This path cannot be achieved by secluded bitter cultivation alone. You have to enter the world and cultivate your heart.

Heaven and earth are ruthless, but everything is sentimental.

Dazzling, decades have passed.

For decades, Qin Lan and other women have been cultivation in Yang Xuan’s Life Source world.

In order to become stronger as soon as possible, and not to become a drag on Yang Xuan, no matter how hard it is, all women can bear it.

Yang Xuan will enter it from time to time, lingering with the girls for a few days, while taking time to give guidance on their cultivation, so that everyone’s progress is extremely fast.

The talents of the girls are not bad originally. With his advice, the cultivation base is naturally advanced by leaps and bounds, rapid progress.

“Husband, you go, there is Elder Sister Lan, we can ask her if we don’t understand.”

At first, Yang Xuan came very often. But as Qin Lan spoke, he only came once in three months and a half.

He walked among the mountains, looking for the quiet and winning, or stepping into the prosperous ancient city, Worldly Desire Refining Heart, in order to understand the Profound Truth.

Unconsciously, his footprints have almost traveled all over the Great World, and in the meantime he met some of his friends.

For example, purple clothed Hou, Jian Wuming, Lin Zhengying, Si Kongao and the others.

I remember that when I saw Sikongao, it coincided with the wedding of Sikongao and Nangong Bingyue. Yang Xuan even went there in person and gave a big gift.

It was a good fortune Immortal Grade. When this thing came out, it also shocked the clansman, Sikongao and Nangong Bingyue.

Even the guests from all walks of life who came to watch the ceremony were taken aback by Yang Xuan’s great generosity.

This kind of generous gift actually came from a young man, especially since this young man doesn’t have much tyrannical aura, except for a slightly conspicuous white hair, it is almost like a mortal.

Among the people, only Si Kongao and Nangong Bingyue knew that the person who gave the gift was who are you.

“Two people, I am going to find the way. I can’t stay for long. We meet in the mountains and rivers, so don’t pass it.”

Yang Xuan came and went in a hurry, killing some peeping on the way. He looked at his treasure’s crumbs, and continued his journey of searching.

Inquiring, seeking, thinking, proving, he has a passion for the landscape, but has not seen the world, he has forgotten his love in the world, he eats and drinks when he needs to eat, he kills when he wants to kill, everything is what he wants, the cultivation base will soon be Has reached the peak of Huadao, only one step away from Transcendent Realm.

Transcendence is a state of mind, and it is also the First Transformation of Fleshy Body and Divine Soul.

Transcendent Realm cultivator, every move is in line with the way, surpassing innumerable living beings, Leike Heavenspan.

Yang Xuan has a strong Dao heart, and his mood tends to perfection. The bottleneck of Transcendent Realm can’t keep him trapped for too long. He has a feeling that he can step into this realm at any time. It’s just an opportunity.

For this, he came to Primordial Chaos Great World and Donghuang Great World successively.

Primordial Chaos Great World, the birthplace of Fengshen Lang Jun, where his lover is buried.

Yang Xuan stood in front of this person’s tombstone and personally buried the remains of Fengshen Langjun on one side.

He should have come here a long time ago, but he was helpless with everything, but he has not been able to do what he wanted. Now he came here, but he had a worry. The bottleneck of Transcendent Realm also appeared faintly. It was a little loose.

In this regard, Yang Xuan unemotional, after a short stay, he tossed around for several months, and finally came to the former site of the Great World Void God Church of the Eastern Emperor.

Void God sect, located in the main realm of the Great World, the Great prestigious families in the Primordial Age.

The years have passed. This Great Sect was turned into ruins as early as 100,000 years ago.

Yang Xuan then, he wanted to return the big Void Technique, but he ran for nothing.

But it doesn’t matter. He always wants to be ashamed of his heart. Since the Void God teaching has long been destroyed, he won’t think too much.

With this thought, he suddenly realized that his thoughts were well understood, and his cultivation base entered the Transcendent Realm as a matter of course.

He cultivation all the way, this time the promotion of the cultivation base is definitely the easiest time, only 5 minutes of effort, his fleshy body and Divine Soul, completed the transformation.

At this moment, he is like that bright moon hanging in the air, and like a banished immortal coming to the world.

Every inch of skin seems to be non-human, crystal clear as jade, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, with outstanding style, with a breath of Saint.

Transcendent Saint refers to the Transcendent Realm. In the immortal realm, the immortal dao Great Saint is revered as the saint, while in the mortal realm, the Transcendent Realm cultivator is revered as the Saint.

The difference between the two is only one word, but the strength is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

Chapter 1424 Donghuangjie

“Calculating the time, it’s only a few decades before I left Divine-Martial Continent that’s all.”

“In less than a hundred years, from Dao Realm breakthrough to Transcendent Realm, becoming a Saint of aloof and remote, this speed is not unpleasant.”

Besides feelings, Yang Xuan also understands. , My own cultivation base is nothing, there is still a long way to go.

Compared with mortals, the lifespan of a cultivator is undoubtedly much longer.

For a cultivator of profound realm, dozens of hundreds of years are like a dream.

For monasticism, it often takes a lifetime to complete and apply.

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