Ji Yuechan’s past footprints. From acquaintance to acquaintance, the two had too many memories.

This memory happened in the past and exists in reincarnation, and he controls Samsara Power. It is too simple to find this memory.

Chapter 1423 Transcendent Saint

“I found you, Ji Yuechan!”

For a long time, Yang Xuan opened suddenly, flashes through a bright light in his eyes .

His Divine Soul escaped into reincarnation, starting from Stars Island until the wedding night of Sword God Palace.

The past experience came to my mind again, and finally I found the missing memory in my mind.

“The dream wakes up, I have to go. We are destined to have no relationship between you and me.”

Thinking of what Ji Yuechan said, Yang Xuan’s heart is like a knife cut with both fists. Grip tightly, “Destiny is destined. The encounter between you and me is the arrangement of fate. The difference between you and me is not good fortune? After all, we are all pawns that’s all at the mercy of fate.”

He muttered to himself, his eyes gradually became extremely sharp, and said: “I never believed in fate, and you, let alone you, I have already jumped out of the chessboard of fate, and I will no longer be chess pieces.”

“The fate is determined by me, I said, you and I have fate, that is fate, I will find you, not in memory, but in the real world, rest assured, it will not take too long.”

On the side, Tong Elderly Tian said with emotion: “There are too many infatuated people in this world. I hope that Young Master will have the honor to meet that girl Ji in the future, and continue the relationship.”

“Tong Lao , Thank you.”

Yang Xuan bowed and said, if he hadn’t reminded him through Elderly Tian today, he wanted to retrieve this precious memory, I am afraid it would take some effort.

“Try hard to cultivation, the master of the red lotus seal, but the terrifying power of a Heavenspan with hands and eyes, is the ordinary immortal dao saint, I am afraid it may not be its opponent.”

Through Elderly Tian, ​​he didn’t want to hit Yang Xuan, but he had to say something.

Of course, for Yang Xuan, this is not a kind of urge.

Building roads is full of ups and downs, and all kinds of difficulties and obstacles, under heavy pressure, will often have the motivation to move forward.

“No matter how strong that person is, no matter how strong he possesses great magical power, he can’t make me surrender and retreat.”

Yang Xuan gritted his teeth and came to Jianxuanfeng. I found my parents and said a few words briefly, then arranged Pang Yuanshan to sit in the Sword God Palace, and then set off to leave the Sword God Palace.

After leaving this time, he will not return in a short time.

With Pang Yuanshan, Zhuang Zongzheng, demonic Yuanzi, Murong Fu, Master Feng Qingyang and the others, Sword God Palace will not encounter any danger.

Furthermore, he refining the origin of the stars of Xuanhuang World, he noticed something wrong, and he could cross the boundary at any time.


In the starry sky, Yang Xuan walks alone.

Every time he sees the life planet, he will land down, look at the mountains and rivers on it, smile at the world, go to the Profound Truth, and hone his Dao mentality.

If you want to enter the Tao, you must first transform the Tao, let the Tao heart continue to perfection, and Yang Xuan walks the sentimental Tao.

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